Number of records: 2975 |
| | Record 1 - 100 | | |
| Title |
1. | Medical mistrust, discrimination and healthcare experiences in a rural Namibian community
2. | Who Owns Africa's Infrastructure?
3. | Gender Roles in Sourcing and Sharing of Banana Planting Material in Communities with and without Banana Bunchy Top Disease in Nigeria
4. | Clinical Implications of HIV Treatment and Prevention for Polygamous Families in Kenya and Uganda: "My Co-Wife Is the One Who Used to Encourage Me".
5. | Who seeks care after intimate partner violence in Cameroon? sociodemographic differences between a hospital and population sample of women
6. | Modesty, The Double Edged Sword: Exploring Veils as a Symbol of Female Liberation andOppression in the Work of Lalla Essaydi
8. | Demanding Mobile Health
9. | 'Water is life, but sanitation is dignity'
10. | Going Global: Librarian Involvement in Outreach & Global Health Research
11. | Barriers and facilitators to the uptake of Test and Treat in Mozambique: A qualitative study on patient and provider perceptions
12. | Gendered differences in perceptions and reports of wellbeing: A cross-sectional survey of adults on ART in Malawi
13. | Economic evaluation of facility-based HIV self-testing among adult outpatients in Malawi
14. | Gendered health institutions: examining the organization of health services and men's use of HIV testing in Malawi
15. | A multi-component intervention to reduce bias during family planning visits: qualitative insights on implementation from Burkina Faso, Pakistan and Tanzania.
16. | Health care workers perceptions and bias toward men as HIV clients in Malawi and Mozambique: A qualitative study.
17. | We chose PrEP because I wanted to be sure that this child my wife was going to conceive was indeed mine. Factors influencing the choice of safer conception methods and experiences with its use: a qualitative study among HIV sero-discordant couples in Zimbabwe.
18. | Murder in Alexandria: The Gender, Sexual and Class Politics of Criminality in Egypt, 1914 - 1921
19. | Altruism of Aid:Analysis of Canadian Official Development Assistance (ODA) into Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA)
20. | Promoting Gender Equity and Leadership Among Ethiopian Women in Medicine
21. | International Collaborations to Establish Family Medicine in Ethiopia
22. | Family Medicine in Ethiopia: Lessons from a Global Collaboration
23. | Authors' reply to Dawn of family medicine in Ethiopia.
24. | The dawn of family medicine in Ethiopia.
25. | Abortion Access in Religious Nations with Deep Societal Divisions: Lessons the United States Can Take from Abortion Reform in Ireland and South Africa
26. | Myth-Busting Restorative Justice: Uncovering the Past and Finding Lessons in Community
27. | La literatura marfileña en español. Una historia panafricana y anticolonial a través de un nuevo campo de estudio para el hispanismo
28. | 27 May 1977 in Luanda. The Novels of José Luis Mendonça '(Collective) Violence and its Affective Memory
29. | Ecos del Quijote en Cuando a Guinea se iba por mar (2019) de Juan Tomás Ávila Laurel
30. | El viaje en la obra El porteador de Marlow/Canción negra sin color de César Mba Abogo. Aguas, desplazamientos y resistencias
31. | Mahmud Traoré y el desafío al discurso hegemónico sobre la representación de la migración subsahariana en España
32. | Mothering Against Detention: Antiblackness, Capture, and Black Invention in Mathare Constituency, Nairobi, Kenya
33. | Varieties of Young Childrens Prosocial Behavior in Zambia: The Role of Cognitive Ability, Wealth, and Inequality Beliefs.
34. | Perspectives of female medical faculty in Ethiopia on a leadership fellowship program.
35. | 'Suppressed by swords and lead': Radical Polish and Slovak Newspapers Combat Colonialism
36. | Infants' speech and gesture production in Mozambique and the Netherlands
37. | Essays in Development Economics
38. | Intimate Partner Violence and HIV Outcomes Among Women Living with HIV in Durban, South Africa.
39. | Gender Norms, Gender Role Conflict/Stress and HIV Risk Behaviors Among Men in Mpumalanga, South Africa
40. | Sexual Relationship Power and Depression among HIV-Infected Women in Rural Uganda
41. | Health diplomacy and the adaptation of global health interventions to local needs in sub-Saharan Africa and Thailand: Evaluating findings from Project Accept (HPTN 043)
42. | Africans, we know how to adapt indeed: Adaptations to family planning and reproductive health services in humanitarian settings in Nigeria during the COVID-19 pandemic.
43. | Beyond Individual Choices: Exploring the Social Determinants of Reproductive Autonomy and Gender Based Violence in Rural Niger
44. | Measuring Men's Gender Norm Beliefs Related to Contraception: Development of the Masculine Norms and Family Planning Acceptance Scale
45. | Money or Power? Choosing Covid-19 aid in Kenya
46. | War and local collective action in Sierra Leone: A comment on the use of coefficient stability approaches
47. | The Trans-Atlantic Dialogue of Kente Gentlemen: Cultural Impact and Value Creation in Global African Diaspora Fashion
48. | Specters of Mau Mau: Hauntology and the Ghosts of Dedan Kimathi in Kenyan History: 1952 - 2024
49. | Toward a Third Wave: Redefining the People, Liberation, and Leadership in the Pan-African Movement
50. | Building Fiscal Capacity in Weak States: Experimental and Qualitative Evidence from Sierra Leone
51. | Visualizing the Wake: A Black Feminist Grammar for Visual Dissent in the African Diaspora
52. | Social Determinants of Alcohol and Other Drug Misuse Among Women Living with HIV in Economically Underserved Communities in Cape Town, South Africa: A Cross-Sectional Study
53. | Individual and Relationship-Level Correlates of Transactional Sex Among Adolescent Girls and Young Women in Malawi: A Multilevel Analysis
54. | Contraceptive Conversations among Adolescent Girls and Young Women and Their Partners, Peers, and Older Female Family Members in Lilongwe, Malawi: A Qualitative Analysis
55. | Barriers, facilitators, and potential impact of linkage to social protection interventions for individuals with tuberculosis and/or HIV in Zimbabwe
56. | Stigmatization of Mental Illness among African Immigrant Nurses and its association with Occupational Burnout
57. | Across Africa's American Atlantic: Middle Passages, Imagined Home Spaces and Black Futurities
58. | Cultures of Foreign Policymaking: State Department Diplomats and Race in US-Africa Strategy
59. | "A Legacy of Woes": Internalized Racism and Political Accountability in Contemporary Kenya
60. | Maximizing the Benefits of Trade for Africa
61. | The Impact of Gender-equitable Interventions on Child Marriage and Early Childbearing
62. | Cultural and contextual adaptation of mental health measures in Kenya: An adolescent-centered transcultural adaptation of measures study.
63. | Age-disparate relationships at first sex and reproductive autonomy, empowerment, and sexual violence among adolescent girls and young women in Rwanda.
64. | African Urban Studies: Contributions and Challenges
65. | The Social Rights Imaginary of the Contemporary Postcolonial Novel
66. | The Effects of Temperature on Political Violence: Global Evidence at the Subnational Level
67. | Looking ahead: ethical and social challenges of somatic gene therapy for sickle cell disease in Africa.
68. | The Shipmates of the Ana Maria: Tracing Recaptives' Lives Through the Suppression of the Slave Trade
69. | Strengthening surveillance in Ghana against public health emergencies of international concern.
70. | Object Lessons: The Hampton University Sheppard Collection of African Art
71. | Following FESTAC '77 - A Dance Critical Event
72. | 'The Traveling Song': Shifting Depictions of Home & Family in Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa
74. | Gender Attitudes in Africa: Liberal Egalitarianism Across 34 Countries
75. | Complicating Patriarchy: Gender Beliefs of Muslim Facebook Users in the Middle East, North Africa, and South Asia
76. | Do tuition-free lower secondary education policies matter for antenatal care among women in sub-saharan African countries?
77. | Survey on Efficient and Productive Use of Electricity In Women-Run Small Businesses in Uganda
78. | Can a private sector engagement intervention that prioritizes pro-poor strategies improve healthcare access and quality? A randomized field experiment in Kenya.
79. | Development of the Longitudinal Study of Health and Ageing in Kenya (LOSHAK).
80. | Misperception of peer beliefs reinforces inequitable gender norms among Tanzanian men.
81. | The Female Empowerment Index (FEMI): spatial and temporal variation in womens empowerment in Nigeria.
82. | Essays on Women's Wellbeing in Developing Countries
83. | Childcare Matters: Female Business Owners and the Baby-Profit Gap
84. | Climate and biodiversity change constrain the flow of cultural ecosystem services to people: A case study modeling birding across Africa under future climate scenarios
85. | The Scents of Subsistence: Labor, Crisis, and Kinship in Ndzuani's Commodity Frontier
86. | The Precious Commodity of Time and Sub-Saharan Africas Success in Keeping COVID-19 at Bay.
87. | Silence sexual and reproductive health discussions and we fuel the rise of HIV/AIDS in sub-Saharan Africa.
88. | Impact of COVID-19 on people living with HIV and HIV care: A qualitative study in the Volta Region of Ghana.
89. | Naming Resistance: Ethnographers, Dissidents, and States
90. | The association of HIV-related stigma and psychosocial factors and HIV treatment outcomes among people living with HIV in the Volta region of Ghana: A mixed-methods study.
91. | Community-based HIV testing services in an urban setting in western Kenya: a programme implementation study.
92. | Intimate Partner Violence and Engagement in the HIV Care Continuum among Women in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Prospective Cohort Study.
93. | Geographical, social, and political contexts of tuberculosis control and intervention, as reported by mid-level health managers in Uganda: 'The activity around town'
94. | Ghana Residential Energy Use and Appliance Ownership Survey:Final Report on the Potential Impact of Appliance Performance Standards in Ghana
95. | Concerns About Climate Change Mitigation Projects: Summary of Findings from Case Studies in Brazil, India, Mexico, and South Africa
96. | Social support among women with genital fistula in Uganda
97. | The Africa-Diaspora Orbit: Anani Dzidzienyo's Contributions to African/Black Studies and Black Liberation
98. | Effects of extreme weather, water treatment, and COVID-19 on water quality and child health in rural Kenya
99. | Sustainability and Integration of the Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision Program in Zimbabwe
100. | Mental Harems: (De)Construction of Gendered Boundaries in the Literatures of North Africa and its Diasporas