Number of records: 4627 |
| | Record 4501 - 4600 | | |
| Title |
4501. | The composition of foods commonly eaten in East Africa.
4502. | Landevaluaties in Kenya door de Landbouwuniversiteit Wageningen.
4503. | Characterisation of Vitamin A deficiency in pre-school children in Tanzania, a nutritional, biochemical and ophthalmological study.
4504. | General features of agriculture in Zambia
4505. | Soil Survey Report of Chuka - Chokariga Area Republic of Kenya. (8th M.Sc. Course in Soil Science and Water Management)
4506. | Proceedings of the second international workshop on a global soils and terrain digital database, 18 - 22 May 1987 at United Nations Environment Programme Headquarters Nairobi, Kenya
4507. | Iodine deficiency disorders in the region Eastern, Central and Southern Africa.
4508. | Forets classee et elevage: Yabo, Bissiga et Nakabe, Burkina Faso. B. Rapport technique.
4509. | Xerophthalmia and post-measles eye lesions in children in Tanzania. A study of nutritional, biochemical and ophthalmological aspects.
4510. | WHO report; Heal project, Indoor air pollution Maragua Area, Kenya.
4511. | Vertrouwelijk inspectierapport van DGIS/IOV: onderzoeksproject ENDOD (zeepbes) in Ethiopie, missie 30 nov.-6 dec. 1985.
4512. | Traditional techniques of microclimate improvement: the TTMI Project (with TTMI-team in Kenya, Sudan and Tanzania).
4513. | The prevalence of xerophthalmia in Tanzania and its relation to food intake.
4514. | The interactions between termite activity, agricultural practices and soil characteristics in Kisii District, Kenya.
4515. | The ecological impact of insecticides in connection to the control of tsetse flies in Africa: A review.
4516. | The development of the horticultural export potential of Zimbabwe.
4517. | Stagnation et dynamisme. Morcellement de la terre et l'exode rurale dans deux chefferies Bamileke, Cameroun.
4518. | Soils and irrigation of three areas in the lower Tana Region, Kenya. A comparative study of soil conditions and irrigation suitability.
4519. | Report to evaluate the project 'Strengthening of the Plant Protection Division of Zanzibar', missie 17 nov.-2 dec. 1986.
4520. | Report of the second visits to Kenya, Tanzania and the Sudan in the second phase of the LU/DGIS TTMI-project.
4521. | Report of the first visits to Kenya, Tanzania and the Sudan in the second phase of the LU/DGIS TTMI-project.
4522. | Report of the final visits to Kenya, Tanzania and the Sudan in the preparatory first phase of the LU/DGIS TTMI-project.
4523. | Markthoofden en kleinhandel in Sierra Leone: Het bestuur en de structuur in kwestie.
4524. | Livestock production in central Mali: reproduction, growth and mortality of domestic fowl under traditional management.
4525. | La planification des besoins en materiels agricoles. Cas du Mali.
4526. | Integrating rice production with wetland conservation in the Coastal Zone (of West Africa).
4527. | Indoor air quality in the Maragua area, Kenya.
4528. | In search of personal mobility: Changing interpersonal relations in two Bamileke chiefdoms, Cameroon.
4529. | Het onderzoek van de Landbouwuniversiteit in Ivoorkust.
4530. | Government policy and rice marketing, a comparative analysis in respect of Malaysia and Sierra Leone.
4531. | Food composition tables for energy and eight important nutrients of foods commonly eaten in East Africa.
4532. | Food composition tables and nutrient data base for foods commonly eaten in East Africa.
4533. | Food composition table for energy and eight important nutrients in foods commonly eaten in East Africa.
4534. | Evaluation of animal husbandry in the North-western coastal zone of Egypt (Literature review and simulation).
4535. | Economic report on weed control and silt clearance. Sudan.
4536. | Distribution of termite (Isoptera) species in southwestern Kenya in relation to land use and the morphology of their galleries.
4537. | Comments on the horticultural project in the Investment Prospectus for Mwanamuto Agri-Business Zambia.
4538. | Bambara groundnut (Vigna subterranea (L.) Verdc.) - a review.
4539. | A pearl-millet revolution of Afro-Indian dimensions? Crop diffusion and agricultural development in Hausaland (Nigeria, Niger) c. 1500-1825.
4540. | Mali: analyse sociologique
4541. | Niger: analyse sociologique
4542. | Burkina Faso: analyse sociologique
4543. | Wetenschappelijk verslag studiereis Nigeria.
4544. | Werktuigensysteem voor dierlijke tractie in Kenya.
4545. | Verslag werkbezoek aan Ivoorkust m.b.t. het project 'De transformatie van zwerfbouw naar permanente teeltsystemen' 3-21 oktober 1986.
4546. | Verslag van een missie naar DFPV, Agrhymet, Niger 25 mei - 8 juni 1986.
4547. | Tussen volksrecht en overheidsrecht. Over zelfregulering van marktactiviteiten in Sierra Leone.
4548. | Training in the management of development organizations and their activities in Africa; a preliminary directory of training and upgrading facilities.
4549. | Training and upgrading facilities in the management of development organizations and their projects in Africa; a contribution.
4550. | Training and upgrading facilities in the management of development organizations and their projects in Africa; Introduction to the plenary session.
4551. | Traditional knowledge on microclimate modification: an ethnoscientific approach in Tanzania.
4552. | Trade and agriculture in coastal Benin c.1470-1660; an examination of Manning's early-growth thesis.
4553. | The planning and the planning process for a low-cost housing programme for the villages Kitui, Kanuku, Kinyago in Nairobi Kenya.
4554. | The effect of intensification of shifting cultivation in Africa on stabilizing land-use and forest conservation.
4555. | The combi-plough. An animal-drawn implement system in Kenya.
4556. | Summary project proposal Gabon.
4557. | Summary of data collected by Tanzania Food and Nutrition Centre on the prevalence of xerophthalmia in Tanzania between 1982-1983.
4558. | Sorghum-rice intercropping, a security system for the poorly drained soils of Southern Sudan.
4559. | Some physical and mechanical characteristics of a sandy soil at ICRISAT's Sahelian Center, Sadore, Niger.
4560. | Report of the third visit to Kenya and the Sudan as part of the preparatory first phase of the LU/DGIS TTMI-Project.
4561. | Report of the second visit to the Sudan, Tanzania and Kenya (in that order) as part of the preparatory first phase of the LH/DGIS TTMI-Project.
4562. | Report of a joint mission of the Ministry of Agriculture Zanzibar and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
4563. | Promotion feminine in Senegal. Enige notities over beleid en vrouwengroepen.
4564. | Processing thematic mapper data for mapping in Tunisia.
4565. | Ossiculum (Orchidaceae), a new genus from Cameroun.
4566. | Onderzoeksprogramma tsetse ecologie van het ICIPE te Nairobi, 1985, 26 pp. - Onderzoeksproject ENDOD (zeepbes) in Ethiopie, 1985, 21 pp.
4567. | Mission report to Jahaly-Pacharr project, The Gambia.
4568. | Manicaland Development Association Zimbabwe.
4569. | Management of irrigation water in the Middle Valley of the Senegal River.
4570. | Management of irrigation water in the Middle Valley of Senegal River: the WARDA/Wageningen project.
4571. | Local vegetables in Cameroon: Corchorus species used as a vegetable.
4572. | Kaasbereiding in Burkina Faso.
4573. | Joint review and planning mission for the 'Support to NIB-research project'. Nairobi, Kenya.
4574. | Inventory of Ethiopian barley lines for resistance to barley leaf rust.
4575. | Integrated rural development project, Eastern Province, Sierra Leone.
4576. | General list on addresses of training/upgrading facilities on (project)management in Africa - Bibliography on curricula manuals, handbooks and guides.
4577. | Forets clasees et elevage dans le Sanmatenga et l'Oubritenga, Burkina Faso.
4578. | Farming systems research and extension: an approach to solving food problems in Africa.
4579. | Exploitation des systemes villageois d'irrigation en Senegal.
4580. | Elevage et environnement sur le Plateau Mossi: perspectives pour le developpement.
4581. | Eindrapport voorbereidingscommissie Tropenbos - Appendix I. Beschrijving locatie Gabon.
4582. | Effects of pesticides used in the Senegal river delta on palearctic migratory birds.
4583. | Een boerenbedrijf in Kaloleni, Kenya. Onderdeel van 'Plantentelers en Plattelandsontwikkeling' (PIPO).
4584. | Development of ecological methods of upland farming in West Usambara Mountains, Tanzania.
4585. | De semi-extensieve rijstteelt binnen het Office de Niger, Mali.
4586. | Current status and role of Aquaculture with special reference to the Africa region.
4587. | Cassava in shifting cultivation; a systems approach to agricultural development in Africa.
4588. | Cassava in shifting cultivation; a systems approach to agricultural development in Africa.
4589. | Bierbereiding in Burkina Faso.
4590. | Bereiding van pindaolie in Burkina Faso.
4591. | Baringo fuel and fodder project, Kenya. Report of a review mission, November 1985.
4592. | Bambara groundnut (Vigna subterranea) (L.) Verdc.): an annotated bibliography.
4593. | Aquaculture research in the Africa region.
4594. | Analysis of rainfall data relating to the number of days available for tillage and planting in some selected locations in Niger.
4595. | Analysis of rainfall characteristics relating to soil management from some selected locations in Niger and India.
4596. | An application of thematic mapper data in Tunisia.
4597. | An agro-hydrological study on sowing strategies for rainfed-production in southern Mozambique.
4598. | Acacia nilotica and sheep grazing in Kenya: an integrated system.
4599. | A study to assess the potential of the Bida Area (Niger State, Nigeria) for implementation of commercial fish farming at village level.
4600. | Club du Sahel/CILSS livestock strategy: country report for Republic of Niger: economic analysis = Club du Sahel/CILSS stratégie de l'élevage: rapport par pays pour la République du Niger: analyse économique