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Assessing the challenges faced by people with disabilities in Namibia's state owned enterprises |
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http://hdl.handle.net/11070/3290 |
2022 |
Paulus, Josef N. |
A thesis submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree Master of Business Administration (Public Sector Management) - Visual impairment is the term experts use to describe any kind of vision loss, whether it is someone who cannot see at all or someone who has partial vision loss. In this regard, it is considered the second most common disability for middle-age and older adults. It can result from a number of things such as macular degeneration, cataracts, diabetic retinopathy, glaucoma, age-related eye diseases, strokes, and accidents. Thus, employees who are visually impaired face a number of hurdles in their efforts to earn a living and put their skills to good use. It is hence the intent of this study to assess the challenges faced by people with disabilities in Namibia's State Owned Enterprises. Numerous literature in regards to the challenges faced were consulted and reviewed for this study. The study employed a qualitative research approach, with the population of the study being nine visually impaired people. The sample size for this research was nine interviewees which were purposively selected to form part of the sample. Data from interviews and document analysis were analysed using content analysis. Themes were grouped together and analysed. A structured interview guide was used to gather primary information. Results from the study indicated that employers are hesitant to hire people with visual impairments, and are quite harsh when interviewing people with visual impairments. Furthermore, participants in this study indicated that a lack of co-worker support was disempowering and discouraging them. Thus, the study concluded that employers and co-workers must be open-minded, provide better transportation systems and mobility training, and provide suitable accommodations, support, and supply appropriate assistive devices to the visually impaired people in order to perform their duties effectively. |
Disability; State owned enterprises; Visual Impairment |
en |
University of Namibia |
Type of publication
Thesis |
Windhoek - University of Namibia
Added to C-A: 2022-10-17;09:08:51 |
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