Number of records: 5302 |
| | Record 1 - 100 | | |
| Title |
1. | Anti-Poverty Transfers and Spatial Prices in Tunisia
2. | Wages and Human Capital in Exporting Firms in Morocco
3. | African Trade Policy in the 1990s: Political Economy or Technocratic Reforms?
4. | Incidence, Onset and Duration of Civil Wars: A Review of the Evidence
5. | Foreign Aid, Investment and Economic Growth in Kenya: a Time Series Approach
6. | Are Imports in Africa Responsive to Tariff Reductions?
7. | Anti-Poverty Transfers without Riots in Tunisia
8. | Promoting transparency in the NGO sector: Examining the availability and reliability of self-reported data
9. | Trade Openness, Trade Costs and Growth: Why Sub-Saharan Africa Performs Poorly
10. | Trade Policy and Transport Costs in Kenya
11. | Trade Policy and Transport Costs in Uganda
12. | Who Gains from Trade Protection in Ghana? A Household-Level Analysis
13. | Food Price Changes and Consumer Welfare in Ghana in the 1990s
14. | Task Organization, Human Capital and Wages in Moroccan Exporting Firms
15. | Measure for measure: how well do we measure micro-level conflict intensity?.
16. | Ethiopia's infrastructure: a continental perspective
17. | Ghana's infrastructure: a continental perspective
18. | Zambia's infrastructure: a continental perspective
19. | The Democratic Republic of Congo's infrastructure: a continental perspective
20. | Kenya's infrastructure: a continental perspective
21. | Was growth in Egypt between 2005 and 2008 pro-poor ? from static to dynamic poverty profile
22. | Liberia's infrastructure: a continental perspective
23. | Aid Loans versus Aid Grants: Are the Effects Different?
24. | Trade Policy and Transport Costs in Tanzania
25. | Malawi's infrastructure: a continental perspective
26. | Cote d'Ivoire's infrastructure: a continental perspective
27. | Explaining Poverty Evolution: The Case of Mozambique
28. | Exchange Rate Regimes and Trade: Is Africa Different?
29. | Taxation and State-Building in Developing Countries
30. | The Dragon's Gift: The Real Story of China in Africa
31. | China's Investment in African Special Economic Zones: Prospects, Challenges, and Opportunities
32. | Youth unemployment, firm size and reservation wages in South Africa
33. | The Impact of the Trade Liberalization on the Women Work. Comparative Analyzes Between the South Africa and the Ethiopia with an Impact of the General Equilibrium Calculable
34. | Should African Monetary Unions Be Expanded? An Empirical Investigation of the Scope for Monetary Integration in Sub-Saharan Africa
35. | M-PESA: Finding new ways to serve the unbanked in Kenya
36. | Health Expenditure, Education, Government Effectiveness and Quality of Life in Africa and Asia
37. | Financial Reforms in the MENA Region, a Comparative Approach: The Case of Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco and Egypt
38. | Bundling development services with agricultural finance
39. | Bank competition in the Middle East and northern Africa region
40. | [']Like sugar and honey': The embedded ethics of a larval control project in The Gambia
41. | The potential for ICT-development in Morocco
42. | Rural banking in Africa
43. | Prévenir les crises alimentaires au Sahel: des indicateurs basés sur les prix de marchés
44. | Equilibrium real exchange rate and misalignments: Lessons from a VAR-ECM model applied to Tunisia
45. | Choice of the Exchange Policies in the Developments Countries: Study of the Competitiveness of Tunisia
46. | Child ability and household human capital investment decisions in Burkina Faso
47. | Can Common Stocks Provide A Hedge Against Inflation? Evidence from African Countries
48. | Balance Sheet Vulnerabilities of Mauritius During a Decade of Shocks
49. | The Estimation of the Grant Element of Loans Reconsidered
50. | Rural banking
51. | Piraterie in Somalia: ein gutes Geschäft für Viele
52. | Croissance et convergence économique en Afrique: L'impact des effets spatiaux
53. | An alternative perspective on South Africa's public debt, 1962-1994
54. | Understanding gender differences in agricultural productivity in Uganda and Nigeria
55. | The Virgin HIV Puzzle: Can Misreporting Account for the High Proportion of HIV Cases in Self-Reported Virgins?
56. | Economic Geography and Economic Development in Sub-Saharan Africa
57. | Collective Action in Diverse Sierra Leone Communities
58. | Statistics of Migrations, National Tables, South Africa, Southern Rhodesia, Swaziland, Tanganyika, Madagascar, French Somali Coast, Angola, Azores, Cape Verde Islands, Madeira, Cameroon, Togo
59. | Sierra Leone Police Reform: the role of the UK government
60. | Sales location and supply response among semisubsistence farmers in Benin
61. | How Beliefs about HIV Status Affect Risky Behaviors: Evidence from Malawi, Fifth Version
62. | Global Trends in Numeracy 1820-1949 and its Implications for Long-Run Growth
63. | Financing health care in Egypt: Current issues and options for reform
64. | A description of within-family resource exchange networks in a Malawian village
65. | The Impact of Monetary and Commodity Fundamentals, Macro News and Central Bank Communication on the Exchange Rate: Evidence from South Africa
66. | Internal Migration of Blacks in South Africa: Self-selection and Brain Drain
67. | Gender and Competition between Child Economic or Non-Economic Labor and Schooling: Evidence from EPAM Mali
68. | Economic Integration in the Euro-Mediterranean Region
69. | A review of collective action in rural Ghana
70. | What is the irrigation potential for Africa?
71. | Trade Shocks and Macroeconomic Fluctuations in Africa
72. | The renewable energy targets of the Maghreb countries: Impact on electricity supply and conventional power markets
73. | The Annals of South Africa
74. | Migratory responses to agricultural risk in Northern Nigeria
75. | Electricity generation cost in isolated system: the complementarities of natural gas and renewables in the Canary Islands
76. | Do Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Program (CAADP) Processes Make a Difference to Country Commitments to Develop Agriculture?
77. | Trade policy and regionalism in the Central African Republic
78. | Surviving Unemployment without State Support: Unemployment and Household Formation in South Africa
79. | Social assistance reform during a period of fiscal stress
80. | Rules of Origin in the Africa-EU Strategic Partnership Agreement and Nigeria's international trade
81. | Is the Phillips curve useful for monetary policy in Nigeria?
82. | Efficiency and equity effects of social grants in South Africa
83. | Cross-Racial Envy and Underinvestment in South Africa
84. | The Business of Piracy in Somalia
85. | Statistics of Migrations, National Tables, Algeria, Tunis, Egypt, Morocco, Basutoland, Kenya, Mauritius, Nyasaland, St. Helena, Seychelles
86. | Mapping the policy process in Nigeria
87. | Comparison of health care financing arrangements in Egypt and Cuba: Lessons for health reform in Egypt
88. | Chapter 2: Foreign Exchange Regimes, 1945-1961: Oscillations between Phases I, II, and V
89. | An Assessment of the Impact of HIV/AIDS on Economic Growth: The Case of Kenya
90. | Rice Marketing in Senegal River Valley: Research Findings and Policy Reform Options
91. | Long-term impact of investments in early schooling
92. | International Commodity Prices, Growth, and the Outbreak of Civil War in Sub-Saharan Africa
93. | Food security and economic development in the Middle East and North Africa
94. | Effects of Global Climate Change on Nigerian Agriculture: An Empirical Analysis
95. | Testing the 'Brain Gain' Hypothesis: Micro Evidence from Cape Verde
96. | Policies and Public Investments to Promote Smallholder Green Revolutions in Africa: Lessons from Asia
97. | Patterns and trends of child and maternal nutrition inequalities in Nigeria
98. | Modélisation des déterminants de la pauvreté et marché du travail en Afrique: le cas du Burkina Faso
99. | Human Resource Inputs and Educational Outcomes in Botswana's Schools: Evidence from SACMEQ and TIMMS