Number of records: 4707 |
| | Record 4401 - 4500 | | |
| Title |
4401. | Intervention and the black box: maize farming in Nandi District, Kenya.
4402. | Dry fields and spirits in trees - A social analysis of development intervention in Nyamaropa Communal Area, Zimbabwe.
4403. | De sociale constructie van de Afrikaanse gemeenschap.
4404. | Curriculum development in higher agricultural education: a case from Bénin.
4405. | Zunko, ordure ou engrais? La fumure aux déchets ménagers dans 6 villages Adja et 6 villages Fon au Sud-Bénin.
4406. | The death of a myth system: land colonisation on the slopes of Mount Oku, Cameroon.
4407. | Indigenous management systems as a basis for community forestry in Tanzania: a case study of Dodoma urban and Lushoto districs.
4408. | Mijikenda agriculture in Coast Province of Kenya: peasants in between tradition, ecology and policy.
4409. | A pastoral society in crisis after the droughts: who cares for social security?
4410. | Competing for limited resources: options for land use in the Fifth Region of Mali.
4411. | Agricultural training and the private sector in Botswana institutional development at BCA and international cooperation.
4412. | Multi-scale characterization of inland valley agro-ecosystems in West Africa.
4413. | Livestock transfers and social security in Fulbe society in the Hayre, Central Mali.
4414. | Drought and coping strategies in Fulbe Society in the Hayre (Central Mali): a historical perspective.
4415. | Le système d'élevage Peulh dans le sud du Burkina Faso: Une étude agro-écologique du département de Tô (Province de la Sissili)
4416. | Possibilities for development of extensive fish farming in upland river valley systems in West Zambia.
4417. | Modelling the structure of the fish commnunity in Lake Tana, Ethiopia. A tool in predicting the erosion of biodiversity under increasing fishing pressure?
4418. | Lacustrine fish communities in SE-Asia and Africa. Ecology and exploitation. International AADCP Workshop.
4419. | Fast developments in the fishery for tilapia, and other species in a highly productive, large reservoir, Lagdo Reservoir, Cameroon.
4420. | Ecology and exploitation of a tilapia-Clarias-cyprinid fish community in a highly turbid lake, Lake Tana, Ethiopia.
4421. | Review: Gerd Spittler, Les Touaregs face aux sècheresses et aux famines: les Kel Ewy de l'Aïr (Niger). Paris, Karthala.
4422. | Boekbespreking: Coping with semiaridity. How the rural poor survive in dry-season environments, H. Reitsma, T. Dietz, L. de Haan (eds.). Inst. Sociale Geografie, Amsterdam. Ned. Geografische Studies 195 pp.
4423. | Dynamics of rural development in Southern Sudan.
4424. | Legal insecurity and land conflict in Mgeta, Uluguru Mountains, Tanzania.
4425. | Rural people's response to soil fertility decline. The Adja case (Benin).
4426. | The arbitrary state in the Uluguru Mountains: legal arenas and land disputes in Tanzania.
4427. | Degree training and research in agricultural education and the quality of teaching at the Botswana College of Agriculture.
4428. | Sorcellerie et accumulation, variations régionales.
4429. | De Fulani in West-Afrika.
4430. | Macro-economic policy reform and sustainable agriculture in West Africa.
4431. | Trapped in decline: a sociological analysis of economic life in Mgeta, Uluguru mountains Tanzania.
4432. | Agriculture, economics and sustainability in the Sahel.
4433. | State intervention and the destruction of a myth system: land colonization on the slopes of Mount Oku, North-West Province of Cameroon.
4434. | Major characteristics of traditional farming systems in South-Western Nigeria.
4435. | Increasing women's benefits from irrigation development: smallholder irrigation in the Kano Plains, Kenya.
4436. | The economic evaluation of soil and water conservation; measures in Burkina Faso.
4437. | State formation and the decline of pastoralism: the Fulani in Central Mali.
4438. | The pastoral road to extinction: competition between wildlife and traditional pastoralism in East Africa.
4439. | On dinka, cattle and grain, an interdisciplinary simulation study of a rural area in Southern Sudan.
4440. | Waluguru traders in Dar es Salaam: an analysis of the social construction of economic life.
4441. | Sowing the good seed. The interweaving of agricultural change, gender relations and religion in Serenje District, Zambia.
4442. | Tied and untied rice transactions of farm households in Northwest Sierra Leone.
4443. | Predicting crop damage by wind erosion in the Sahelian zone of West Africa.
4444. | Silvopastorale gebieden als sociale ruimte bij de Mossi van Burkina Faso.
4445. | Gabon, de Afrikaanse schatkamer van botanische diversiteit.
4446. | Cameroon and Tropenbos.
4447. | Boekbespreking: Spirit of Africa: the healing ministry of Archbishop Milingo of Zambia, G.J. ter Haar. London, C. Hurst & Co., 1992, ix + 286 pp.
4448. | Boekbespreking: Irrigatielandbouw in Afrika. La vallée du fleuve Sénégal; évaluations et perspectives d'une décennie d'aménagement, B. Crousse, P. Mathieu, S.M. Seck (red.). Paris 1991.
4449. | Boekbespreking: Cultural struggle and development in Southern Africa, P. Kaarsholm (ed.). London, James Curry (1992) x + 258 pp.
4450. | A programme for Tropenbos research in Cameroon: final report Tropenbos Cameroon Programme (phase 1).
4451. | Democratisering in Afrika.
4452. | The development of irrigated farming in the Sahel: irrigation policy limitations and farmer strategies: synthesis report
4453. | Le developpement des cultures irrigues dans le Sahel: contraintes de la politique des irrigations et strategie paysanne: rapport de synthese
4454. | Gender issues in agriculture: lessons from sub-saharan African countries.
4455. | Private interest government through central spot markets in West African food trade.
4456. | The impact of structural adjustment policies on men and women smallholders in sub-saharan African countries.
4457. | Changing Fulani-society and social security'.
4458. | Nous faisons le commerce. Analyse anthropologique des entrepreneurs et des entreprises dans un villages Adja, Cotonou, Bénin.
4459. | Proefstation in Kenia komt van de grond
4460. | The potential of agroforestry to increase primary production in the Sahelian and Sundanian zone of West Africa.
4461. | Carte de paysages semi-détaillée (Mali), échelle 1:100.000.
4462. | The interface between freehold and communal ranching: a study of lifeworlds and knowledge systems in Eastern Botswana.
4463. | The identification of agro-ecological zones for cassava in Africa with particular emphasis on soils.
4464. | Rational pest control in rice Burkina Faso.
4465. | Pesticide management in cotton in Zimbabwe.
4466. | Pest disease control in coffee in Kenya.
4467. | Integrated pest management for multiple foodcrops in Western Kenya.
4468. | Focus on land use: Een regionale studie voor Groningen, Auvergne/Centraal Massief, Frankrijk) en Zuid West Ierland.
4469. | Cotton pesticide management in Togo.
4470. | Boekbespreking: Penetration and protest in Tanzania: the impact of the world economy on the Pare, I.N. Kimambo.
4471. | Boekbespreking: Nutrition in Southwestern Highlands of Tanzania. A two-way learning process, M.W. van Roosmalen-Wiebenga. Proefschrift, Univ. Amsterdam, 1988, 148 pp.
4472. | Boekbespreking: Capitalism, socialism and the development crisis in Tanzania, N. O'Neill, K. Mustafa (eds.).
4473. | Biological control of the mango Mealybug in Togo.
4474. | A parasitoid of stalk-eyed fly eggs in West Africa.
4475. | Competition pour des ressources limitees: le cas de la Cinquieme Region du Mali
4476. | The democratisation of Zanzibar and the 1985 general election.
4477. | Autarky and technical change in rice production in Guinea Bissau: on the importance of commoditization and de-commoditization as interrelated processes.
4478. | Women's groups: an underutilized grassroots institution.
4479. | Peasant influence on development projects in Bénin: a critical analysis.
4480. | Irrigated agriculture and social change in North Mali.
4481. | Women as a motor in agricultural development: lessons learned from eastern and southern Sub-Saharan Africa.
4482. | The aquaculture potential of wetlands, in Niger State, Nigeria, West Africa.
4483. | Commercial fish farming at village level in the Bida Area, Niger State, Nigeria. Part IV: Modified project proposal: From fishery to aquaculture, a development scheme for aquaculture in the west African Region.
4484. | Seasons, food supply and nutrition in Africa: contributions to a workshop held in Wageningen on December 14, 1988.
4485. | Production indices for small ruminants in tropical Africa.
4486. | Proceedings East, Central and Southern African Regional Workshop on Vitamin A interventions and child survival, Lusaka, Zambia, 21-24 June, 1990.
4487. | Les commerçants du maïs et du gari des grands marchés dans le nord de la province du Mono, Bénin.
4488. | Homeward bound: problems waders face when migrating form the Banc d' Arguin, Mauritania, to their northern breeding grounds in spring.
4489. | Ervaringen met rapid appraisal in bosbouwprojecten in Burkina en Niger.
4490. | Cultivation of bamabara groundnut (Vigna subterranea (L.) Verdc.) in Western Province, Zambia.
4491. | Commercial joint ventures in West African trade systems. The pivotal role of informal financial institutions in local food marketing in Sierra Leone.
4492. | Boekbesprekingen: -Democracy in developing countries. Vol.2, L. Diamond et al. (eds.). London, Admantine Press '88; -Democratic theory and practice in Africa, W. Oyugi, E.S. Atieno Adhambo (eds.). London James Currey '88; -Popular struggles for democracy in Africa, P. Anyang 'Nyongo (ed.). London, Zed Books, 1987.
4493. | Aspects of food security in relation to production and marketing of cereals in rural Senegal.
4494. | Design for sustainable farmer-managed irrigation schemes in sub-Saharan Africa: introductions and contributions for the international workshop held at The International Agricultural Centre Wageningen, The Netherlands, February 5 - 8, 1990
4495. | Design for sustainable farmer-managed irrigation schemes in sub-Saharan Africa: introductions and contributions for the international workshop held at The International Agricultural Centre Wageningen, The Netherlands, February 5 - 8, 1990
4496. | Thema: Technologie, kennis en verscheidenheid.
4497. | The agrarian structure in Kenya. State, farmers and commodity relations
4498. | Environnement et développement durable: première version d'un document de base pour les débats sur les problèmes majeurs du continent africain, conférence de Bamako, OUA, 1989 ...
4499. | The 1985 Tanzanian General Elections: A conservative election.
4500. | Compte rendu de l'atelier de relance des traveaux de recherche-développement dans la Province du Mono.