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The oral health status of Xhosa speaking adults in Crossroads |
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http://hdl.handle.net/11394/9058 |
1989 |
Myburgh, Neil |
Cohen, Bertram |
Magister Chirurgiae Dentium (MChD) - There is an absence of both dental services and systematic planning to meet the oral health needs of the Black* population ~f greater Cape Town. Little epidemiological data exists upon which such planning can be based. This study describes the prevalence and treatment need related to tooth decay and periodontal disease ofaXhosa-speaking* squatter community on the outskirts of Cape Town. An age and sex stratified sample of 290 adults attending the SACLA clinic in Crossroads were examined. Examiner variability was measured by a percentage intra-examiner agreement for the DMFT of 95% and for the CPITN 84%. Cohen's kappa statistic, for tooth-specific caries detection errors
was k = 0.877. The mean DMFT was 11.8 and varied little with sex or age below 55 years. After this age, the DMFT climbs steeply due largely
to the rapid increase in the M value (missing teeth). The results show that for every tooth needing to be extracted, two teeth per subject required a restoration. Only three subjects already had some restorations. Periodontal health was reflected by a high prevalence of
calculus (TN2 = 99%; MNS = 5.2) for the whole sample. Deep pockets were detected in 13% of those aged between 15 and 29 years, but only at a relatively low intensity (MNS = 0.1). This prevalence reached a high 60% for those aged between 45 and 64 years (MNS = 1.7). All subjects require oral hygiene instruction and gross scaling in at least four sextants, according to CPITN criteria. In conclus~on it is noted that there is a shortage of relevant epidemiological information necessary to the planning of oral health services to improve the oral health of the
Xhosa-speaking community in the Western Cape. Caries prevalence rates are already high in young adults and a high tooth mortality rate and an absence of fillings, suggests that extraction is the only form of treatment made available to this community. The absence of appropriate prevention strategies such as water fluoridation is reflected in these results. The existence of small amounts of severe periodontal disease
in young adults is of concern. The high prevalence of mild (and preventable) periodontal disease, seems to reflect a low awareness of the condition and/or a lack of resources to control it. It is no coincidence that such poor oral health was observed in this, a poor, peri-urban squatter community. This study, serves as a sad reminder of the maldistribution of oral health and socia-economic resources in South Africa. The socia-economic and political character of this community is reflected by the epidemiological picture of oral health observed in the study. It is clear that further data must be collected, especially a clear assessment of community-expressed needs. Active planning must take place urgently to integrate oral health with Primary Health Care to rectify the serious misuse and maldistribution of oral health resources required to improve the oral health of this population. |
Cape Town; Crossroads; Epidemiological; Xhosa-speaking; Aetiology; Actinomyces; EikenelIa; Streptococcus; Fusobacterium; VeillonelIa; Treponema |
en |
University of the Western Cape |
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University of the Western Cape |
Cape Town - Theses and Dissertations, University of Western Cape
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