Number of records: 923 |
| | Record 1 - 100 | | |
| Title |
1. | Phonologie de la langue Sakata (BC 34). Langue bantoue du Zaïre Parler de Lemvien Nord
2. | Phonologie de la langue Sakata (BC 34). Langue bantoue du Zaïre Parler de Lemvien Nord
3. | Phonologie de la langue Sakata (BC 34). Langue bantoue du Zaïre Parler de Lemvien Nord
4. | Global policies and the provision of birth care in Burkina Faso
5. | For en neve dollars til: Hvilken rolle spiller private pengeoverføringer fra utlandet for husholdninger i Somalia?
6. | A case study on The Vicious Cycle of Food Insecurity in Small-scale Farmer Households in Zambia
7. | Adoption and Diffusion of Improved Fish Processing Technology on Household Income: A case of Elmina in Ghana using System Dynamics Thinking
8. | Constitutionalising Rights to Water and Sanitation: International Norm Diffusion or Local Politics?
9. | The Political Inclusion of Youth: Quotas, Parties, and Elections in Democratic and Democratizing States
10. | Palliative care services at Nkhoma, rural Malawi ' A qualitative exploration of experiences of the care providers and the recipients
11. | Biting the dirty hand that feeds you Relations and Resistance in the Bidi Bidi refugee camp, Northern Uganda
12. | There is a Spy on the Campus: Academic Freedom Under Zimbabwe's Watchful Government
13. | Impact of scaling up modern contraceptive coverage in Ethiopia: Sub-national cost effectiveness analysis
14. | The Go Between
15. | Breastfeeding advice for reality: Women's perspectives on primary care support in South Africa
16. | Clinical ethics dilemmas in a low-income setting - a national survey among physicians in Ethiopia
17. | Country contextualisation of cost-effectiveness studies: lessons from Ethiopia
18. | Coping with a disruptive life caused by obstetric fistula: Perspectives from Malawian women
19. | Intrauterine growth patterns in rural Ethiopia compared with WHO and INTERGROWTH-21st growth standards: A community-based longitudinal study
20. | Knowledge, attitude and practice related to chemical hazards and personal protective equipment among particleboard workers in Ethiopia: a cross-sectional study
21. | Acceptability of an economic support component to reduce early pregnancy and school dropout in Zambia: a qualitative case study
22. | Intimate partner violence and maternal depression during pregnancy: A community-based cross-sectional study in Ethiopia
23. | Oral diseases and oral Health related behaviors in adolescents living in Maasai population areas in Tanzania: a cross sectional study
24. | High Prevalence of Respiratory Symptoms among Particleboard Workers in Ethiopia: A Cross-Sectional Study
25. | Health, life and rights: a discourse analysis of a hybrid abortion regime in Tanzania
26. | Perception of Health professions students of their role model status in Tombak cessation: A cross sectional study from Sudan
27. | Fisheries in the Drylands of Sub-Saharan Africa ' 'Fish come with the rains'. Building resilience for fisheries-dependent livelihoods to enhance food security and nutrition in the drylands
28. | Financial risk protection at the bedside: How Ethiopian physicians try to minimize out-of-pocket health expenditures
29. | Developing nephrology services in low income countries: A case of Tanzania
30. | Respiratory health among hand pickers in primary coffee processing factories of Ethiopia
31. | Determinants of Health Facility Utilization at Birth in South Sudan
32. | Public perceptions and financial projections by introducing a marginal fuel levy to finance healthcare in Tanzania
33. | A systems evaluation of smallholder adoption of climate information services for resilience in Uganda: Socio-economic incentives, limitations, and implications.
35. | Inclusive Education for Children with Disabilities: A Multi-sited Case Study of Disability Support in Tanzania.
36. | Herbal medicine use among pregnant women attending antenatal clinics in Lusaka Province, Zambia: a cross-sectional, multicentre study
37. | Young women's agency to negotiate condom use in sexual relationships: Compromising factors leading to condom use inconsistency among young South African women
38. | Exploring Sense of Community as a Resource for Mental Well-Being for Women Identifying as Lesbian, Bisexual or Queer in Pretoria, South Africa
39. | Nutritional and clinical status of patients with diabetes in Zanzibar: A clinical follow up study
40. | Accountability and Perception of Effectiveness in Public Universities in Cameroon: Case of the University of Buea
41. | Experiences and coping mechanisms of adolescent mothers and intervention programmes to reduce adolescent pregnancy in Lower Manya Krobo Municipality, Ghana.
42. | Assessing the exploitation status of main fisheries resources in Ghana's reservoirs based on reconstructed catches and a length-based bootstrapping stock assessment method
43. | Er Libya eit land?
44. | Shellfish exploitation during the Oakhurst at Klipdrift Cave, southern Cape, South Africa
45. | Gender Dimensions in the family reunification and integration process: Eritrean immigrants in Norway
46. | Performance of an adapted household food insecurity access scale in measuring seasonality in household food insecurity in rural Ethiopia: a cohort analysis
47. | Performance of primary care in different healthcare facilities: A cross-sectional study of patients' experiences in Southern Malawi
48. | Child mental illness and the help-seeking process: a qualitative study among parents in a Ugandan community
49. | Child development in rural Burkina Faso. Association between maternal alcohol consumption, stunting, schooling, and neuropsychological outcomes
50. | The access paradox: abortion law, policy and practice in Ethiopia, Tanzania and Zambia
51. | The challenge of community engagement and informed consent in rural Zambia: an example from a pilot study
52. | Helsepersonells erfaringer fra utveksling: En kvalitativ studie av norsk helsepersonells erfaringer fra arbeidsutveksling til Tanzania.
53. | Candidate selection and informal soft quotas for women: gender imbalance in political recruitment in Zambia
54. | Building a new master's and PhD programme in nutritional epidemiology in Kinshasa: How to face obstacles beyond the control of the project
55. | Bedside Rationing Under Resource Constraints'A National Survey of Ethiopian Physicians' Use of Criteria for Priority Setting
56. | A systems perspective on the importance of global health strategy developments for accomplishing today's Sustainable Development Goals
57. | Adolescent pregnancy and social norms in Zambia
58. | Affekt, hybriditet og trans-figurasjon i Nina Bouraouis Garçon manqué
59. | Low use of long-lasting insecticidal nets for malaria prevention in south-central Ethiopia: A community-based cohort study
60. | Inadequate management of pneumonia among children in South Ethiopia: findingsfrom descriptive study
61. | An educational intervention to update health workers about HIV and infant feeding
62. | Sharing Knowledge, Transforming Societies: The Norhed Programme 2013-2020
63. | Short-term versus long-term decision trade-offs: Evidence from a model-based observational experiment with African small-scale farmers
64. | Integration of ear and hearing care into primary health care in Malawi with special reference to task-sharing.
65. | (How) Do Voters Discriminate Against Women Candidates? Experimental and Qualitative Evidence From Malawi
66. | Low immunization coverage in Wonago district, southern Ethiopia: A community-based cross-sectional study
67. | The Gezira Family Medicine Project (GFMP). A scientific evaluation of a Master program for family physicians in Gezira, Sudan
68. | Impact on core values of family medicine from a 2-year Master's programme in Gezira, Sudan: observational study
69. | Utilisation of health services fails to meet the needs of pregnancy-related illnesses in rural southern Ethiopia: A prospective cohort study
70. | Variability in Middle Stone Age symbolic traditions: The marine shell beads from Sibudu Cave, South Africa
71. | A cost-effectiveness analysis of maternal and neonatal health interventions in Ethiopia
72. | 'Maternal deaths should simply be 0': Politicization of maternal death reporting and review processes in Ethiopia
73. | Transportation barriers to access health care for surgical conditions in Malawi: a cross sectional nationwide household survey
74. | 'An uneasy compromise': strategies and dilemmas in realizing a permissive abortion law in Ethiopia
75. | Putting Children First: New Frontiers in the Fight Against Child Poverty in Africa
76. | When the law makes doors slightly open: ethical dilemmas among abortion service providers in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
77. | Why teach sexuality education in school? Teacher discretion in implementing comprehensive sexuality education in rural Zambia
78. | When abortion is not within reach. Ethiopian university students struggling with unintended pregnancies
79. | An educational intervention to update health workers about HIV and infant feeding
80. | "Assessing citizen adoption of e-government initiatives in Gambia: A validation of the technology acceptance model in information systems success". A critical article review, with questions to its publishers
81. | Beyond the law: Misoprostol and medical abortion in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
82. | Newborn Care Practices in Northern Uganda: Studies on breastfeeding, decision-making and hypothermia
83. | Quality of primary care from the patient perspective in South West Malawi: Development and application of the Malawian Primary Care Assessment Tool (Pcat-Mw)
84. | Breastfeeding practices and health facility births in South Sudan
85. | Helsehjelp og støttesystem for kvinner og nyfødte rundt fødsel i Buikwe distrikt Uganda
86. | Life in transition: the case of young Eritreans in Norway
87. | Experiences of care in the context of payment for performance (P4P) in Tanzania
88. | Breaking the glass ceiling: experiences of women leaders in private corporate organisations in Ghana
89. | Visjonen om det nye sudanske mennesket: Den sudanske daaiya som politisk og ideologisk aktivist anno 1988
90. | Realizing women's right to maternal health: A study of awareness of rights and utilization of maternal health services among reproductive age women in two rural districts in Tanzania
91. | Freshwater small pelagic fish and fisheries in the main African great lakes and reservoirs in relation to food security and nutrition
92. | La polyphonie dans le discours climatique officiel du Cameroun 2005-2017
93. | Représentations de la femme africana dans « le cycle de l'ombre et la lumière » de Léonora Miano
94. | Helsepersonells rolle i utførelse av trygg abort i Lusaka
95. | Popular Spaces: Space, Race, and Gender in Four Post-Apartheid Novels
96. | Mapping HIV in Kenya: Geospatial variability of HIV diagnoses, treatment, and impact: Implications for HIV epidemic control
97. | Dynamics of the seasonal floodplain fishery of the Okavango Delta, Botswana
98. | Between North and South: The Episcopal Church in Sudan and the Political Sphere 1945-1972
99. | From Marikana to London. The Anti-Blackness of Mining Finance
100. | Søken etter fred. En sammenliknende studie av fredsprosessene i Somalia og Somaliland