Number of records: 693 |
| | Record 201 - 300 | | |
| Title |
201. | Mental health problems and their association to violence and maltreatment in a nationally representative sample of Tanzanian secondary school students
202. | Prevalence, determinants, and effects of violence during pregnancy: A maternity-based cross-sectional study in Luanda, Angola
203. | Sprichwörter im Volksmund und in der Literatur: eine Studie über Sprichwörter in Sáxwè-Sprichwortliedern, im Roman Things Fall Apart von Chinua Achebe und in den Dramen Furcht und Elend des Dritten Reiches und Die Gewehre der Frau Carrar
204. | Literarische Collage im postkolonialen Diskurs: eine erzähltheoretische Analyse der Kulturenübersetzungen von Ryszard Kapuscinski
205. | In spite of difference: making sense of the coexistence between the Kamba and the Maasai peoples of Kenya
206. | Lexikon der Tagbana-Sprache
207. | Frankophonie, Varietäten und Mehrsprachigkeit in Kamerun
208. | Globaler Umweltdiskurs und lokale Umweltkrisen: Gesellschaft und anthropogener Klimawandel im Senegal
209. | Migration und Flucht in und aus Afrika
210. | A mobile phone based tool to identify symptoms of common childhood diseases in Ghana: development and evaluation of the integrated clinical algorithm in a cross-sectional study
211. | A user-centred evaluation of a mobile phone-based interactive voice response system to support infectious disease surveillance and access to healthcare for sick children in Ghana: users' experiences, challenges and opportunities for large-scale application. Part of a concept and pilot study for mobile phone-based Electronic Health Information and Surveillance System (eHISS) for Africa
212. | Gender differences in response to war-related trauma and posttraumatic stress disorder ' a study among the Congolese refugees in Uganda
213. | Are Authoritarianism and Militancy Key Characteristics of Religious Fundamentalism? A Latent Class Analysis of an Egyptian Muslim Sample
214. | Berufsbildung in Subsahara-Afrika: Eine systematische Aufarbeitung des Forschungsstandes
215. | Essays in globalization Technology and the Labor Market
216. | Science Communication in South Africa. Reflections on Current Issues
217. | The Dynamics of English in Namibia: An Introduction
218. | Emile in Johannesburg? Bildung für Nachhaltige Entwicklung zwischen Ideologie und Utopie
219. | Prevalence of family violence and mental health and their relation to peer victimization: A representative study of adolescent students in Southwestern Uganda
220. | Global Street Code. A Cross-cultural Perspective on Youth Violence
221. | We Are In This Together: Associations between Parental and Child Mental Health in Burundian Refugee Families Residing in Tanzanian Refugee Camps
222. | Mental Health Stigma from the Victim's Perspective and the Relationship to Trauma-Related Psychopathology in an East African Post-Conflict Society
223. | Prevalence and Drivers of Violence against Children: Findings from a Representative Sample of Adolescent Students in Southwestern Uganda
224. | Linking Consequences of Child Maltreatment and Potential Protective Factors with Future Expectations in Northern Uganda
225. | When Violence against Children is the Norm: Studies on Prevalence, Consequences and Prevention of Violence in East Africa
226. | Adolescent Life Perspectives After War: Evaluation and Adaptation of the Future Expectation Scale in Uganda
227. | Climate change and control of diarrhoeal diseases in South Africa: Priorities for action
228. | Broadcasting Your Variety: Namibian English(es) on YouTube
229. | The Power of Civil Society in the Middle East and North Africa. Peace-building, Change, and Development
230. | Conclusion
231. | Introduction
232. | Introducing Civil Society
233. | A gap analysis of SDG 3 and MDG 4/5mortality health targets in the six Arabic countries of North Africa: Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco, and Mauritania.
234. | Stress and positive attitudes towards violent discipline are associated with school violence by Ugandan teachers
235. | Examining Pregnancy Related Socio-Cultural Factors Among Adolescent Girls in the Komenda-Edina-Eguafo-Abrem Municipality in the Central Region of Ghana: A Case-Control Study
236. | A systems framework for public health policy to support health improvement in West-Africa
237. | Sport psychology practice in Africa: Do culture-specific religion and spirituality matter?
238. | Small Talk in Namibia
239. | Phonetic Mergers and Splits in Namibian English: Investigating Local Pronunciation Features of a New Variety
240. | Responses to Thanks in Namibian English: From Quantitative to Qualitative Analysis
241. | English in Namibia: Multilingualism and Ethnic Variation in the Extra- and Intra-territorial Forces Model
242. | The Dynamics of English in Namibia
243. | Ethnography, Reflexivity and Feminism: Researching Sub-Saharan African Migrants' Perspective on (Im)mobility in Morocco
244. | Improving care quality and preventing maltreatment in institutional care in Sub-Saharan Africa
245. | Predictors of alcohol consumption among in-school adolescents in the Central Region of Ghana: A baseline information for developing cognitive-behavioural interventions
246. | Bridging a gap - mapping the cience coverage of South African newspapers
247. | A Multi-Layered Corpus of Namibian English
248. | The Egyptian Environmental Affairs Agency. Institutional analysis in preparation for the Private and Public Sector Industry Environmental Protection Programme
249. | English and German in Namibia
250. | 'Science is Everywhere, but No One Knows It'. Assessing the Cultural Distance to Science of Rural South African Publics
251. | Doing colonialism: Reading a banishment of a "native chief" in the Tanganyika territory
252. | The role of intrinsic and extrinsic rewards in committing violence during combat: A cross-sectional study with former combatants in the DR Congo
253. | Does Perpetrating Violence Damage Mental Health? Differences Between Forcibly Recruited and Voluntary Combatants in DR Congo
254. | Growing up in armed groups: trauma and aggression among child soldiers in DR Congo
255. | Hoffmann, Christian: Interessen deutscher auswärtiger Kultur- und Bildungspolitik im südlichen Afrika. Am Beispiel der Sprachförderungsinitiative "Schulen: Partner der Zukunft" (PASCH)
256. | Loss of a Middle Ground? Intercultural Diplomacy in Dahomey and the Discourse of Despotism
257. | Policing the image: the Breakwater prison albums, Cape Town, in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries
258. | Ehrenmänner und Staatsaffären. Rollenvielfalt in der Verhandlungspraxis europäischer Handelskompanien in Westafrika
259. | Weder Gottes- noch Selbsterkenntnis? Europäische Diskurse über afrikanischen 'Fetischkult' zwischen Früher Neuzeit und Moderne
260. | Beim 'König' von Anomabo. Audienzen an der westafrikanischen Goldküste als Schauplatz afrikanischer Politik und europäischer Konkurrenz (1751/2)
261. | Kommentar: Sich Recht verschaffen. Vergleichende Betrachtungen zu Britisch-Afrika, England, Japan und Deutschland im 19. und frühen 20. Jahrhundert
262. | Governing human resources for health in a global context - the case of the Republic of Malawi
263. | Rethinking Empire in Southern Africa
264. | Transnational social fields in forced immobility: Relations of young Sub-Saharan African migrants in Morocco with their families back home
265. | Gender and the dynamics of mobility: Reflections on African migrant mothers and 'transit migration' in Morocco
266. | The burden of chronic mercury intoxication in artisanal small-scale gold mining in Zimbabwe: data availability and preliminary estimates
267. | "Techniques éprouvées au cours des siècles": African Students at the Former School for Colonial Administrators in Paris, 1951'1967
268. | Voices from Africa. The English Language in Africa
269. | Cameroon Pidgin English as a Means of Bridging the Anglophone-Francophone Division in Cameroon?
270. | Südafrika und das "Dritte Reich": rassenpolitische Affinität und machtpolitische Rivalität
271. | Associations Between Prolonged Grief Disorder, Depression, Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, and Anxiety in Rwandan Genocide Survivors
272. | Pollinator effectiveness and their potential for pollination of greenhouse crops in Kenya
273. | Enchâssement social et translocalité du commerce des vivres dans le sud du Cameroun: une analyse de la construction sociale de la réalité économique
274. | "Manger la forêt": jè lipan, ou la construction sociale de la foresterie en pays Babimbi au sud du Cameroun
275. | "Home away from home?": Internally displaced women and their translocal ethnic and gender co-operation in reconstructing the meaning of places ; (burnt forest and langas - Uasin Ngishu Kenya)
276. | Traditionale Herrschaft in Südafrika: Anpassungsstrategien und Aushandlungen in einem demokratischen Staat
277. | Altern im Senegal: gesellschaftliche Transformationsprozesse am Beispiel der Situation der Alten in einem Dorf der unteren Casamance
278. | Le statut de la science et la recherche au Bénin: contribution à la sociologie des sciences des pays en développement
279. | De l'agriculture au commerce: procès de transformation/destruction de l'économie paysanne dans le district rural d'Avrankou, République Populaire du Bénin
280. | Deutsche Kolonialherrschaft und Ethnogenese in Ruanda, 1897 ' 1916
281. | Imperialism and globalization: Entanglements and interactions between the British and German colonial empires in Africa before the First World War
282. | Contested concepts of "white"/"native" and mixed marriages in German South-West Africa and the Cape Colony 1900-1914: A histoire croisée
283. | Koloniale Begegnungen. Deutschland und Großbritannien als Imperialmächte in Afrika 1880-1914
284. | Malagasy Dialects and the Peopling of Madagascar
285. | Intervention as Indirect Rule. Civil War and Statebuilding in the Democratic Republic of Congo.
286. | The Mental Health Status and Rehabilitation of Formerly Abducted and War Affected Children and Adults in Northern Uganda
287. | Stopping the war in their minds - Rehabilitation of former Child Soldiers and war-affected children and adults. Epidemiology, Therapy and Dissemination
288. | Die Rolle des Handels für die Ernährungssicherung der Nomaden: Das Beispiel der Ortschaft Ngoronit
289. | EU accountability for the due diligence failures of the European Investment Bank: climate finance and involuntary resettlement in Olkaria, Kenya
290. | Appetitive aggression in former combatants'Derived from the ongoing conflict in DR Congo
291. | Time, migration and forced immobility: Sub-saharan African migrants life in Morocco (Preliminary title)
292. | English in Multilingual and Multiethnic Namibia: Some Evidence on Language Attitudes and on the Pronunciation of Vowels
293. | An investigation of users' attitudes, requirements and willingness to use mobile phone-based interactive voice response systems for seeking healthcare in Ghana: a qualitative study
294. | The role of intrinsic and extrinsic rewards in committing violence during combat: A cross-sectional study with former combatants in the DR Congo
295. | Unkeuschheit oder wirtschaftliche Notwendigkeit? Diskursive Spielräume im Umgang mit Polygamie zwischen Naturrecht, Täufern und Westafrika
296. | To Be the Key for Two Coffers: A West African Embassy to France (1670/1)
297. | Methodenvielfalt und eigenaktive Lerner ' in Kenia eine Form des Kulturimperialismus?
298. | Rethinking Empire in Southern Africa
299. | Does war contribute to family violence against children? Findings from a two-generational multi-informant study in Northern Uganda
300. | Negotiating women's rights in Togo - with tight belts and long arms: legal agency between everyday life, civil society and the state