Number of records: 108 |
| | Record 1 - 100 | | |
| Title |
1. | Encounters at the Water Point ' An Ethnography of the Travelling Model of Community-based Water Management and its Application to Rural Water Supply in Namibia
2. | A rare combination of engravings and paintings in the Dome Gorge, Daureb/ Brandberg: a potential core element for world heritage status
3. | " The truth about the Desert": Exile, Memory, and the Making of Communities among Malian Tuareg refugees in Niger
4. | Poverty and livelihood strategies at Lake Naivasha, Kenya: a case study of Kasarani village
5. | "Growing together": the politics of knowing and creating an urban commons in Cape Town, South Africa
6. | "Sharing is over!": a case study on sharing norms in the Namibian resettlement projects of Skoonheid and Drimiopsis
7. | Coping with resource extinction: the case of medicinal plants in Kawete village, Iganga district, Uganda
8. | Exploring fallism. Student protests and the decolonization of education in South Africa
9. | Street-Level Bureaucrats and Passport Networking. Practices of Immigration Law Enforcement in Northern Uganda
10. | 'Life on Sauerkraut Hill'. Representation and Practices of Freedom and Constriction among German Immigrants in Cape Town, South Africa
11. | Intercultural Marriage, Legal Status and Social Belonging in China: Chinese-African Couples and Families in Guangzhou
12. | Melilla. Perspectives on a Border Town
13. | Wir Staatsmenschen. Das Feld, die Stadt und der Staat in der Kulturanthropologie Afrikas
14. | Towards an understanding and harnessing of local ecological knowledge of forage resources for sustainable rangeland management in West Africa's Sudanian Savannas
15. | Dynamics of Law, Culture and Society in the Organisation of Land and Water Distribution among Rural Farmers in Karatu District/Northern Tanzania
16. | Meanings of Violence and Its Impacts on the Socio-Political Relations among the Turkana and Samburu of Baragoi, Northern Kenya
17. | Die außenpolitische Strategie Israels in Subsahara-Afrika ' intensives Engagement zwischen Entwicklungshilfe und Rüstungsexporten
18. | Explaining the Outcomes of Negotiations of Economic Partnership Agreements between the European Union and the African, Caribbean and Pacific Regional Economic Communities - Comparing EU-CARIFORUM and EU-ECOWAS EPAs
19. | A Grammar of Ts'ixa (Kalahari Khoe)
20. | Turning conflict into coexistence: cross-cutting ties and institutions in the agro-pastoral borderlands of Lake Naivasha basin, Kenya
21. | Towards a grammar of the senses: perception in Lushese (Olussese)
22. | A Game of Horns: Transnational Flows of Rhino Horn
23. | Il Chamus verses the State: Vulnerability, Litigation and Resilience Building in the Baringo Lowlands of Kenya
24. | Value for the Vulnerable? Sustainable Smallholder Development in Northern Ghana and the Value Chains of Tomato, Chili and Rice
25. | Social Risk Management Strategies and Health Risk Exposure ' Insights and Evidence from Ghana and Malawi
26. | Value for the Vulnerable? Sustainable Smallholder Development in Northern Ghana and the Value Chains of Tomato, Chili and Rice
27. | Cross-cultural Analysis of Teacher Perspectives and Preparedness for Inclusive Education in Ghana and Germany:Implications for Teacher Education
28. | Überleben an Grenzen. Ressourcenkonflikte und Risikomanagement im Sahel
29. | The United Nations of Football. South-South Migration, Transnational Ties and Denationalization in the National Football Teams of Equatorial Guinea and Togo
30. | Exploring Social Vulnerability to Natural Disasters in Urban Informal Settlements - Perspectives from Flooding in the Slums of Lagos, Nigeria
31. | Notfallversorgung durch private und öffentliche Rettungsdienste in Namibia
32. | Holocene Environmental History of Lake Chamo, South Ethiopia
33. | To Adopt or Not to Adopt? The Transnational Adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) in Africa
34. | BAOHAN Street: An African Community in Guangzhou. Documentary photographs by Li Dong
35. | Imperiale Jagd und europäische Expansion im Oranje-Freistaat, 1800-1890. A. H. Bain, Prinz Alfreds Jagd und die Rettung des Weißschwanzgnus
36. | Motility and Relational Mobility of the Baka in North-Eastern Gabon
37. | Educational audiology in Ghana- developing screening tools for hearing in infants and children
38. | Livelihood security of pastoralists in semi-arid rangelands under global change - A social-ecological modelling study
39. | The Weak Link: European Union-United Nations Cooperation and Effective Multilateralism in the Mediterranean and the Middle East
40. | Governance and Customary Land Tenure in Peri-Urban Kasoa in Ghana
41. | From anaphoric pronoun to copula in Zande
42. | Nilpferdjäger, Weber, Salzhändler. Wirtschaftliche Strategien und soziale Organisation der Haro Südäthiopiens im Wandel
43. | Institutions and Conflict. An Ethnographic Study of Communal Water Management in North-West Namibia
44. | Transnational organisierte Kriminalität und regionale Kontexte: Zentralamerika und Westafrika
45. | Zur Weberei der Dogon in Mali. Eine komparative und historische Perspektive
46. | Don't Sit back! Take Charge of your Life! Medialisierung der HIV/AIDS-Epidemie im urbanen Sambia
47. | Increasing Malaria Risk in Eastern Africa. A Multi-Causal Analysis
48. | Drinking Water Supply in the Middle Drâa Valley, South Morocco. Options for Action in the Context of Water Scarcity and Institutional Constraints
49. | Synoptische und dynamische Aspekte tropisch-extratropischer Wechselwirkungen: Drei Fallstudien von Hitzetiefentwicklungen über Westafrika während des AMMA-Experiments 2006
50. | Constructing and Norming Arabic Screening Tool of Auditory Processing Disorders: Evaluation in a Group of Children at Risk for Learning Disability
51. | Risk assessment with regard to the occurrence of malaria in Africa under the influence of observed and projected climate change
52. | Gehen, damit andere bleiben können? Migration, Geschlecht und sozio-ökonomischer Wandel in einem südmarokkanischen Oasendorf
53. | Kamele und Zucker. Transsahara-Handel zwischen Tschad und Libyen
54. | Rangeland use in Northwestern Namibia. An integrated analysis of vegetation dynamics, decision-making processes and environment perception
55. | Diurnal to annual variability of the Atmospheric Boundary Layer over West Africa: A comprehensive view by remote sensing observations
56. | Statistisch-dynamische Regionalisierung von Niederschlag und Evapotranspiration für den Hohen Atlas in Marokko
57. | How to assess rangeland condition in semiarid ecosystems? The indicative value of vegetation in the High Atlas Mountains, Morocco
58. | Isolierung und Typisierung von Salmonellen aus Trinkwasserquellen in Benin, Westafrika
59. | Competing scripts: the introduction of the Roman alphabet in Africa
60. | Mündü language and culture: the current state of research
61. | Properties of the Anterior and Posterior Click Closures in N|uu
62. | Mündü language and culture: the current state of research
63. | Verbesserung der Simulation des westafrikanischen Klimas durch die Implementierung eines einfachen dynamischen Vegetationsmodells (SVege) in das Klimamodell ECHAM5
64. | Inseltourismus - Tourismusinseln für immer? Fallstudien Mauritius und Malta
65. | Sprache und kulturelle Identität: Das Französische in der arabischen Welt
66. | Maponya's in Transition. The Social Production and Construction of an Urban Place in Soweto, Johannesburg (South Africa)
67. | Grammar of Location and Motion in Zande
68. | Plants and Pastures. Local knowledge on livestock-environment relationships among OvaHerero pastoralists in north-western Namibia
69. | Stolz und Stigma: Tanz und Geschlechterrollen in Zagora, Südmarokko
70. | "Now you have a new pump, you have to manage it." Household water management, water rights and institutional change in Northern Ghana
71. | Von Lebendabgüssen, Heimatmuseen und Cultural Villages. Museale Repräsentation des Selbst und des Anderen im (De-)Kolonisierungsprozess Namibias
72. | Use of Information and Communications Technologies (ICTs) in teacher education in Sub-Saharan Africa: case studies of selected African universities
73. | Poverty and the Gendered Dimension of Land Rights in Southeast Tanzania: A Case of Nyangao Village, Lindi
74. | "We don't have a Culture" - Being coloured in Namibia als Konstruktion und Praxis
75. | Zur Genese ethnischer Konflikte ; Die Konkomba-Kriege im Norden Ghanas
76. | Geomorphometrische Analysen zur Rekonstruktion holozäner Nutzungspotentiale ausgewählter Standorte in der Western Desert (Ägypten)
77. | Innovation und Transformation bei den pastoralnomadischen Pokot (East Pokot, Kenia)
78. | Wasser und Land im klassischen islamischen Recht unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der målikitischen Rechtsschule (Kölner ethnologische Beiträge ; 22)
79. | Geschlecht, Magie und Geld. Sozial eingebettete und okkulte Ökonomien in Benin, Westafrika
80. | Sedimentologische und geochronologische Untersuchungen zur jungquartären Klima- und Reliefgeschichte im südlichen Kaokoland (NW-Namibia)
81. | New Roles for African Languages with the New Electronic Media
82. | New Roles for African Languages with the New Electronic Media
83. | Befindensweisen und therapeutische Wege in Dendougou, Benin
84. | Jungquartäre Reliefentwicklung, Substratgenese, Klimageschichte und aktuelle Morphodynamik am Ostrand der Namib in der Region Hartmannstal-Marienflusstal (NW-Namibia)
85. | Black Peril, White Fear. Representations of Violence and Race in South Africa's English Press, 1976-2002, and Their Influence on Public Opinion
86. | "Community Participation" and "Peer Education" - A critique of key-concepts in HIV/AIDS prevention in Swaziland
87. | "Christ Crushes HIV-Crisis" - Umgang namibischer Pfingstkirchen mit der HIV/AIDS Epidemie
88. | Weide, Wasser, Wild: Ressourcennutzung und Konfliktmanagment in einer Conservancy im Norden Namibias
89. | Mesoskalige Simulation einer Verdunstungsklimatologie für ein semi-arides Untersuchungsgebiet in Südmarokko
90. | Die USA und der Transformationsprozess in der 'Dritten Welt': Amerikanische Afrikapolitik am Beispiel von Ghana, 1950-1966
91. | Konfrontation und Kooperation am Kavango (Nord-Namibia) von 1891 bis 1921
92. | Haushaltsökonomie, soziale Netzwerke und Identität. Risikominimierende Strategien von Pastoralisten und Lohnarbeitern im Richtersveld, Südafrika
93. | Illegalisierte Identitäten. Auswirkungen der Sans-Papiers-Problematik auf den Alltag afrikanischer Migranten in Pariser Wohnheimen (Foyers).
94. | Prozesse sozialen Wandels vor dem Hintergrund staatlicher Eingriffe. Eine Fallstudie zu den Khwe in West Caprivi/Namibia
95. | Die Wasserwirtschaft im südmarokkanischen Dratal im Spannungsfeld von lokaler und staatlicher Ressourcenkontrolle
96. | Ecological studies on the vegetation of a semi-arid desert following a climatic gradient (Richtersveld, South Africa)
97. | Die Verwendung von Pflanzen in der traditionellen Medizin bei drei Baka-Gruppen in Südost Kamerun
98. | Anthrakologische Untersuchungen zur Vegetationsgeschichte des Kaokolandes, Nordwest-Namibia
99. | Vegetationsökologie und Vegetationsdynamik im Richtersveld (Republik Südafrika)
100. | The quartz fields of Southern Africa - flora, phytogeography, vegetation, and habitat ecology