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University access, inclusion and social justice |
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http://ahero.uwc.ac.za/index.php?module=cshe&action=viewtitle&id=cshe_967 |
2012 |
Hlalele, D; Alexander, G. |
University access programmes inherently and inevitably provide students with a 'label'. Firstly, students are generally segregated and stigmatised as they are treated as a separate group that accessed university somewhat 'illegitimately'. Access programmes generally place more emphasis on academic development and in so doing seem to undermine the importance of inclusivity. Even though evidence suggests that these concerted efforts at 'pulling out' students in order to ensure that they learn in homogeneous environments, the practice somewhat falls short of observing heterogeneity, and does, to some extent, not seem to employ inclusive practices. We therefore argue that inclusion poses a social justice challenge to university access programmes. Through the social critique lens, we challenge stereotypes associated with university access programmes in accordance with critical intellectual enterprises. Critical intellectual enterprises require that we constantly re-evaluate, not only our social institutions, but also the terms that we use to describe our very existence. |
Access, Access to Higher Education, Success Rate, Inclusion, Higher Education, South Africa |
Contributory Studies and Research Approaches |
English |
Type of publication
Journal Article (Peer Reviewed) |
Pdf |
Cape Town - AHERO, University of Western Cape
Added to C-A: 2014-01-06;10:28:44 |
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