Number of records: 693 |
| | Record 501 - 600 | | |
| Title |
501. | Assessing the Evidence: Migration, Environment and Climate Change in Kenya
502. | The delusion of knowledge transfer: The impact of foreign aid experts on policy-making in South Africa and Tanzania
503. | Role of Akan Traditional Rulers in Socio-economic Development of Ghana: Traditional Rulers and Socio-economic Development
504. | The Impact of Mining on the Cultural Heritage of Tarkwa, Ghana
505. | Violence Research from North Africa to South Asia: A Historical and Structural Overview
506. | Policy and institutional arrangements on the provision and sustainability of Non-Formal Secondary Education (NFSE) in Tanzania
507. | Menschenrechte im Kontext der Weltgesellschaft. Die weltgesellschaftliche Institutionalisierung von Frauenrechten und ihre Umsetzung in Deutschland, der Schweiz und Marokko
508. | The delusion of knowledge transfer: The impact of foreign aid experts on policy-making in South Africa and Tanzania
509. | Intergroup contact and rice allocation via a modified dictator game in rural Cameroon
510. | Policing the image: the Breakwater prison albums, Cape Town, in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries
511. | Age and sex specific pattern of urban malaria and diarrhea mortalities in Accra
512. | Neighborhood urban environmental quality conditions probably drive malaria and diarrhea mortality in Accra, Ghana
513. | Hans-Georg Wolf. 2001. English in Cameroon. (Contributions to the Sociology of Language 85.) Berlin, New York: Mouton de Gruyter. xi + 359 pp. eur 84.00
514. | Transnational social fields in forced immobility: Relations of young Sub-Saharan African migrants in Morocco with their families back home
515. | Children of the postwar years: A two-generational multilevel risk assessment of child psychopathology in northern Uganda
516. | Psychological trauma and evidence for enhanced vulnerability for posttraumatic stress disorder through previous trauma among West Nile refugees
517. | Land matters: The role of land policies and laws for environmental migration in Kenya
518. | The transmission of violence in families living in a post-conflict context: An intergenerational study of the relationship between traumatic war exposure, family violence and psychopathology in northern Uganda
519. | Validation of a Mental Health Assessment in an African Conflict Population
520. | From War to Classroom: PTSD and Depression in Formerly Abducted Youth in Uganda
521. | Does war contribute to family violence against children? Findings from a two-generational multi-informant study in Northern Uganda
522. | The Hidden Effects of Child Maltreatment in a War Region: Correlates of Psychopathology in Two Generations Living in Northern Uganda
523. | Prevalence and predictors of partner violence against women in the aftermath of war: A survey among couples in Northern Uganda
524. | Place of Residence Moderates the Risk of Infant Death in Kenya: Evidence from the Most Recent Census 2009
525. | Urbanisierung und Gesundheit: Arbeitspapier zu intersektoralen Public-Health-Aufgaben mit Schwerpunkt subsaharisches Afrika. 2007. [internes Arbeitspapier für die Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau]
526. | Photographs beyond Ruins. The Usakos Old Location Albums, 1920s to 1960s
527. | Rethinking Empire in Southern Africa
528. | Usakos. Photographs beyond Ruins. The Old Location Albums
529. | Rethinking Empire in Southern Africa
530. | Stopping the war in their minds - Rehabilitation of former Child Soldiers and war-affected children and adults. Epidemiology, Therapy and Dissemination
531. | Governing human resources for health in a global context - the case of the Republic of Malawi
532. | The Millennium Development Goals and educational justice: a critical realist analysis of capability deprivation in Kenyan education policy
533. | Ein Kontinent bewegt sich: Afrika und Migration
534. | Der "Özil-Effekt": Eine Studie zu den Einstellungen der Deutschen zur kulturellen Vielfalt, Afrika und zur nationalen Identität rund um die WM 2010
535. | Der Özil-Effekt. Eine Studie zu den Einstellungen der Deutschen zur kulturellen Vielfalt, Afrika und zur nationalen Identität rund um die WM 2010
536. | The transmission of violence in families living in a post-conflict context: An intergenerational study of the relationship between traumatic war exposure, family violence and psychopathology in northern Uganda
537. | Rethinking Empire in Southern Africa
538. | Illness experiences of people living with HIV in Kenya: a case study of Kisumu County
539. | Health-seeking behaviour of Buruli Ulcer affected people in a rural sub district of the Eastern Region, Ghana
540. | •wie die Papisten bei ihrer Meß. Zeremoniell- und Ritualkritik im europäischen Diskurs über Westafrika
541. | •Weder Gottes- noch Selbsterkenntnis? Europäische Diskurse über afrikanischen "Fetischkult" zwischen Früher Neuzeit und Moderne
542. | •Ehrenmänner und Staatsaffären. Rollenvielfalt in der Verhandlungspraxis europäischer Handelskompanien in Westafrika
543. | The burden of chronic mercury intoxication in artisanal small-scale gold mining in Zimbabwe: data availability and preliminary estimates
544. | Mobile Phone-Based mHealth Approaches for Public Health Surveillance in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Systematic Review
545. | •Das Verschwinden des Augenzeugen. Transformationen von Text und Autorschaftskonzeption in der deutschen Übersetzung des Guinea-Reiseberichts von Pieter de Marees (1602) und seiner Rezeption
546. | •Beim "König" von Anomabo. Audienzen an der westafrikanischen Goldküste als Schauplatz afrikanischer Politik und europäischer Konkurrenz (1751/2)
547. | Kommentar: Sich Recht verschaffen. Vergleichende Betrachtungen zu Britisch-Afrika, England, Japan und Deutschland im 19. und frühen 20. Jahrhundert
548. | The Challenge of Living On: Psychopathology and Its Mediating Influence on the Readjustment of Former Child Soldiers
549. | Mother-Infant Interactions at Home and in a Laboratory Setting: A Comparative Analysis in Two Cultural Contexts
550. | The Hidden Effects of Child Maltreatment in a War Region: Correlates of Psychopathology in Two Generations Living in Northern Uganda
551. | Does war contribute to family violence against children? Findings from a two-generational multi-informant study in Northern Uganda
552. | Imitative Learning of Nso and German Infants at 6 and 9 Months of Age: Evidence for a Cross-Cultural Learning Tool
553. | Missionaries and Firearms in Pre-Colonial East Africa: Locating the Criticisms of Alexander Murdoch Mackay Around 1880
554. | To Be the Key for Two Coffers: A West African Embassy to France (1670/1)
555. | "Pombagira y el obispo: sobre identidades religiosas transnacionales: La Igreja Universal do Reino de Deus en Brasil y Mozambique"
556. | Cameroon Pidgin English
557. | Cameroon Pidgin English
558. | Prevalence and predictors of partner violence against women in the aftermath of war: A survey among couples in Northern Uganda
559. | South Africa's System of Social Cash Transfers. Assessing its Social Quality
560. | Cameroon Pidgin
561. | Area-based socioeconomic conditions and urban malaria and diarrhea mortalities in Accra, Ghana
562. | Mapping Urban Malaria and Diarrhea Mortality in Accra, Ghana: Evidence of Vulnerabilities and Implications for Urban Health Policy
563. | Cameroon Pidgin English
564. | Language Mixing and Ecology in Africa: Focus on Camfranglais and Sheng
565. | Malagasy Dialects and the Peopling of Madagascar
566. | Gender and the dynamics of mobility: Reflections on African migrant mothers and 'transit migration' in Morocco
567. | •Unkeuschheit oder wirtschaftliche Notwendigkeit? Diskursive Spielräume im Umgang mit Polygamie zwischen Naturrecht, Täufern und Westafrika
568. | Infectious Disease Control in Ghana: Government's Interventions and Challenges to Malaria Eradication
569. | Identities at Crossroads: Young Muslim Women in Post-Revolutionary Egypt. How female students from Cairo's upper middle class experience and navigate the contradictions in an increasingly globalised and divided society
570. | Reflecting on Concepts of Coloniality and Postcoloniality in Africa, South Asia and Latin America
571. | A review of the structure and function of vital registration system in Ghana: towards improvement in mortality data quality for health policy analysis
572. | A study of autopsy procedures in Ghana: Implications for the use of autopsy data in epidemiological analyses
573. | Neighborhood urban environmental quality conditions are likely to drive malaria and diarrhea mortality in Accra, Ghana
574. | Geschichte der Afrikanistik in Leipzig. Beiträge eines Projektseminars
575. | "Techniques éprouvées au cours des siècles": African Students at the Former School for Colonial Administrators in Paris, 1951-1967
576. | People and Culture: Evolving a Model for Water Resources Management and Sustainable Livelihood in Africa
577. | Movement Under Environmental Disasters: The Case of Flooding and Bushfires for Selected Periods in Ghana
578. | Conflicts about water: Securitizations in a global context
579. | Human rights, climate change, and climate policies in Kenya: How climate variability and agrofuel expansion impact on the enjoyment of human rights in the Tana Delta
580. | Cameroon Pidgin English Dataset
581. | Unravelling Migrants as Transnational Agents of Development: Social Spaces in between Ghana and Germany
582. | Violence Research from North Africa to South Asia: A Historical and Structural Overview
583. | Community-Implemented Trauma Therapy for Former Child Soldiers in Northern Uganda A Randomized Controlled Trial
584. | Assessing the Relationship between Socioeconomic Conditions and Urban Environmental Quality in Accra, Ghana
585. | Der Özil-Effekt. Eine Studie zu den Einstellungen der Deutschen zur kulturellen Vielfalt, Afrika und zur nationalen Identität rund um die WM 2010
586. | Wissenschaft und Dekolonisation. Paradigmenwechsel und institutioneller Wandel in der akademischen Beschäftigung mit Afrika in Deutschland und Frankreich, 1930-1970
587. | Validation of a Mental Health Assessment in an African Conflict Population
588. | Assessing the Relationship between Socioeconomic Conditions and Urban Environmental Quality in Accra, Ghana
589. | Germany - Morocco: an ethnography about migration, networks, and experienced discrimination
590. | Ethnomathematics: new approaches to its theory and application
591. | Spatial urban environmental change and Malaria/Diarrhoea mortality in Accra, Ghana
592. | Ethnomathematics: new approaches to its theory and application
593. | Spatial urban environmental change and Malaria/Diarrhoea mortality in Accra, Ghana
594. | Germany - Morocco: an ethnography about migration, networks, and experienced discrimination
595. | Colonialism as a European project in Africa before 1914? British and German Concepts of Colonial rule in Sub-Saharan Africa
596. | Migrationsdynamiken und Entwicklung in Westafrika: Untersuchungen zur entwicklungspolitischen Bedeutung von Migration in und aus Ghana und Mali
597. | Trauma, poverty and mental health among Somali and Rwandese refugees living in an African refugee settlement - an epidemiological study
598. | From Crisis to Reconciliation - Effects of Conflict Trainings and Trauma Therapies in Norther Uganda
599. | Rehabilitation of formerly abducted and war-affected children and adults in Northern Uganda
600. | Dynamics of PTSD and its spectrum disorders among families living in internally displaced persons' camps in Gulu District