This page offers a list of all repositories Connecting-Africa has harvested up to now. If you click on the name of a specific repository you will find information about the repository, including the base url and the harvested content.
| Name repository |
Country |
Continent |
Records |
1. | Reading - University of Reading | United Kingdom | Europe |
0 |
2. | The Hague - NWO | Netherlands | Europe |
0 |
3. | Paris - Ecole des Chartes, Sorbonne | France | Europe |
4 |
4. | Netherlands - Fontys Universities of Professional Education | Netherlands | Europe |
5 |
5. | Leuven - University of Leuven | Belgium | Europe |
6 |
6. | Groningen - Centre for Development Studies | Netherlands | Europe |
7 |
7. | Cape Town - University of Western Cape | South Africa | Africa |
10 |
8. | Birmingham - University of Birmingham | United Kingdom | Europe |
13 |
9. | München - Bayerische Staatsbibliothek München | Germany | Europe |
17 |
10. | Hamburg - University of Hamburg | Germany | Europe |
24 |
11. | Naples - University of Naples | Italy | Europe |
38 |
12. | The Hague - Institute of social Studies (ISS) | Netherlands | Europe |
38 |
13. | Marburg - Universitätsbibliothek Marburg | Germany | Europe |
53 |
14. | Princeton - University of Princeton | United States | America |
56 |
15. | Cape Town - Lawspace, University of Cape Town | South Africa | Africa |
58 |
16. | Italy - E-LIS | Italy | Europe |
66 |
17. | France - | France | Europe |
79 |
18. | Potsdam - University of Potsdam | Germany | Europe |
84 |
19. | Mainz - Universität Mainz | Germany | Europe |
93 |
20. | Germany - Afrikanistik Online | Germany | Europe |
101 |
21. | Köln - University of Cologne | Germany | Europe |
108 |
22. | Maastricht - University of Maastricht | Netherlands | Europe |
110 |
23. | Belgium - French Universities of Belgium | Belgium | Europe |
118 |
24. | Lyon - Cybertheses, University of Lyon 2 | France | Europe |
131 |
25. | Freiburg - University of Freiburg | Germany | Europe |
136 |
26. | Ounongo - Polytechnic of Namibia | Namibia | Africa |
147 |
27. | München - LMU-Publikationen München | Germany | Europe |
161 |
28. | Cape Town - AHERO, University of Western Cape | South Africa | Africa |
182 |
29. | Amsterdam - UvaDis, University of Amsterdam | Netherlands | Europe |
188 |
30. | Twente - University of Twente | Netherlands | Europe |
189 |
31. | Durham - Durham University | United Kingdom | Europe |
197 |
32. | Bayreuth - EPub, University of Bayreuth | Germany | Europe |
203 |
33. | Rotterdam - Erasmus University | Netherlands | Europe |
210 |
34. | Cape Town - CS Research Documents, University of Cape Town | South Africa | Africa |
227 |
35. | Bergen - Christian Michelsen Institute | Norway | Europe |
228 |
36. | Tilburg - Theses, University of Tilburg | Netherlands | Europe |
261 |
37. | Wisconsin - Minds @ University of Wisconsin | United States | America |
267 |
38. | South Africa - University of South Africa (UNISA) | South Africa | Africa |
334 |
39. | Amsterdam - VU University of Amsterdam | Netherlands | Europe |
335 |
40. | Switzerland - Library Network of Western Switzerland (RERO) | Switzerland | Europe |
348 |
41. | Aalborg - Aalborg University | Denmark | Europe |
356 |
42. | Toronto - University of Toronto | Canada | America |
369 |
43. | Leiden - Africanists at University of Leiden | Netherlands | Europe |
378 |
44. | Harare - University of Zimbabwe | Zimbabwe | Africa |
411 |
45. | Lissabon - Universidade Católica Portuguesa | Portugal | Europe |
422 |
46. | Tilburg - Scientific production, University of Tilburg | Netherlands | Europe |
423 |
47. | Cape Town - OpenUCT, University of Cape Town | South Africa | Africa |
445 |
48. | Groningen - University of Groningen | Netherlands | Europe |
462 |
49. | Berlin - Humboldt University of Berlin | Germany | Europe |
475 |
50. | Washington - Library of Congress | United States | America |
476 |
51. | Delft - Technische Universiteit Delft | Netherlands | Europe |
496 |
52. | Lissabon - Centro de Estudos Africanos (ISCTE-IUL) | Portugal | Europe |
510 |
53. | Nijmegen - Radbout University of Nijmegen | Netherlands | Europe |
535 |
54. | Amsterdam - Search4Dev, Royal Tropical Institute (KIT) | Netherlands | Europe |
632 |
55. | Spain - University of Barcelona a.o., TDX | Spain | Europe |
659 |
56. | Bielefeld - University of Bielefeld | Germany | Europe |
693 |
57. | Oxford - Research Archive, University of Oxford | United Kingdom | Europe |
710 |
58. | Edinburgh - University of Edinburgh | United Kingdom | Europe |
712 |
59. | Roskilde - Roskilde University Digital Archive (RUDAR) | Denmark | Europe |
750 |
60. | Gothenberg - University of Gothenberg | Sweden | Europe |
770 |
61. | Jos - University of Jos | Nigeria | Africa |
827 |
62. | Lissabon - University of Lissabon | Portugal | Europe |
840 |
63. | Frankfurt - University of Frankfurt | Germany | Europe |
852 |
64. | Johannesburg - University of Johannesburg | South Africa | Africa |
885 |
65. | Dresden - Hochschulschriftenserver | Germany | Europe |
910 |
66. | Paris - National Library of France (BNF) | France | Europe |
910 |
67. | Bergen - University of Bergen | Norway | Europe |
923 |
68. | Africa - Ocean Data and Information Network of Africa (OdinAfrica) | Miscellaneous | Africa |
932 |
69. | France - Hyper Article en Ligne (HAL) | France | Europe |
967 |
70. | Pretoria - Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) | South Africa | Africa |
992 |
71. | Michigan - University of Michigan | United States | America |
1043 |
72. | Oslo - University of Oslo | Norway | Europe |
1047 |
73. | Accra - University of Ghana | Ghana | Africa |
1051 |
74. | South Africa - North-West University | South Africa | Africa |
1208 |
75. | Grahamstown - Rhodes University | South Africa | Africa |
1261 |
76. | Sweden, Norway - NAI-DiVA-portal | Miscellaneous | Europe |
1261 |
77. | Gent - University of Gent | Belgium | Europe |
1348 |
78. | Amsterdam - UvaPub, University of Amsterdam | Netherlands | Europe |
1423 |
79. | Addis Ababa - Repository of Ethiopia | Ethiopia | Africa |
1492 |
80. | Canberra - Australian National University | Australia | Oceania |
1571 |
81. | Kumasi - Kwame Nkrumah University | Ghana | Africa |
1592 |
82. | Addis Ababa - University of Addis Ababa | Ethiopia | Africa |
1652 |
83. | Pretoria - University of Pretoria, UPSpace | South Africa | Africa |
1663 |
84. | Nairobi - University of Nairobi | Kenya | Africa |
1680 |
85. | Leiden - African Studies Centre Leiden | Netherlands | Europe |
1718 |
86. | Kampala - Makerere University | Uganda | Africa |
1749 |
87. | Windhoek - University of Namibia | Namibia | Africa |
1759 |
88. | Utrecht - University of Utrecht | Netherlands | Europe |
2198 |
89. | Leiden - University of Leiden | Netherlands | Europe |
2493 |
90. | Stellenbosch - Stellenbosch University | South Africa | Africa |
2841 |
91. | Cape Town - Theses and Dissertations, University of Western Cape | South Africa | Africa |
2863 |
92. | Berkeley - University of California | United States | America |
2993 |
93. | France - Hyper Article en Ligne (HAL), SHS | France | Europe |
3305 |
94. | Pretoria - University of Pretoria, Theses and Dissertations | South Africa | Africa |
3317 |
95. | Africa - African Journals OnLine (AJOL) | South Africa | Africa |
3650 |
96. | Nigeria - Covenant University | Nigeria | Africa |
3844 |
97. | Wisconsin - University of Wisconsin | United States | America |
4087 |
98. | London - SOAS, University of London | United Kingdom | Europe |
4184 |
99. | Wageningen - University of Wageningen | Netherlands | Europe |
4647 |
100. | RePEc - Research Papers in Economics | Miscellaneous | Miscellaneous |
5302 |
| Total
| | | 94796 |