Number of records: 1348 |
| | Record 101 - 200 | | |
| Title |
101. | The EU as an influencing force of east African community integration? An analysis of local stakeholders{\textquoteright} perceptions and the study of consent
102. | Het gevecht om Mau Mau: censuur en geschiedenis in Kenia
103. | Ethnography and literature: troubled waters and Eharo lyahompa by Joseph Diescho
104. | Black memories. The Congolese describe the Belgian Congo 1940-1960
105. | Women-Led Non-Governmental Organizations and Peacebuilding in Rwanda
106. | Impacts of artisanal gold mining systems on soil and woody vegetation in the semi-arid environment of northern Ethiopia
107. | Afero de Espero
108. | La Esperanto-movado en Tanzanio kaj Togolando
109. | Scientific and indigenous knowledge in local (farmers') language: a case from Tigray, Ethiopia
110. | Exporting Prestressed Concrete to Africa. The Construction of the Bata 300 Shoe Factory in Kinshasa, DR Congo, 1962'1965
111. | Understanding child malnutrition in Ethiopia: Determinants of child caring practices, multiple anthropometric failures and seasonality of growth
112. | L'ambiguità del Terzo Mondo: il rimpianto drammatico di Pasolini
113. | Polycentric legal landscapes: a case study on Mozambique
114. | At the crossroads of theory and practice
115. | International actors and traditional justice in Africa
116. | From crisis to development: the policy and practice of agricultural service provision in northern Uganda
117. | Commercial land deals and the interactions between investors and local people: Evidence from western Ethiopia
118. | 'We want equality between women and women': an intersectional study of women's mobilization for justice and democracy in post-Ben Ali Tunisia
119. | A sketch of lower nyole tone
120. | From conditionality to modality in Luganda (Bantu, JE15): a synchronic and diachronic corpus analysis of the verbal prefix -andi-
121. | Evaluating audio computer assisted self-interviews in urban south African communities: evidence for good suitability and reduced social desirability bias of a cross-sectional survey on sexual behaviour
122. | Interculturalité et spectacle vivant: approche anthropologique du Nguon et du Ngondo au Cameroun
123. | Taxation, Stateness and Armed Groups: Public Authority and Resource Extraction in Eastern Congo
124. | Van rebellengroep naar politieke partij: de complexe erfenis van gewapend verzet in Burundi
125. | Commercial land deals and the interactions between investors and local people: Evidence from western Ethiopia
126. | Impact of Cooperatives on Smallholder Coffee Producers in Southwest Ethiopia
127. | The Hiplife zone: cultural transformational processes in African music seen from the angle of embodied music interactions
128. | Impossible to 'wean' when more aid is needed
129. | Leaving the beaten track: the EU regulation on conflict minerals
130. | Pompier-pyromanocracy: Mbusa Nyamwisi and the DR Congo's inflammable post-settlement political order
131. | The architecture of Nation-building in Africa as a Development Aid Project: designing the capital cities of Kinshasa (Congo) and Dodoma (Tanzania) in the post-independence years.
132. | Sailors and soldiers at the Cape: an analysis of the maritime and military population in the Cape Colony during the first half of the eighteenth century
133. | Nadia Bouras, Het land van herkomst: perspectieven op verbondenheid met Marokko, 1960-2010
134. | Changing practices and shifting meanings of female genital cutting among the Maasai of Arusha and Manyara regions of Tanzania
135. | International Encyclopedia of law-Religion: Ethiopia
136. | Trauma, daily stressors and coping in war-affected Eastern Congolese adolescents
137. | Empirical Investigation into Spatial Integration Without Direct Trade: Comparative Analysis Before and After the Establishment of the Ethiopian Commodity Exchange
138. | L'homme et son environnement au Gabon: premiers résultats archéologiques de l'année 1985
139. | Scenes of Amani, Tanzania: Biography of a postcolonial landscape
140. | The spirit's wish: possession trance and female power among the Punu of Congo-Brazzaville
141. | On dancing and fishing: joy and the celebration of fertility among the Punu of Congo-Brazzaville
142. | 'The bureaucratic performance of planning in colonial and post-colonial Tanzania'
143. | Obscuring and revealing: Muslim Engagement with volunteering and the aid sector in Tanzania
144. | 'Female seclusion in the aftermath of slavery on the Southern Swahili coast: transformations of slavery in unexpected places'
145. | The king's most eloquent campaigner... Emile de Laveleye, Leopold II and the creation of the Congo Free State
146. | R. Mantels, Geleerd in de tropen. Leuven, Congo & de wetenschap, 1885-1960, Leuven, Universitaire Pers Leuven, 2007, 351 p.
147. | Cent ans d'instrumentalisation de Léopold II, symbole controversé de la présence belge en Afrique centrale
148. | De 'Manuel du voyageur et du résident au Congo' en de voorbereiding op het dagelijkse leven in de Onafhankelijke Congostaat op het einde van de 19de eeuw
149. | Sexual and reproductive health research and research capacity strengthening in Africa: perspectives from the region
150. | Emile Adan en de introductie van reisinstructies voor de Belgische wetenschappelijke exploratie in Midden-Afrika
151. | Leopard-men of the Congo in literature and popular imagination
152. | Collections of the RMCA: headdresses from Central Africa
153. | Dealing with relational and social challenges after child soldiering: perspectives of formerly recruited youth and their communities in Northern Uganda
154. | The leopard men of the Eastern Congo (ca. 1890-1940): history and colonial representation
155. | The buzz about bees and poverty alleviation: Identifying drivers and barriers of beekeeping in sub-Saharan Africa
156. | Rythmomimisme et gestuelle dansée: danser à l'image des génies au Congo
157. | Concepts and tools for lexicography in the electronic age: a case study of dictionary compilation in South Africa
158. | The Spirit's Wish: Possession Trance and Female Power Among the Punu of Congo-Brazzaville
159. | Contemporary dynamics in Rwandan dances: identity, changing creativity and the globalisation of affect
160. | Determining the Kikongo variety of the oldest Bantu dictionary (1652)
161. | Power Talk: From Royal Kongo Words to Royal Kongo Origins
162. | A Diachronic Corpus for African Languages: The Exceptional Case of Kikongo
163. | A quantitative and spatial analytical study of micro-variation in the Kikongo language cluster
164. | Tense and aspect in Proto-Kikongo: A formal and semantic reconstruction
165. | On Dancing and Fishing: Joy and the Celebration of Fertility Among the Punu of Congo-Brazzaville
166. | Online Kiswahili (Swahili) ' English Dictionary
167. | Northern Sotho Part-of-Speech Tagger ' Demonstration system
168. | A corpus-driven analysis of the morphology, morphophonology and semantic import of the Lusoga noun
169. | An Analysis of the Oxford Bilingual School Dictionary: Northern Sotho and English
170. | Towards English - Swahili Machine Translation
171. | African Language Technology: the Data-Driven Perspective
172. | Les génies de l'eau et leur culte au Congo: recueil de chants punu
173. | Connaissance située et biais androcentrés: une étude ethnographique de danses féminines au Congo
174. | Flux, rencontres et émergences affectives: pratiques chantées et dansées chez les Punu du Congo-Brazzaville
175. | Corpus-based Phonetics from Below ' Proposals for a new approach to phonetic research, with special reference to Cilubà
176. | Taking Dictionaries for Bantu Languages into the New Millennium ' with special reference to Kiswahili, Sepedi and isiZulu
177. | Semi-Automatic Term Extraction for the African Languages, with special reference to Northern Sotho
178. | Metalexicographic Underpinnings of the Dictionary Application TshwaneLex
179. | 'J'irai avec toi': désirs et dynamiques du maternel dans les chants et les danses punu (Congo-Brazzaville)
180. | Transgression et décharge affective dans les chants funéraires des femmes punu (Congo-Brazzaville)
181. | Connaissance située et biais androcentrés: Une étude ethnographique de danses féminines au Congo
182. | 'Une joie qui ouvre l'esprit': L'affectivité comme concept clé dans une approche non dualiste des danses punu (Congo-Brazzaville).
183. | Pain, rhythm and relation: funerary lament among the punu of Congo-Brazzaville
184. | Donner corps au 'Nouveau Rwanda': danse et reconstruction post-génocidaire
185. | Possessions et dynamiques performatives: situer la transe comme temps de rencontre avec les génies (Punu, Congo-Brazzaville)
186. | Affect, creativity and community-making in a Congolese song-dance performance: or how to follow the movement of the social
187. | Rites, chants et danses de jumeaux chez les Punu du Congo-Brazzaville
188. | Agency et possessions féminines en Afrique: une évaluation critique
189. | Une joie qui ouvre l'esprit': l'affectivité comme concept clé dans une approche non-dualiste des danses punu (Congo-Brazzaville)
190. | Contemporary dynamics in Rwandan dances: identity, changing creativity and the globalisation of affect
191. | Community perceptions of people with disabilities in the North West region of Cameroon: what is the impact on their access to services?
192. | Colonial taxation in Africa: a fiscal history of the Congo through the lens of customs (1886-1914)
193. | Étude comparée de phytonymes, zoonymes et myconymes en nsong, ngong, mpiin, mbuun et hungan (Bandundu, RD Congo)
194. | Porridge deconstructed: a comparative linguistic approach to the history of staple starch food preparations in Bantuphone Africa
195. | Ethnicity, voting and the promises of the independence movement in Tanzania: the case of the 2010 general elections in Mwanza
196. | La condition juridique de la femme, et en particulier de la femme mariée, en droit congolais: application à la femme nande du Nord-Kivu (R.D. Congo)
197. | Analysis of relations between 'Equality of Life Chances' and 'Early Childhood Care and Education', as foundations for social justice and human development: a case study of Mauritius
198. | The emergence of family medicine in Africa
199. | Revisiting the first United Nations peacekeeping intervention in Egypt and the Gaza Strip, 1956-1967: a case of imperial multilateralism?
200. | Le théâtre africain et ses caractéristiques: analyse de quelques critères définitoires à travers le théâtre urbain kikongophone