Number of records: 3650 |
| | Record 1 - 100 | | |
| Title |
1. | Comportements Sexuels parmi les Adolescents et Jeunes en Afrique subsaharienne Francophone et Facteurs Associés
2. | Can we speak of African agency?: APRM and Africa's agenda 2063
3. | African Health Sciences: The journal that will fill the evidence based practice void in Africa.
4. | Despotism, Democracy and Diplomacy: Nigeria - South Africa Relations 1993-1999
5. | The role of South African traditional health practitioners in the treatment of HIV/Aids: a study of their practices and use of herbal medicines
6. | Development, Social Citizenship and Human Rights: Re-thinking the Political Core of an Emancipatory Project in Africa
7. | Youth Subjectivities and Associational Life in Bamenda, Cameroon
8. | Community Development: A Cross-Examination of Theory and Practice Using Experiences in Rural Malawi
9. | Democratization of Science and Biotechnological Development: Public Debate on GM Maize in South Africa
10. | Islamism: What is New, What is Not? Lessons from West Africa
11. | 'We Met the Enemy and He is Us': Domestic Politics and South Africa's Role in Promoting African Democracy
12. | NEPAD and African Development: Towards a New Partnership between Development Actors in Africa
13. | An Alternative Theoretical Model for Economic Reforms in Africa
14. | Beyond the Impasse of African Industrial Development: The Case of Botswana, Tanzania and Zambia
15. | 'New Wars: Forgotten Warriors': Why Have Girl Fighters Been Excluded from Western Representations of Conflict in Sierra Leone?
16. | Gaborone is Growing like a Baby: Life Expectancies and Death Expectations in Urban Botswana
17. | Globalization and State-Society Relations in Africa
18. | 'Big Think', Disjointed Incrementalism: Chinese Economic Success and Policy Lessons for Africa, or the Case for Pan-Africanism
19. | Africa in 2108: A Strategic Plan
20. | Traditional Authority at the Crossroads of Governance in Republican Cameroon
21. | Millennial Democracy and Spectral Reality in Post-colonial Africa
22. | Public Opinion and Foreign Policy: Analysing Nigerian Reactions to the Asylum Offered Former President Charles Taylor of Liberia
23. | Africa's Quest for Long-Term Development: Does NEPAD Provide the Necessary Policy Framework?
24. | Rethinking Security in the Age of Uncertain Globalisation: NEPAD and Human Security in Africa in the Twenty-First Century1
25. | Le Maroc entre la transition démocratique et une nouvelle renaissance socioculturelle
26. | The Politics of International Terrorism in the Security Complexes in the Greater Horn of Africa: An Overview from Uganda under the Movementocracy
27. | Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights - Blessing or Curse? A Perspective from Mauritius
28. | The Dilemma of Civil Society in Cameroon Since 1990: Which Way Forward?
29. | The State and Development in Africa
30. | Development and Peace in Africa
31. | The Utilisation of Africa's Environmental Resources and the Challenges of Globalisation: A Case Study from Eastern Tanzania
32. | African Instituted Churches in Southern Africa: Paragons of Regional Integration?
33. | 'Justice Be Our Shield and Defender': An Intellectual Property Rights Regime for Africa
34. | The State of the Process of Decentralisation in Cameroon
35. | Revisiting Company Law with the Advent of Ethiopia Commodity Exchange (ECX): An Overview
36. | Transcending the Impasse: Rethinking the 'State' and 'Development' in Africa
37. | Reforms and Industrial Development and Trade in East Africa: The Case of Tanzania
38. | Globalisation and the Paradox of Participatory Governance in Southern Africa: The Case of the New South Africa
39. | Role Duality among School-age Children Participating in Farming in Some Villages in Kwara State, Nigeria
40. | The African Union and the Destiny of Africahood: The Southern Africa Development Community and Neo-colonial Challenges to Pan-Africanism
41. | Developmental Local Government in Post-Apartheid South Africa? A Feminist Rethinking of the State and Development in the Context of Neo-liberalism
42. | Globalisation and Labour Utilisation in Nigeria: Evidence from the Construction Industry
43. | Learning to Live with Conflicts: Federalism as a Tool of Conflict Management in Ethiopia -- An Overview
44. | The Welfare State Within the Context of Liberal Globalisation in Africa: Is the Concept Still Relevant in Social Policy Alternatives for Africa?
45. | From Local Conflicts to Global Terrorism: Can Refugees and Regional Security Problems Jeopardise the Renewal of Kenya?
46. | Scolarisation - Travail et Genre en Algérie
47. | Gender Division of Labour and Women's Decision-Making Power in Rural Households in Cameroon
48. | Recent Trends and Patterns in Nigeria's Industrial Development
49. | Capitalism, Globalisation and the Underdevelopment Process in Africa: History in Perpetuity
50. | Foreign nursing students: Their profile and perceptions of nursing care in Namibia
51. | Family perceptions in caring for children and adolescents with mental disabilities: a qualitative study from Tanzania
52. | Vulnerability and adaptation of rain fed agriculture to climate change and variability in semi-arid Tanzania
53. | Reuse of wastewater in urban farming and urban planning implications in Katsina metropolis, Nigeria
54. | Trend And Causes Of Female Students Dropout From Teacher Education Institutions Of Ethiopia: The Case Of Jimma University
55. | Characteristics of snail farmers and constraints to increased production in West and Central Africa
56. | The linkages between land use change, land degradation and biodiversity across East Africa
57. | Trends in Sociodemographic and Drug Abuse Variables in Patients with Alcohol and Drug Use Disorders in a Nigerian Treatment Facility
58. | Empowering Young Sex Workers for Safer Sex in Dowa and Lilongwe Districts of Malawi
59. | Extra-territorial African police and soldiers in Southern Rhodesia (Zimbabwe) 1897-1965
60. | The South African strategic and operational objectives in Angola, 1987-88
61. | From war economies to peace economies in Africa
62. | HIV/AIDS and pregnancy-related deaths in Blantyre, Malawi
63. | Research PaperPsychosocial adjustment of children affected by HIV/AIDS in Ghana
64. | Contested multiple voices of young masculinities amongst adolescent boys in Alexandra Township, South Africa
65. | Factors that influence attitudes and sexual behavior among constituency youth workers in Oshana Region, Namibia
66. | Unmet reproductive health needs and health-seeking behaviour of adolescents in Owerri, Nigeria
67. | The attitudes of Kenyan In-School adolescents toward sexual autonomy
68. | Birth Preparedness, Complication Readiness and Fathers' Participation in Maternity Care in a Northern Nigerian Community
69. | Promoting and Prioritising Reproductive Health Commodities: Understanding the Emergency Contraception Value Chain in South Africa
70. | Estimating Uganda's Exportable Labour Using a New Pro-poor Index of Unemployment
71. | Estimating the impact of birth control on fertility rate in Sub-Saharan Africa
72. | Revisiting the Judicially Changed Personal Names in Ethiopia: A Study from a Sociolinguistic Perspective (1960- 1995 E.C.)
73. | Factors Associated with Employment Status among Graduates in South Africa
74. | Poor parenting: Teenagers' views on adolescent pregnancies in Eastern Uganda
75. | Coping Strategies of Women Seeking Infertility Treatment in Southern Ghana
76. | Knowledge, attitude and practices study on reproductive health among secondary school students in Bolgatanga, Upper East Region, Ghana
77. | The struggle to reduce high maternal mortality in Nigeria
78. | Changes in Knowledge and Attitudes among Junior Secondary Students Exposed to the Family Life and HIV Education Curriculum in Lagos State, Nigeria
79. | Volunteerism Among Out-of-School Adolescent Reproductive Health Peer Educators: Is it a Sustainable Strategy in Resource Constrained Countries?
80. | Correlates of Fertility Intentions Among HIV/AIDS Patients in Northern Nigeria
81. | Modeling Contextual Determinants of HIV/AIDS Prevalence in South Africa to Inform Policy
82. | HIV/AIDS - Related Stigma and Discrimination in Nigeria: Review of Research Studies and future directions for Prevention Strategies
83. | Vulnerability of Nigerian Secondary School to Human Sex Trafficking in Nigeria
84. | Bride Price and Sexual Risk Taking in Uganda
85. | Risky Sexual Behaviours among Adolescents in Owerri Municipal: Predictors of Unmet Family Health Needs
86. | Perceptions of infertility among undergraduates students in kano, Nigeria.
87. | Contraceptive practice in a tertiary hospital in south-south Nigeria
88. | Faced with a double-edged risk: Ugandan university students' perception of the emergency contraceptive pill in Uganda
89. | Female Genital Mutilation among Edo People: The complications and pattern of presentation at a Pediatric Surgery Unit, Benin City
90. | Young mothers, first time parenthood and exclusive breastfeeding in Kenya
91. | Determinants of Post-Partum Maternal Mortality at Queen Elizabeth Central Hospital, Blantyre, Malawi: A Case-Control Study 2001-2002
92. | Maternal mortality at the Central Hospital, Benin City Nigeria: A ten year review
93. | Contraceptive use by women in Accra, Ghana: results from the 2003 Accra women's health survey
94. | Level and differentials of fertility in Awassa town, Southern Ethiopia
95. | Acceptability of child adoption as management option for infertility in Nigeria: Evidence from focus group discussions
96. | Coping Strategies of young mothers at risk of HIV/AIDS in the Kassena-Nankana District of Northern Ghana
97. | Experiences of HIV positive mothers who chose not to breastfeed their babies in Nigeria
98. | Gender dynamics and sexual norms among youth in Mali in the context of HIV/AIDS prevention
99. | Community Perception of Maternal Mortality in Northeastern Nigeria
100. | Abortion law in Ethiopia: a comparative perspective