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Food systems resilience dialogue and pathway development: Eastern Equatoria State - South Sudan |
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https://research.wur.nl/en/publications/food-systems-resilience-dialogue-and-pathway-development-eastern- |
2023 |
van Uffelen, Gerrit-Jan; Kaut, Julius; Ngalamu, Tony; Debons, Pascal; Chapman, Charles |
Food systems in Eastern Equatoria State, South Sudan, are in dire crisis because of multiple shocks and stressors, persisting conflict and violence, climate change, and natural resource deterioration. However, building upon South Sudan's National Food Systems Dialogue ample opportunities exist to build food systems resilience in EE through strengthening the capacity of people to produce and access nutritious and culturally acceptable food over time and space in the face of natural and/or man-made shocks and stressors. This report provides a rationale for building food systems resilience in South Sudan by introducing its concept and operationalisation (part 1 of this report), presenting the main findings of the food systems resilience dialogue that took place in EE State (part 2), and introducing the main pathways identified to build food systems resilience in the State (part 3). Food systems approaches are increasingly seen as a way forward to develop sustainable food systems in protracted food crisis as highlighted by the UN Food Systems Summit, the Global Network Against Food Crises and the Fighting Food Crises along the Nexus Coalition. It is therefore most opportune to act now by investing in an urgently needed transformation towards equitable, inclusive, and sustainable food systems for improved outcomes, in particular food and nutrition security in protracted food crises contexts. For South Sudan this means, in line with the outcomes of its National Food Systems Dialogue, to address four strategic challenges to transform the country's food systems: 1) strengthening the resilience of food systems in face of current and future shocks and stressors; 2) developing food systems that contribute to social cohesion and peace; 3) ensuring that food systems are based on sustainable use and management of natural resources and produce healthier diets, and; 4) promoting sustainable food supply systems through inclusive value chains and agribusinesses with an eye on youth employment. Governance of food systems takes place at multiple levels and scales but transformation of local food systems will only succeed if communities, civil society organisations, small producers, farmers, and indigenous groups ' with their local knowledge, and lived-in experiences ' can shape how food is governed. The EE's Food Systems Resilience Dialogue & Pathway Development (FoSReD-PaD) provides an approach to strengthen local governance of food systems for improved food systems resilience and outcomes. The State-Level Dialogue envisaged a total of nine pathways which together form a roadmap to transform EE's food systems to become more resilient; better serve the needs of all stakeholders (in particular smallholder farmers/agri-pastoralists and herders); and improve food and nutrition outcomes for all. |
Life Science |
en |
Wageningen Centre for Development Innovation |
https://edepot.wur.nl/585759 |
Type of publication
info:eu-repo/semantics/report; External research report; info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion |
application/pdf |
info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess; https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/; info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess; https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/; Wageningen University & Research |
10.18174/585759 |
Wageningen - University of Wageningen
Added to C-A: 2023-04-26;10:15:57 |
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