Number of records: 1348 |
| | Record 1 - 100 | | |
| Title |
1. | Revisiting the Maml@k empire: political action, relationships of power, entangled networks, and the sultanate of Cairo in late medieval Syro-Egypt
2. | Afrikaanse letterkunde: tradities, genres, auteurs en ontwikkelingen
3. | The views of migrant health workers living in Austria and Belgium on return migration to sub-Saharan Africa
4. | Environmental impacts and causes of conflict in the Horn of Africa: a review
5. | The development syndrome: post-war housing and residential segregation in French Dakar (Senegal): building and contesting the SICAP housing schemes in the late colonial period (1951-1960)
6. | Shell and glass beads from the tombs of Kindoki, Mbanza Nsundi, Lower Congo
7. | Human resources for health in Botswana: the results of in-country database and reports analysis
8. | Food safety management systems in the East African Community: empirical evidence from the fresh produce sector in Kenya and Uganda
9. | Étude des restes humains de Kindoki (République démocratique du Congo, fin XVIIe'début XIXe siècle)
10. | Treatment of malaria and related symptoms using traditional herbal medicine in Ethiopia
11. | Community-supported models of care for people on HIV treatment in sub-Saharan Africa
12. | The Past in the Present. How is the colonial past represented in contemporary news coverage? DR Congo on Belgium and vice versa.
13. | Inequity in costs of seeking sexual and reproductive health services in India and Kenya
14. | Contraceptive method choice among women in slum and non-slum communities in Nairobi, Kenya
15. | Effect of a 'diagonal' intervention on uptake of HIV and reproductive health services by female sex workers in three sub-Saharan African cities
16. | Revisiting the façade of Marché Kermel: a tripartite invented tradition
17. | Status assessment and roadmap for improvement of food safety management systems in Africa: the case of Tanzania
18. | Une archéologie des provinces septentrionales du royaume Kongo
19. | Assessing current and future meat and fish consumption in Sub-Sahara Africa: learnings from FAO Food Balance Sheets and LSMS household survey data
20. | Quality of maternal and infant care in sub-Saharan Africa: challenges and opportunities
21. | Extending the Developmental Milestones Checklist for use in a different context in Sub-Saharan Africa
22. | Mobile phone adoption in agri-food sector: are farmers in Sub-Saharan Africa connected?
23. | Speech characteristics after palatal closure in subjects with isolated clefts: an exploration in Uganda
24. | Why sub-Saharan African health workers migrate to European countries that do not actively recruit: a qualitative study post-migration
25. | Diaspora engagement of African migrant health workers: examples from five destination countries
26. | African cities and violent conflict: the urban dimension of conflict and post conflict dynamics in Central and Eastern Africa
27. | A grammar of Fwe: a Bantu language of Zambia and Namibia
28. | Sexual violence and sub-Saharan migrants in Morocco: a community-based participatory assessment using respondent driven sampling
29. | The Bantu Expansion
30. | Human resources for primary health care in sub-Saharan Africa: progress or stagnation?
31. | The reconstruction of subsistence-related vocabulary in Proto-West Coastal Bantu
32. | Towards a new type of dictionary for Swahili
33. | Policies, people, projects school building as development aid in postcolonial Sub-Saharan Africa
34. | État et nation: le sentiment d'appartenance socio-politique des populations frontalières du Zaïre de 1960 à 1990
35. | Universality of human rights: a defence of the importance of human rights in Africa
36. | 17th to 19th century European glass beads from Mbanza Kongo (Angola): composition and technology
37. | Tracing Topoi: Causality in Witch Construction, Divination and Sukuma Magic
38. | Globalisation outcomes and the real output in the sub-Saharan Africa LICs: a cointegration analysis
39. | From America to Africa: how Kongo nobility made smoking pipes their own
40. | Gabon: 100 000 ans d'histoire
41. | Economische betrekkingen tussen industrie en ontwikkelingslanden, hun maatschappelijke en economische veranderingen onder invloed van technologietransfer en vernieuwing (voorbeeld: Togo)
42. | World Bank policies and the obligation of its members to respect, protect and fulfil the right to health
43. | Impact of a 'diagonal' intervention on uptake of sexual and reproductive health services by female sex workers in Mozambique: a mixed-methods implementation study
44. | Statistics versus livelihoods: questioning Rwanda's pathway out of poverty
45. | The 'green militarisation' of development aid: the European Commission and the Virunga National Park, DR Congo
46. | Communities' practices of promoting sexual and reproductive health and other knowledge in Mozambique
47. | Public authority and conservation in areas of armed conflict: Virunga National Park as a 'State within a State' in Eastern Congo
48. | Commercial land deals and the interactions between investors and local people: evidence from western Ethiopia
49. | A grammar of Cuwabo (Mozambique, Bantu P34)
50. | Melodic H tones in Emakhuwa and Ecuwabo verbs
51. | Locative enclitics in Cuwabo
52. | Urbanizing Kitchanga: spatial trajectories of the politics of refuge in North Kivu, Eastern Congo
53. | L'étude des interdits chez les Mongo de Basankusu: la dialectique entre l'éthique Bantu et la morale chrétienne coloniale
54. | 'Introduction: mobile margins and the dynamics of communication'
55. | Commerce d'Afrique et traite négrière dans les Pays-Bas autrichiens
56. | Partisan identity politics in post-war Burundi
57. | From rural rebellion to urban uprising? A socio-spatial perspective on Bujumbura's conflict history
58. | From conditionality to modality in Luganda (Bantu, JE15): a synchronic and diachronic corpus analysis of the verbal prefix -andi-
59. | Thanks God that I am still lesbian and healthy: civil society and sexual rights in Mozambique
60. | Communications strategies of adolescents sexual and reproductive health programmes in Mozambique: cultural challenges
61. | Ogam, 'Egyptian', 'African' and 'Gothic' alphabets: some remarks in connection with codex Bernensis 207 (1)
62. | Werelderfgoed onder vuur. Verhalen over de bescherming van archeologische sites in Libië
63. | Segregating circulation in urban landmarks of colonial health, a spatial lecture of three post-war hospitals in Belgian-Congo.
64. | ''Remembering Nyerere: political rhetoric and dissent in contemporary Tanzania'.
65. | The Vulnerability of Judges in Contemporary Africa:
66. | Implementing REDD plus: learning from forest conservation policy and social safeguards frameworks in Cameroon
67. | Nomadic furniture in the 'Heart of Darkness': colonial and postcolonial trajectories of modern design artifacts to and from tropical Africa
68. | Commoners in the process of gradual Islamization: reexamining their role in the light of evidence from Southeast Tanzania
69. | 'Rural Islamism during the 'war on terror': a Tanzanian case study'
70. | Introduction: 'Performing citizenship and enacting exclusion on Africa's Indian Ocean littoral'
71. | 'Traders, big men and prophets: political continuity and crisis in the Maji Maji rebellion in Southeast Tanzania'
72. | Diversity in African languages: selected papers from the 46th Annual Conference on African Linguistics
73. | Reenacting modernist time: William Kentridge's the refusal of time
74. | Assessing current and future meat and fish consumption in Sub-Sahara Africa: Learnings from FAO Food Balance Sheets and LSMS household survey data
75. | The ecology of mobile phone use in Wesbank, South Africa
76. | Questions de datation et d'origine: les médailles chrétiennes et les crucifix trouvés lors de fouilles archéologiques en République démocratique du Congo
77. | Improvement of traditional manufacturing of sorghum beer (Mtama) in Tanzania
78. | Interventie in de Centraal Afrikaanse Republiek: het eerste succesverhaal voor R2P?
79. | Bantu applicative construction types involving *-Id: form, functions and diachrony
80. | Describing MoÌ€oÌ€reÌ: a language of Burkina Faso
81. | Persons living with physical disabilities in the return process in Northern Uganda
82. | As the body must appear: Contemporary performances in post-Marikana South Africa
83. | The counterinsurgency/conservation nexus: guerrilla livelihoods and the dynamics of conflict and violence in the Virunga National Park, Democratic Republic of the Congo
84. | Completing the Constitutional Architecture - A Comparative Analysis of Sub-National Constitutions in Ethiopia
85. | Reflections on the Nexus between Human Rights and Development in the Ethiopian Constitution
86. | 'Patriarchal masculinity in recent Swahili-language Muslim sermons'
87. | A corpus-based description of locative and non-locative reference in Kirundi locative enclitics
88. | Monopolizing versus competing development experts: designing the capitols of Kinshasa (Congo) and Dodoma (Tanzania) in the post-independence years.
89. | Dynamics of the North-South Capital Flows or Rise of South-South Land Deals? Features of Land Acquisition in Ethiopia
90. | Disrupting Johannesburg Pride: Gender, race, and class in the LGBTI movement in South Africa
91. | Urban space as a tool for control and counteraction, the Kenya-neighbourhood in colonial Congo
92. | Frans Huyzendveld, Die ostafrikanische Schweiz: Plantages, planters en plattelandsontwikkeling in West-Usambara, Oost-Afrika, ca. 1870-1930
93. | Mapping Belgian-Congo's landscapes of medical architecture: public health policies in a colonie modèle.
94. | Paul Hare, Angola's last best chance for peace. An insider's account of the peace process
95. | Landevaluatie in Noord-Algerije op basis van kleinschalige kaarten
96. | Water resource developments in Ethiopia: potential benefits and negative impacts on the environment, vector-borne diseases, and food security
97. | Grandmother's footsteps: oral tradition and south-east Angolan narratives on the colonial encounter
98. | Bury my bones, but keep my words: geschiedenis en oraliteit in Afrika
99. | Mobile phones in mobile margins: communication, mobility and social hierarchies in / from Africa
100. | Kikuyu gender norms and narratives