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Mauritania at 60
2020 - Dietz, A.J.; Ehrhardt, D.W.L.; Veldkamp, F.
2. |
Autonomy within entanglements: Illegalised migrants, the EU border regime, and the political economy of Nouadhibou, Mauritania
2022 - Ould Moctar, Hassan
3. |
Chapter 18: Mauritania
2017 - Blalack, July Scott
4. |
Diagnóstico comparativo del funcionamiento y la productividad del regadío en el Valle del rio Senegal en mauritania.Opciones de mejora
- Mateos Íñiguez, Luciano
5. |
Las colonias y municipios de la Mauritania Tingitana
2018 - Mueden, Rachid
6. |
Las mujeres y el culto imperial en el Occidente Mediterráneo. (Galia, Hispania y Mauritania)
2018 - Mirón Pérez, María Dolores
7. |
Mauritania at 60
2020 - Dietz, A.J.; Ehrhardt, D.W.L.; Veldkamp, F.
8. |
Mauritania tras la primavera árabe: Posicionamiento de Tawassoul en las elecciones de 2013
9. |
El camino de los lenguajes asociativos en Mauritania: La diversidad cultural como instrumento
10. |
Contemporary Chattel Slavery in Mauritania - The Haratine pursuance for social equality
2019 - van der Velden, Niels
11. |
De Romeinse verdediging van Mauritania
2019 - Boekel, Steven
12. |
A gap analysis of SDG 3 and MDG 4/5mortality health targets in the six Arabic countries of North Africa: Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco, and Mauritania.
2019 - Bjegovic-Mikanovic, Vesna; Abousbie, Zeyad Ali Salem; Breckenkamp, Jürgen; Wenzel, Helmut; Broniatowski, Raphael; Nelson, Chase; Vukovic, Dejana; Laaser, Ulrich
13. |
Urban Informality and the Boundaries of Belonging: Notes on Ethnicity, Nationality and Class in Nouakchott, Mauritania
2019 - Ould Moctar, Hassan
14. |
A critical examination of theoretical and methodological approaches to low-income country labour markets: A case study of Mauritania.
2010 - Pontara, Nicola
15. |
What is the link between statelessness and the Sahrawi population and to what extent do Algeria, Mauritania, Morocco and Spain comply with International law to reduce and prevent statelessness of the Sahrawi population?: the involvement of Algeria, Mauritania, Morocco and Spain in the creation of statelessness amongst the Sahrawi population
2018 - Chakor, F.
16. |
Constructing a Human Rights Campaign: Contemporary Slavery in Mauritania
2017 - Rütti, André
17. |
Democracia, islamicidad y tribalismo en Mauritania
2007 - Rebstock, Ulrich
18. |
Mauritania: after 1960
2017 - Dietz, A.J.
19. |
Mauritania: (part 1: 1906-1922)
2017 - Dietz, A.J.
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Mauritania (part 3: 1940-1960)
2017 - Dietz, A.J.
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Mauritania (part 2: 1922-1940)
2017 - Dietz, A.J.
22. |
Responsalidad compartida: el rol de la composición de la diya en la resolución jurídica de los accidentes de circulación en la Mauritania contemporánea
2016 - Alonso Cabré, Marta
23. |
Hidden measures of denationalization: a case study of the Dominican Republic, Mauritania and Syria
2015 - Blackstone, K.
24. |
Hidden measures of denationalization: a case study of the Dominican Republic, Mauritania and Syria
2015 - Blackstone, K.
25. |
Rural labour markets and agricultural wage employment in semi-arid Africa: evidence from Senegal and Mauritania
2015 - Oya, Carlos
26. |
El mundo del arte contemporáneo en Mauritania: encuentros y desencuentros entre los artistas locales, la sociedad mauritana y las comunidades extranjeras
2014 - Nucci, Francesca
27. |
Beyond the 'genius of suffering': the paradox of an alienated border regime - refugee integration in cross-border Dagana (Senegal-Mauritania)
2013 - Tandia, Aboubakr
28. |
Unaccompanied Young Migrants from Africa: The Case of Mauritania
2013 - Tanon, Fabienne; Sow, Abdoulaye
29. |
Stranded in Mauritania: sub-saharian migrants in a post transit context
2013 - Choplin, A.; Lombard, Jérôme
30. |
Migrants, borders and labour regimes in Mauritania: between militarisation and mobility
2013 - Cross, Hannah
31. |
Unaccompanied Migrant Minors from Africa: The case of Mauritania
2010 - Tanon, Fabienne; Sow, Abdoulaye
32. |
Geographic Information System for Integrated Coastal Zone Management in developing countries: cases studies in Mauritania, Côte d'Ivoire, Guinea-Bissau and Morocco
2010 - Gourmelon, Françoise; Robin, Marc; Maanan, Mohamed; Georis Creuseveau, Jade; Pennober, Gwenaelle; Simao Da Silva, Alfredo; Zourarah, Bendahhou; Affian, Kouadio; Houhouot, Célestin; Pottier, Patrick
33. |
2008 - Taine-Cheikh, Catherine
34. |
Colonizing the Mahadra: Language, Identity, and Power in Mauritania Under French Control
2007 - Pettigrew, Erin
35. |
Democracia, islamicidad y tribalismo en Mauritania
2007 - Rebstock, Ulrich
36. |
Democracy, islamicity and tribalism in Mauritania
2007 - Rebstock, Ulrich
37. |
Pelagic Project Mauritania 2005-2006
2007 - Heessen, H.J.L.; Tjoe-Awie, P.J.; Haan, D., de; Ybema, M.S.
38. |
Famine and Democracy in Mauritania
2006 - Holden, S.F.
39. |
An investigation of seasonal and annual catches and discards of the Dutch pelagic freezer-trawlers in Mauritania, Northwest Africa
2006 - Hofstede, R., ter; Dickey-Collas, M.
40. |
Evaluation of hydro-acoustic research at IMROP, Mauritania November 2005
2006 - Ybema, M.S.
41. |
"Official" Islam in Post-9/11 Mauritania
2005 - ISIM
42. |
Trade matters!: fisheries in Senegal and Mauritania
2005 - Gaag, P. van der; Creyghton, R.; Sunyé, J.; Verwer, S.; Nassau, C. van; Scholte, P.; Königel, C.; Hartogh, H.; Ilge, B.; Corten, A.; Lankester, K.; Diouf, P.S.; Vries, L. de
43. |
Etude des variations de la biomasse du thiof () sur les côtes de Mauritanie. Influence de facteurs hydrodynamiques et climatiques
2005 - Ould Telmidi, M.
44. |
Mission Report Mauritania: Consultancy on Implementation of a Shellfish Quality monitoring Programme
2004 - Poelman, M.
45. |
Etude comparative des lipides de la boutargue du mulet à grosse tête (, linné 1758) de l'océan Atlantique: Nouakchott (Mauritanie) et de la mer Méditerranée: Tunis (Tunisie)
2004 - Beddih, M.L.O.A.; El Cafsi, M.; Marzouk, B.; Zarrouk, K.; Romdhane, M.S.
46. |
Actual and potential salt-related soil degradation in an irrigated rice scheme in the Sahelian zone of Mauritania
2003 - Asten, P.J.A., van; Barbi'ro, L.; Wopereis, M.C.S.; Maeght, J.L.; Zee, S.E.A.T.M., van der
47. |
Catch composition of the EU pelagic fleet in Mauritania during the year 2002: results of the Scientific Observer Program
2003 - Hofstede, R., ter
48. |
Coastal and Marine Ecosystems-- Mauritania
2003 -
49. |
2002 - De Baets, Antoon
50. |
Rapport de la septième rencontre de travail IMROP/IEO pour l'étude des pêcheries de crustacés
2002 - IMROP; IEO
51. |
Fisheries access in West Africa. Proceedings of two workshops held in Senegal and Mauritania
2002 -
52. |
Brotherhoods and Gender Relations in Mauritania
2001 - Ould Cheikh, A. W.
53. |
Integrated Framework For Technical Assistance For Trade Development In Least Developed Countries - Mauritania
2001 - Ataman Aksoy, M.
54. |
Evolution des captures et de l'effort de pêche des flottilles industrielles de petits pélagiques dans la zone économique exclusive mauritanienne (1991-1999)
2001 - Ould Taleb Ould Sidi, M.M.
55. |
Traditional 'Men of Religion' and Political Power in Mauritania
1999 - Boubrik, R.
56. |
Mauritania - the other apartheid?
1993 - Diallo, Garba
57. |
Evaluation des stocks et des pêcheries mauritaniens: voies de développement et d'amenagement
1993 - CNROP
58. |
Conflicts over land and the crisis of nationalism in Mauritania
1991 - Park, Thomas Kerlin; Baro, Mamadou; Ngaido, Tidiane
59. |
Seiches en Mauritanie. Biométrie de Sepia officinalis et S. bertheloti. Reproduction et distribution de Sepia officinalis
1990 - Inejih, C.A.O.
60. |
Homeward bound: problems waders face when migrating form the Banc d' Arguin, Mauritania, to their northern breeding grounds in spring.
1990 - Ens, B.J.; Piersma, T.; Wolff, W.J.; Zwarts, L.
61. |
Quelques aspects des migrations de pêcheurs du secteur artisanal maritime en Mauritanie
1990 - Diop, H.; Thiam, I.
62. |
Description des points de débarquement de la pêche artisanale mauritanienne
1990 - Diop, H.
63. |
Evaluation par chalutage des stocks démersaux du plateau continental mauritanien en 1987 et 1988
1990 - Girardin, M.
64. |
Optimalisation des prélèvements de la température moyenne mensuelle de surface aux stations côtières: «Bayadère » et « Gazelle » (Mauritanie)
1990 - Dobrovine, B.; Ould Dedah, S.
65. |
La pêche artisanale en Mauritanie: Résultats des enquêtes cadres de l'année 1989
1990 - Diop, H.; Ould Mohamed Vall, M.
66. |
La langouste rose Palinurus mauritanicus de Mauritanie: Biologie, pêche et état du stock
1990 - Diop, M.; Kojemiakine, A.
67. |
Les crevettes en Mauritanie, biologie et pêche
1989 - Diop, M.
68. |
Contribution à l'analyse d'intensité de l'upwelling près du Cap Blanc (Mauritanie) à partir des températures d'eau de la station « standard » Bayadère
1989 - Loktionov, Y.
69. |
Bulletin des statistiques de pêche en ZEE de la République Islamique de Mauritanie en 1987
1989 - Damiano, A.; Foucher, E.
70. |
La pêche industrielle des espèces pélagiques côtières en Mauritanie de 1979 à 1985 - Deuxième partie: la Pêche au chalut pélagique
1988 - Josse, E.
71. |
Evolution et activité des principales flottilles industrielles démersales en Mauritanie depuis 1980
1988 - Girardin, M.
72. |
Moorish village irrigation schemes in southern Mauritania.
1988 - de Wit, W.
73. |
Note sur l'exploitation expérimentale de la praire () en Baie du Lévrier (Mauritanie)
1988 - Diop, M.
74. |
Observations d'oiseaux marins au large de la Mauritanie
1988 - Campredon, P.
75. |
La praire () à l'Ouest du Banc d'Arguin (Mauritanie): évaluation des stocks et dynamique des populations.
1988 - Diop, M.
76. |
Biologie et dynamique des populations d'Anchois (Engraulis encrasicolus) des côtes mauritaniennes.
1988 - Ba, I.S.
77. |
Cours des Maures, A Market Specializing in Goods Traded between Mauritania and Senegal
1981 - Klebba
78. |
Irrigation performance before and after rehabilitation of a representative, small irrigation scheme besides the Senegal River, Mauritania
- Mateos, Luciano; Lozano, David; Baghil, Ahmed Baba Ould; Diallo, Oumar Abdoul; Gómez-Macpherson, Helena; Comas, Jordi; Connor, David
79. |
Cost Recovery in Mauritania: Initial Lessons from Reform.
80. |
Salesman Selling Silver Jewelry from Mauritania
- Peterson