Number of records: 542 |
| | Record 1 - 100 | | |
| Title |
1. | Aesthetic Sensibility and Political Praxis: Foucault, Lyotard and the Darfur Crisis
2. | The birkas of Cairo in the Mamluk Period. A Topographic and Socio-Economic Study
3. | Assessing the Effectiveness of European Union Civilian CSDP Missions Involved in Security Sector Reform: The Cases of Afghanistan, Mali and Niger
4. | Coordination as the flagship to the efficacy of humanitarian aid: Research on the influence of different coordination types on the efficacy of humanitarian aid operations in Africa
5. | "Our Children Are Dead": Past and Anticipated Adversity Shaping Caregiving and Cultural Reproduction among Banyamulenge Refugee Families in Rwanda
6. | City of Carmel: Practices of Silence of 25-35 year old Persons within a New Community of Faith in the City of Cape Town
7. | Noot bij: Supreme Court Verenigd Koninkrijk 15 november 2023, JV, 2024, 54 (Aanvraag, asiel. Verenigd Koninkrijk. Veilig derde land. Rwanda. Non-refoulement)
8. | Information structure in Makhuwa: Electrophysiological evidence for a universal processing account
9. | Reported healthcare-seeking of loiasis patients and estimation of the associated monetary burden in Gabon: Data from a cross-sectional survey
10. | Noot bij: Supreme Court of the United Kingdom 15 november 2023, 2024, (Rwanda is geen veilig derde land)
11. | Polarization, religiosity, and support for gender equality: A comparative study across four Muslim-majority countries
12. | Aspirations to go: understanding the bounded rationality of prospective migrants from Ghana
13. | The effects of coffee certification in Kenya
14. | Writing History through the Prism Of Art: The Career of a Pious Cultural Producer in Egypt
15. | Women empowerment through self-help groups: The bittersweet fruits of collective apple cultivation in highland Ethiopia
16. | Some Reflections on the "aba-nefs" WhatsApp of an Eritrean Priest Queshi-Afwerki
17. | Shoe-ing the atheist: gendered emotional responses towards nonreligion in Egypt
18. | Designing an evidence-informed package of essential health services for Universal Health Coverage: lessons learnt and challenges to implementation in Liberia.
19. | (Un)fair chase? Governing 'conservation killing' in Africa and Europe
20. | Parkinson's Disease in Sub-Saharan Africa: Pesticides as a Double-Edged Sword
21. | Decision-making processes for essential packages of health services: experience from six countries.
22. | Entanglements of Race and Religion: A Post-Colonial Sub-Saharan African Perspective
23. | Young Africa impact study: Between commercial franchise and social enterprise
24. | The Conflicting Logics of Regionalism and Gender Mainstreaming: EU Trade Agreements with Southern Africa
25. | Advancing civil human rights culture in Tanzania
26. | Firm Innovation In Developing Countries, Evidence From Ghana
27. | Normalising Nonreligion: Everyday Activism in Morocco and the Moroccan Diaspora
28. | On wayfaring and transporting: Understanding the mobility trajectories of African migrants in Europe
29. | Risk preferences and farmers' livelihood strategies: A case study from Eastern Ethiopia
30. | Segmental intonation in Zwara Berber voiceless stressed syllable rimes
31. | De rechtbank als laatste redmiddel. De praktijk van echtscheiding in Senegal
32. | Aid unchained: Examining development project management practices at aid chain interfaces
33. | Reconceptualizing Gender Equality Norm Diffusion and Regional Governance: Logics and Geometries
34. | Localizing Land Governance, Strengthening the State: Decentralization and Land Tenure Security in Uganda
35. | The long shadow of faith-based social networks on agricultural performance: Evidence from Ethiopian apple growers
36. | Institutions, resources and innovation in East Africa: A firm level approach
37. | The ambivalent impact of coffee certification on farmers' welfare: A matched panel approach for cooperatives in Central Kenya
38. | The influence of Islamic orientations on democratic support and tolerance in five Arab countries
39. | What if Networks Move? Dynamic Social Networking in the Context of African Migration to Europe
40. | The Wolof argument-focus constructions as copulaless clefts
41. | Worlds apart but much alike: Donor funding and the homogenization of NGOs in Ghana and Indonesia
42. | Where do I report my land dispute? The impact of institutional proliferation on land governance in post-conflict Northern Uganda
43. | The multifaceted relationship between land and violent conflict: the case of Apaa evictions in Amuru district, northern Uganda
44. | Gender Mainstreaming in SADC and SADC-EU Trade Relations
45. | Renegotiating customary tenure reform ' Land governance reform and tenure security in Uganda
46. | Theorizing the Land - Violent Conflict Nexus
47. | The Imagined Agent of Peace: Frictions in Peacebuilding through Civil Society Strengthening
48. | The dilemma of public administration education in South Africa. Teaching or learning?
49. | How Islam influences women's paid non-farm employment: Evidence from 26 Indonesian and 37 Nigerian provinces
50. | 'Longing to grow my business': The work- life interface of women entrepreneurs in Ethiopia
51. | Inequality and ethnic conflict in sub-Saharan Africa
52. | Effect of Knowledge Sources on Firm Level Innovation in Tanzania
53. | Anxiety and coping strategies among dyslexics in Ethiopia
54. | Introduction
55. | Staying put in moving sands. The stepwise migration process of sub-Saharan African migrants heading north
56. | In Arabic, English or a mix? Egyptian consumers' response to language choice in product advertisements, and the role of language attitudes
57. | Contesting Gender Roles: 'Left-Behind' Migrant Spouses in Kumasi, Ghana
58. | Innovation Inputs and Efficiency: Manufacturing Firms in sub-Saharan Africa
59. | How internationally funded NGOs promote gender equality in horticulture value chains in Kenya
60. | Finding the right Path: Climate change and migration in Northern Ghana
61. | Agent Run Amuck: The SADC Tribunal and Governance Transfer Roll-back
62. | What determines the embeddedness of forced return migrants? Rethinking the role of pre- and post-return assistance
63. | Imaging Africa: a strategic approach to optical microscopy training in Africa
64. | Burundi
65. | The geopolitical fabric of the border regime in the EU-African borderlands
66. | African Passages through Istanbul
67. | Student protests and calls to decolonise science in South Africa: implications for international standards and Public Administration curriculum development
68. | Following Migrant Trajectories: The Im/Mobility of Sub-Saharan Africans en Route to the European Union
69. | In-group favouritism and social norms: Public goods experiments in Tanzania
70. | Monastic martyrs of compassion. Murdered trappist monks in Algeria and the different meaning of martyrdom
71. | Regional Governance, Gender and Transnationalism: A First Exploration
72. | Rwanda's post-genocide foreign aid relations: Revisiting notions of exceptionalism
73. | Transforming land governance and strengthening the state in South Sudan
74. | Nieuwe etnische groepen in Nederland. Een onderzoek onder vluchtelingen en statushouders uit Afghanistan, Ethiopië en Eritrea, Iran, Somalië en Vietnam.
75. | Women in Ethiopia: Creating Value through Entrepreneurship
76. | Australia and Morocco Revisited. The Materialized Travel Memories of Dutch Visual Artist Theo Kuijpers
77. | Public Transfers and Crowding-In and -Out of Private Transfers: Experimental Evidence from Kenya
78. | From 'talking among' to 'talking back'? Online voices of young nonbelievers in Morocco and the Moroccan diaspora
79. | Hybrid governance in South Sudan: the negotiated state in practice
80. | Keep it simple: external resource utilisation and incremental product innovation in resource-challenged South African manufacturing firms
81. | Risk aversion, cooperative membership, and path dependences of smallholder farmers in Ethiopia
82. | The Wolof basic clause and its information-structural derivatives
83. | Migrant Spirituality: Correlating the Narratives of African Migrants to the USA and the Dark Night of John of the Cross
84. | Towards malaria-free rice cultivation in Rwanda: Exploring the role of local contributions
85. | The contact-based emergence of the subject-focus construction in Wolof
86. | The governance of gig platform organizations in developing countries
87. | Lake Victoria export fishermen: Global capitalist precariat or emancipated African adulthood?
88. | Child Labor in Africa and Asia: Household and Context Determinants of Hours Worked in Paid Labor by Young Children in 16 Low-Income Countries
89. | Do African Postcolonial Theories Need an Epistemic Decolonial Turn?
90. | Post-conflict land governance reform in the African Great Lakes region. Part I - The challenges of post-conflict land reform
91. | Translating EUrope's Return Migration Regime to The Gambia: The Incorporation of Local CSOs
92. | Grounding Local Peace Organizations; A case study of southern Sudan
93. | Turbulent Trajectories: African Migrants on Their Way to the European Union
94. | Dreams and reality: autonomy support for women entrepreneurs in Ethiopia
95. | Income and greenhouse gas (GHG) emission trade-offs on smallholder farms at two sites in northern Nigeria
96. | Defusing Land Disputes? The Politics of Land Certification and Dispute Resolution in Burundi
97. | Bride price and fertility decisions: Evidence from rural Senegal
98. | Remembering G. Tucker Childs (1948-2021)
99. | Zimbabwe. Landhervormingen geen mislukking
100. | Police integrity and the perceived effectiveness of policing: Evidence from a survey among Ugandan police officers