Number of records: 770 |
| | Record 301 - 400 | | |
| Title |
301. | Are Swing Voters Instruments of Democracy or Farmers of Clientelism? Evidence from Ghana
302. | The Failure of Anti-Corruption Policies: A Theoretical Mischaracterization of the Problem
303. | MPs, Clientelism, and Collective Goods
304. | Taxation and Government Quality: The Size, the Shape, or Just Europe 300 Years Ago?
305. | Food Security and Elite-Ruler Relations in Sub-Saharan Africa: Exploring the impact of democracy on public goods provision
306. | Taxation, Democracy and State-Building: How Does Sequencing Matter?
307. | Corruption in the Commons: Why Bribery Hampers Enforcement of Environmental Regulations in South African Fisheries
308. | Professional Norms in African Contexts: The forgotten dimension in development theory
309. | Democratic Consolidation in Sub-Saharan Africa: Can the variation be attributed to the level of corruption at early stategs of democratization?
310. | Covenants with Broken Swords: Corruption and law enforcement in governance of the commons
311. | Not to be Used During Fire: Performance-related pay for civil servants as an anticorruption tool
312. | Building Quality of Government? International Organizations and Educational Performance in Africa
313. | Violence and the Costs of Honesty: Rethinking bureaucrats' choice to take bribes
314. | Corruption and health in Sub-Saharan Africa
315. | Mining Booms in Africa and Local Welfare Effect: Labor Markets, Women's Empowerment and Criminality
316. | The Rationale of Taking Social Responsibility: Social Embeddedness of Business Owners in Uganda
317. | Is the spread of knowledge the key to decrease HIV/AIDS prevalence in South Africa?
318. | Vote Buying Is A Good Sign: Alternate Tactics of Fraud in Africa 1986-2012
319. | Coping with climate variability in West Pokot, Kenya: The influences of land use on responses to climate variability, by pastoralist and agro-pastoralist communities in arid and semi-arid areas of West Pokot, Kenya.
320. | Det Andra Afrika En kritisk diskursanalys av SVT:s Korrespondenternas representation av Afrika
321. | Securing Customary Land Rights in Sub-Saharan Africa
322. | Befrielseteologin i Latinamerika och Afrika. Om Gustavo Gutierrez och Jean-Marc Elas teologi
323. | A child belongs to the whole community.
324. | Communicating the Meanings of Objects in Community Museums in Anglophone Cameroon - Case Study: Mankon Community Museum
326. | Från rätt till röst En diskursanalys av samtalet kring barnkonventionen i Sverige och Sydafrika
327. | Leken som aldrig tog slut. En empirisk studie på en skola i Kenya
328. | From Communal to Private: Dynamics of a Changing Land Tenure System in Chepareria, West Pokot County, Kenya
329. | Assessing location choices of Swedish firms: South Africa and beyond
330. | How Tigers and Lions Become Masters - A case study on how to emerge as a sourcing destination with evidence from Kenya, China and Bangladesh
331. | Is Free Trade Good for Growth in Sub-Saharan Africa?
332. | Please, Keep My Secret - How consumer culture influences product-based female empowerment in a specific BOP context
333. | UTAMANDUNIN UR ETT PEDAGOGISKT PERSPEKTIV Kvaliteér vid användning av dems, sång och musik från Sumukaland, Tanzania
334. | And that kind of torture, that kind of stress I got - en kvalitativ studie om hur homosexuella flyktingar från Uganda upplever processen att söka asyl i Sverige
336. | Breast Ironing in Cameroon: A harmful practice restricting sexuality or a means to protect the girl child from harm
337. | Agricultural Intensification and Livelihood Strategies of Female Farmers in Babati District, Tanzania - A Minor Field Study
338. | Att arbeta tillsammans - en kvalitativ studie om socialt arbete för och med sexarbetare i Uganda
339. | High acceptance of HIV testing and HIV awareness among pregnant women in Buea
340. | Traumatic experience and health consequences in young men and women in Rwanda
341. | Nominal Tone in Mmen. A Grassfield Bantu language of Cameroon.
342. | Tarmac road investment and road side livelihoods - A case study of street hawkers in Babati and Magugu, Tanzania
343. | Underliv och överordning - En diskursanalys om motståndsaktivisternas tal om kvinnlig könsstympning/omskärelse i Tanzania
344. | Resistance to Reforms: settlement and agricultural reforms in post-genocide Rwanda
345. | Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in Kenya: Exploring the possibilities of a prosperous market
346. | Intermediaries in International Trade. A Case Study of a Gothenburg Based Trading House, Exporting Paper Products to Nigeria
347. | Chinese OFDI in Africa. A firm-level analysis of Chinese investments in Sub-Saharan Africa
348. | Electricity, a Brighter Future for Women? Rural electrification and empowerment of women in Moįambique
349. | La relation identitaire avec une langue imposée, une étude sur le franįais et l'identité ivoirienne
350. | Spend Now, Worry later - The impact of positive income shocks on HIV incidence in Northern Malawi
351. | The Cotton Dilemma A case study on what proceedings less powerful Members use in order to carry out challenges and discuss their economic interests within the configuration of WTO
352. | DARFUR - En spelteoretisk analys av Darfurkonflikten 2003-2006
353. | The growth-poverty-inequality nexus - is Sub-Saharan Africa fitting the global pattern of development
354. | Pedagogiska och didaktiska arbetssätt i idrottsundervisning på en kenyansk skola
355. | It's un-African
356. | Women's rights and the well-being of the Rwandan family
357. | Public Participation in a Sustainable Paradise - A Case Study of an Eco-Village Project in Pointe aux Piments, Mauritius
358. | Clientelism and ethnic division
359. | Mödradödlighet i Afrika söder om Sahara: En kvantitativ studie om den nationella utvecklingens påverkan på mödradödlighet.
360. | En fältstudie om undernäring hos barn i Uganda
361. | Towards a Critical Social Theory of Landscape: Perceptions and Experiences of Land-use Change in Chepareria, Kenya
362. | The effects of financial markets in Tanzania - An evaluation of the insurance and credit markets'influence on risk behaviour
363. | Ethno-regional favouritism in Sub-Saharan Africa
364. | The perceptions of managers of SMEs on sustainable tourism development in least developed countries (LDCs), using The Gambia as a case study.
365. | En balanserad rapport? Om svenska medier i Egyptens andra revolution
366. | SIMMA MED HAJAR - en studie av kvinnliga journalisters arbetssituation i Kapstaden ur ett genusperspektiv
367. | Parenting in the Context of Immigration: A Cross-Cultural Investigation among Ethiopian Immigrant Parents in Sweden
368. | Migration, Education and Women's Empowerment: A Case Study of Sub-Saharan African Women Immigrant in Gothenburg, Sweden
369. | Food price inflation in Ethiopia - A case study of price transmission and unofficial trade from Djibouti, Kenya and Sudan to Ethiopia.
370. | Les manifestations de la politesse dans le franįais parlé ā la télévision ivoirienne et franįaise
371. | "Att ikläda sig ansvar" Inhemskt aktörskap i Skandinavisk Pingstmission i Tanganyika 1932-1945
372. | Female Genital Mutilation Experiences of Somali women living in Sweden
373. | Capacity Building for Smallholders - Experiences from a field study in Malawi
374. | The Empowerment Loop - Identity and Confidence among Youth Politicians in Eastern Africa
375. | Rainfall variability, soils and land use changes in the Ethiopian highlands
376. | Improving care of children with cancer in Egypt
377. | Auteure libératrice - Une étude de l'écriture autobiographique de Nina Bouraoui ā partir du roman Nos baisers sont des adieux
378. | The Intermediary role of microloan officers: Evidence from Ethiopia
379. | Optimal Expectations and the Welfare Cost of Climate Variability
380. | Poverty Persistence and Intra-Household Heterogeneity in Occupations: Evidence from Urban Ehtiopia
381. | Relative Standing and Life-Satisfaction: Does Unobserved Heterogeneity Matter?
382. | På rakbladets kant: Unga, somaliska kvinnors syn på kvinnlig könsstympning
383. | Essays on Development and Experimental Economics: Migration, Discrimination and Positional Concerns
384. | Once a Lion - Never a cat? A minor field study of former street children's experiences of stigma and sustainable resettlement methods in Kampala, Uganda
385. | I den koloniala historiens skugga: Västerländska volontärers upplevelser och reflektioner kring sitt arbete i Tanzania
386. | Rural-urban migration in southwestern rural Uganda - The perceptions and strategies of the left-behind
387. | The Impacts of Post-election Power-sharing Agreement on Horizontal Mechanisms for Political Accountability: A case study of Kenya 2008 to 2013
388. | ESF-projektet "Kvinnokraft". En kvalitativ studie om nyckelaktörers uppfattningar om hinder för integration och projekt för somaliska kvinnor
389. | The Poor and Their Neighbors: Essays on Behavioral and Experimental Economics
390. | WATER IS THICKER THAN BLOOD - a study on water privatisation in South Africa
391. | Corruption along ethnic lines: A study of individual corruption experiences in 17 African countries
392. | Adult Mortality, AIDS and Fertility in Rural Malawi
393. | Demokratibistånd - En studie av EU:s biståndspolitik för att främja demokrati i Mellanöstern och Nordafrika
394. | Aid Effectiveness on Living Standards - How Does Aid Affect Human Development Index HDI in Sub-Saharan Africa
395. | Suveränitet kontra humanitär intervention i Libyen 2011
396. | Child Domestic Labour: The Impact of Child Domestic Work on the Psychosocial Wellbeing of Children from a Human Rights Perspective A Case Study of Lusaka City in Zambia
397. | Leder storskaliga landinvesteringar i jordbruk till hållbar utveckling? En fallstudie av projektet ProSavana i Moįambique
398. | En analys av Hosni Mubaraks sista tal som Egyptens president
399. | How children in Cape Verde experience school meals:
400. | The impact of orphanhood and HIV/AIDS on school enrolment - Evidence from Zambia