Number of records: 693 |
| | Record 101 - 200 | | |
| Title |
101. | "The adventure is not easy." The Discretionary Politics of Social Suffering and Agency in Post-Deportation Narratives in Southern Mali
102. | Mobilität statt Exotus. Migration und Flucht in und aus Afrika
103. | Understanding the association between exposure to family planning messages and consistent condom use among never married men in Ghana
104. | Public health-relevant consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic on malaria in sub-Saharan Africa: a scoping review.
105. | Drugs Boosting Conflict? A Micro-Level Test of the Linkage Between Substance Use and Violence
106. | Ega
107. | Modelling gesture as speech: A linguistic approach
108. | Towards an unrestricted domain TTS system for African tone languages
109. | COVID-19 Pandemic Worsening Gender Inequalities for Women and Girls in Sub-Saharan Africa
110. | A multi-country analysis of the prevalence and factors associated with bullying victimisation among in-school adolescents in sub-Saharan Africa: evidence from the global school-based health survey
111. | International Migration Management for Poverty Reduction How can international collaboration turn cross-border migration into a poverty reduction tool?
112. | Growing up in times of change: Adolescents in post-conflict northern Uganda
113. | Design and Development of Part-of-Speech-Tagging Resources for Wolof (Niger-Congo, spoken in Senegal)
114. | Patterns of conflict-related trauma exposure and their relation to psychopathology: A person-centered analysis in a population-based sample from eastern DRC
115. | Prevalence and Factors Associated with the Triple Burden of Malnutrition among Mother-Child Pairs in Sub-Saharan Africa
116. | Factors Contributing to Violent Discipline in the Classroom: Findings From a Representative Sample of Primary School Teachers in Tanzania
117. | Which factors predict fertility intentions of married men and women? Results from the 2012 Niger Demographic and Health Survey
118. | Predictors of Pregnancy Termination among Young Women in Ghana: Empirical Evidence from the 2014 Demographic and Health Survey Data
119. | Africa's preparedness towards COVID-19 vaccines: Demand and acceptability challenges
120. | Determinants of Fruits and Vegetables Consumption among In-School Adolescents in Ghana
121. | Prevalence and Factors Associated with Hygiene Behaviours among In-School Adolescents in Ghana
122. | Emerging Norms? Namibian English(es) on YouTube
123. | Examining the relation between the subjective and objective social status with health reported needs and health-seeking behaviour in Dande, Angola
124. | Defining the Other to Masculinize Oneself: Syrian Men's Negotiations of Masculinity during Displacement in Egypt
125. | Becoming and 'Unbecoming' Refugees
126. | Masculinities and Displacement in the Middle East: Syrian Refugees in Egypt
127. | What Does It Mean to Be Young for Syrian Men Living as Refugees in Cairo?
128. | Constructions of Masculinities, Class and Refugee Status Among Syrian Refugee Men in Egypt
129. | Prevalence and Factors Associated with Interpersonal Violence among In-School Adolescents in Ghana: Analysis of the Global School-Based Health Survey Data
130. | The Joint Effect of Maternal Marital Status and Type of Household Cooking Fuel on Child Nutritional Status in Sub-Saharan Africa: Analysis of Cross-Sectional Surveys on Children from 31 Countries
131. | Mass Media Exposure and Safer Sex Negotiation among Women in Sexual Unions in Sub-Saharan Africa: Analysis of Demographic and Health Survey Data
132. | Mass Media Exposure and Safer Sex Negotiation among Women in Sexual Unions in Sub-Saharan Africa: Analysis of Demographic and Health Survey Data
133. | Child maltreatment, cognitive functions and the mediating role of mental health problems among maltreated children and adolescents in Uganda
134. | Factors Contributing to Violence Against Children: Insights From a Multi-informant Study Among Family-Triads From Three East-African Refugee Camps
135. | Mental health problems moderate the association between teacher violence and children's social status in East Africa: A multi-informant study combining self- and peer-reports.
136. | Child Marriage and Sexual Autonomy among Women in Sub-Saharan Africa: Evidence from 31 Demographic and Health Surveys
137. | Citizen science in South Africa: Rhetoric and reality
138. | Assessing the Determinants of the Wish to Die among the Elderly Population in Ghana
139. | Maternal healthcare utilization and full immunization coverage among 12-23months children in Benin: a cross sectional study using population-based data.
140. | Empirical linkages between female genital mutilation and multiple sexual partnership: evidence from the 2018 Mali and 2013 Sierra Leone Demographic and Health Surveys
141. | Welcome to Cape Town ' Experience the Difference(s)
142. | Anika Wilson. Folklore, Gender, and AIDS in Malawi. No Secret Under the Sun
143. | ''I am not dying of AIDS. I am living with AIDS.' Representations of the Body and HIV/AIDS in South African Literature
144. | Violence and Reconciliation in South African Teenage Fiction
145. | Teaching South Africa. Histories, Literatures, Cultures
146. | Antiretroviral AIDS Medication in South(ern) Africa ' a Treasure?
147. | Postcolonial Cultural Studies: Critical Perspectives on the 'New South Africa'
148. | Versuchszonen des Spätindustrialismus. Goldabbau in Südafrika - Experimental Zones of Late Industrialism Gold Mining in South Africa
149. | Bullying Victimization among In-School Adolescents in Ghana: Analysis of Prevalence and Correlates from the Global School-Based Health Survey
150. | Linking Female Adolescents' Knowledge, Attitudes and Use of Contraceptives to Adolescent Pregnancy in Ghana: A Baseline Data for Developing Sexuality Education Programmes
151. | Assessing sub-regional-specific strengths of healthcare systems associated with COVID-19 prevalence, deaths and recoveries in Africa
152. | Job Perceptions Contribute to Stress among Secondary School Teachers in Southwestern Uganda
153. | Mambingo ' Ein Kameruner in Düsseldorf
154. | Over the Water and across the Desert - Trans-Saharan Contacts of the Mediterranean World in the 6th and 5th Century BC
155. | The economics of transit: conditions for migrants and refugees in Indonesia and Libya
156. | Introduction
157. | Listening to Africa. Anglophone African literatures and cultures
158. | Postcolonial Cultural Studies. Writing a Zulu Woman back into History
159. | Beyond the Single Story. Kritisches kulturelles Lernen mit Texten nigerianischer Autorinnen
160. | South African Townships ' Narrating Poverty in Spatial Terms in Sindiwe Magona's Writing
161. | South African Short Stories in English
162. | Breaking the Silence. South African Representations of HIV/AIDS
163. | Negotiating 'Social Progress': German Planters, African Workers and Mandate Administrators in the British Cameroons (1925-1939)
164. | Post-war Colonial Administration (Africa)
165. | Ansprüche ohne Ende. Die deutsche Kolonialzeit in Kamerun war mit dem Ersten Weltkrieg noch längst nicht zu Ende
166. | Deutsche Plantagen in Britisch-Kamerun, 1925 bis 1940. Internationale Normen und lokale Realitäten in einem Völkerbundmandat
167. | Predictors of Anxiety-Induced Sleep Disturbance among in-School Adolescents in Ghana: Evidence from the 2012 Global School-Based Health Survey
168. | Africa's COVID-19 situation in focus and recent happenings: A mini review.
169. | 'It's not easy'. Everyday suffering, hard work and courage. Navigating masculinities post deportation in Mali
170. | 'Das Zentrum bewegt sich'. Aufsätze zur (ost-) afrikanischen Germanistik.
171. | Zur Etablierung von Schreibberatung an kamerunischen Universitäten. Eine empirische Untersuchung aus Perspektive studentischer Schreibberater*innen.
172. | Zur Förderung wissenschaftlicher Schreibkompetenz an kamerunischen Hochschulen ' Evaluationsbericht zu Möglichkeiten und Grenzen eines Workshopkonzepts.
173. | Curricula kenianischer DaF- und Germanistikstudiengänge und Zukunftsperspektiven der Studierenden - Eine empirische Annäherung.
174. | Zum Verbleib der Germanistik-Studierenden in Kenia. Ergebnisse einer 2019 durchgeführten Umfrage an der Kenyatta University und an der University of Nairobi
175. | Understanding the link between child maltreatment and adolescent future expectations in Northern Uganda: A serial mediation analysis
176. | Mass Media Exposure and Women's Household Decision-Making Capacity in 30 Sub-Saharan African Countries: Analysis of Demographic and Health Surveys
177. | Socio-economic and demographic determinants of female genital mutilation in sub-Saharan Africa: analysis of data from demographic and health surveys
178. | The Children's Right to Participate in the Comprehensive School Health Programme in Kenya ' How can this right become a reality? A participatory research project with children in three primary schools in Kiambu County in Kenya
179. | Applying a community-based participatory research approach to improve access to healthcare for Eritrean asylum-seekers in Israel: a pilot study
180. | Barriers to contraceptive careseeking: the experience of Eritrean asylum-seeking women in Israel
181. | The impact of migration policies on civil society actors' efforts to improve migrants' access to social and economic rights in Morocco articles
182. | A socio-ecological analysis of risk, protective and promotive factors for the mental health of Burundian refugee children living in refugee camps
183. | Characterizing the prevalence and contributing factors of sexual violence: A representative cross-sectional study among school-going adolescents in two East African countries
184. | New Englishes on YouTube: Sociolinguistic Considerations
185. | The social legacies of conflict: The mediating role of mental health with regard to the association between war exposure and social capital of Burundian refugees.
186. | Mainstream re-integration of COVID-19 survivors and its implications for mental health care in Africa
187. | One novel virus, different beliefs as playmakers toward disease spread in Africa: looking at COVID-19 from a religious lens
188. | A combination of combat experience, early abduction, and severe traumatization fuels appetitive aggression and violence among abductees of rebel war in Northern Uganda
189. | Consistent condom use among men who pay for sex in sub-Saharan Africa: Empirical evidence from Demographic and Health Surveys
190. | The Codes of the Street in Risky Neighborhoods
191. | Female adolescents' reproductive health decision-making capacity and contraceptive use in sub-Saharan Africa: What does the future hold?
192. | The role of testing in infectious disease control: A case of COVID-19 in Africa
193. | Understanding the link between child maltreatment and adolescent future expectations in Northern Uganda: A serial mediation analysis.
194. | Understanding the linkages between male circumcision and multiple sexual partnership among married Ghanaian men: Analysis of data from the 2014 Ghana demographic and health survey
195. | "Afrika müssen wir auch haben!" Die Bethel-Mission in Ostafrika 1885 - 1970
196. | Fuel to the fire: The escalating interplay of attachment and maltreatment in the transgenerational transmission of psychopathology in families living in refugee camps
197. | Rising Above Misinformation or Fake News in Africa: Another Strategy to Control COVID-19 Spread
198. | Erstellung und Gestaltung von DaF-Lehrwerken für das frankofone Afrika südlich der Sahara am Beispiel Benin
199. | Khat use as risk factor for psychotic disorders: a cross-sectional and case-control study in Somalia
200. | Teachers' stress intensifies violent disciplining in Tanzanian secondary schools