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An analysis of the impact of reduced donor funding on sustainability of Namibia network of aids service organisations (NANASO) |
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http://hdl.handle.net/11070/3755 |
2023 |
Lishoni, Bestinah Wanga |
A thesis submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of master of science in accounting and finance - The aim of this study was to analyse the impact of reduced funding on sustainability of
the projects carried out by NGOs in Namibia. The sub objectives of the study was to
analyse the impact of reduced level of financing by donors on the project sustainability of
NANASO in Namibia, to analyse the impact of stakeholder participation on the project
sustainability of NANASO in Namibia and finally to determine ways in which NANASO
can become financially sustainable in the event of donor reduced funding. This study is
significant to NANASO, other NGOs, the government, public and private sector, as well
as researchers as it intends to identify the outcomes of reduced donor funding on NGO
project sustainability. Sustainability of NANASO and other NGOs is crucial as their
objectives and activities contributes to the reduction of the HIV/AIDS pandemic in the
community. The findings of this study will also serve as a basis for future research in the
same line of study. The research design for this study was descriptive research design and
was deemed suitable as it reported the situation as it is without changing any variables of
the impact of reduced funding and sustainability of NGOs. The approach used to collect
data for this study was a quantitative one. Probability sampling in the form of multi stage
sampling was used to select the sample for the study from the population. Data was
collected using questionnaires having both open and closed ended questions. Quantitative
data was analysed through inferential statistics using the Statistical Packages for Social
Sciences (SPSS). The findings of the study revealed that reduced donor funding has a
negative impact on project sustainability as it impacts on the adequacy of resources needed
for the project and on the attainment of objectives as there will be limited financial
resources. It was recommended that to ensure project sustainability after reduced funding,
NANASO should consider collaboration with other NGOs and also working closely with
various stakeholders from both the public and private sectors |
Donor funding; Project sustainability; Stakeholders |
en |
University of Namibia |
Type of publication
Thesis |
Windhoek - University of Namibia
Added to C-A: 2023-11-06;08:56:42 |
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