Number of records: 462 |
| | Record 1 - 100 | | |
| Title |
1. | Coordinating Humanitarian Aid ' Custodia Custodiam? humanitarian aid coordination, regulation and accountability in Rwanda and Sudan; A comparative research
2. | Sudan, Chad, Somalia: A Comparative Analysis of State Failure as a Carte Blanche for Spoilers in Protracted Social Conflicts
3. | De invloed van regionale integratie op de situatie van vluchtelingen. De Engelse School en de ECOWAS.
4. | Structural transformation in Africa:Static gains, dynamic losses
5. | How can humanness and gender explain differences in entrepreneurial orientation of small business men in Tanzania: empirical evidence from Dar Es Salaam
6. | Channel captains and their impact on local economic development. Evidence from the textile industry in Tanzania
7. | Chinese investeringen op het Afrikaanse continent, motor voor ontwikkeling?
8. | Post-Conflict Peacebuilding and Democratization in Sub-Sahara Africa
9. | The Chinese Multi-Facility Economic Zone in Zambia: a way of escaping the resource curse?
10. | Sudan: Joining Forces for Peace? Theory and Practice of the Dutch Comprehensive Approach to Sudan 2005-2011
11. | English School and Humanitarian Intervention: The cases of Libya and Syria
12. | Sarkozy in Ivoorkust. Een breuk met het Françafrique-verleden?
13. | Libyan Volte-Face Politics: An Analysis of Qaddafi Libya's Oscillating Foreign Policy Toward the United States
14. | Foreign investment as the engine of the agricultural transformation to attain food security in the 'liberalising' Ethiopian state: The effects of Ethiopia's interference in foreign investment and food security
15. | Revolutions and the Arab Spring: a comparative analysis between Egypt, Tunisia, and Libya
16. | De universiteitsbibliotheek van Ouagadougou
17. | De bibliotheekvoorzieningen van de Universiteit van Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso
18. | Non-formal vocational education in Uganda:Practical empowerment through a workable alternative
19. | Slavery, Statehood, and Economic Development in Sub-Saharan Africa
20. | Assessment of renewable energy resources potential for large scale and standalone applications in Ethiopia
21. | Uganda's Oil Discovery: Nature's Blessing or a Curse in the Making? Understanding Domestic Stability Risks of the Newly Discovered Oil in Uganda
22. | Afrikaans is nie so maklik nie:Enkele misverstanden over het Afrikaans
23. | Food, Faith & Community:Social well-being of Ghanaian migrants in the Netherlands
24. | Ebola: Is Europa klaar voor een dergelijke epidemie?
25. | 'I felt very bad, I had self-rejection':narratives of exclusion and marginalisation among early school leavers in Uganda
26. | The contribution of the diaspora to the reconstruction of education in South Sudan:the challenge of being involved from a distance
27. | Corporate boards and ownership structure: Evidence from Sub-Saharan Africa
28. | Markt en prijs beslissingen verbeterdiensten voor boeren in Uganda
29. | Goede raad voor toezicht op de gezondheidszorg in Tanzania
30. | Public policy, health system, and community actions against illness as platforms for response to NCDs in Tanzania:a narrative review
31. | The growing rift between Africa and the International Criminal Court:The curious (im)possibility of a Security Council deferral
32. | How to reconcile the African Union and the International Criminal Court?
33. | Assessment of reliability and difficulty indices of the Eritrean secondary education certificate examinations (ESECE)
34. | Pouring Oil on Troubled Waters: A Study of International Economics and Rentier Theory: The Cases of Egypt and Saudi Arabia
35. | The Influence of Norms on Behavior - Libya, the Responsibility to Protect and Non-Intervention
36. | R2P versus Geopolitics: Intervention and Non-Intervention in Libya and Syria
37. | The Security Council and the International Criminal Court:The Unsolved Puzzle of Article 16
38. | Financial Liberalization and Capital Flight: Evidence from the African Continent
39. | Market and price decision enhancement services for farmers in Uganda
40. | Factors that affect South African reading literacy achievement: Evidence from prePIRLS 2011
41. | The invisible Ghanaian sex worker active in the Dutch sex industry
42. | Not an "Ugly American":Sal Tas, a Dutch Reporter as Agent of the West in Africa
43. | Verb and word order deficits in Swahili-English agrammatic speakers
44. | Computational morphology and Bantu language learning:an implementation for Runyakitara
45. | Making the African city: Dakar, Dar es Salaam, Kinshasa, 1920-1980
46. | Erfgoed op het snijvlak van Nederland en Zuid-Afrika. Verrassend straatnaambord in de township Thabong (Vrijstaat)
47. | Grounding Adult Education Research in Rural Areas:Reflections on the Development of a Research Program at the University of Limpopo in South Africa
48. | Sentence production in Swahili-English bilingual agrammatic speakers
49. | Production and comprehension of reference of time in SwahiliEnglish bilingual agrammatic speakers
50. | The contribution of the diaspora to the reconstruction of education in South Sudan:the challenge of being involved from a distance
51. | Negotiating the '(Ab)normality' of (Anti-)Apartheid:Transnational Relations within a Dutch-South African Family
52. | Revitalising Stamverwantschap:The Role of the Nederlands Zuid-Afrikaanse Werkgemeenschap on Dutch-Afrikaner Relations in the Twentieth Century
53. | Farmer empowerment as a tool to stimulate local economic development: the case of the cashew production in Tanzania
54. | Een constructieve bijdrage van transnationale ondernemingen bij de wederopbouw van een postconflict land. Een realistisch vooruitzicht of een utopische gedachte?
55. | Rite en wraak: De smaak van rechtvaardigheid
56. | Ritueel als arena: Dogon-maskers en hun strijd
57. | Corporate social responsibility in developing countries. Comparative analysis of breweries in Sierra Leone and Ghana
58. | The impact of external donor support through the U.S. President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief on the cost of red cell concentrate in Namibia, 2004-2011
59. | Proving the old spell wrong: New African hydrocarbon producers and the 'resource curse'
60. | Building vocational skills for marginalised youth in Uganda: A SWOT analysis of four training programmes.
61. | Liberal Statebuilding the Key for Sustainable Peace in the Democratic Republic of Congo?
62. | Outcome evaluation of psychosocial support for children in the Republic of South Sudan
63. | Egypt's State of Emergency Revisited
64. | Financial liberalization and capital flight: evidence from the African continent
65. | Rite en wraak: De smaak van rechtvaardigheid
66. | South Africa's Communal Land Rights Act:Rating the Attempt to Translate Customary Land Tenure into Legislation
67. | African Labour Migration: A Blessing or a Curse? A study on the socio-economic effects of African labour migration in the Netherlands and China.
68. | The design of decentralisation and its application in Tanzania
69. | The legacy of the Gacaca courts in Rwanda: Survivors' views
70. | Spoonbills as a model system:a demographic cost-benefit analysis of differential migration
71. | Boekbespreking: Het blank-zijn van Nederlandse correspondenten in Zuid-Afrika
72. | Production and comprehension of reference of time in Swahili-English bilingual agrammatic speakers.
73. | Een warm welkom voor blanke nieuwkomers? Nederlandse emigratie en Zuid-Afrikaanse natievorming (1902-1961)
74. | Van Ethiopië tot de Athos, van 1200 tot heden: Byzantijns recht zonder Byzantium
75. | Landerbericht Sudafrika
76. | " A secular saint? The life and legacy of Nelson Mandela
77. | Cairo: a deconstruction reading of space
78. | Sentence production in Swahili-English bilingual agrammatic speakers.
79. | Process evaluation of school-based peer education for HIV prevention among Yemeni adolescents
80. | Process evaluation of school-based peer education for HIV prevention among Yemeni adolescents
81. | Saving the Sharks: Implementation of Conservation on Cape Verde
82. | Entrepreneurs by the Grace of God. Life and Work of seamstresses in Bolgatanga, Ghana
83. | China's transformation towards a market economy and its changing position in the SADC region
84. | Environmental Insecurity as an Incentive for Regional Integration; Cooperation in Transboundary Shared River Basins in the Southern African Development Community
85. | De kwaliteit van stakeholder engagement: een vergelijking tussen het Zuid-Afrikaanse staatsbedrijf Alexkor en de multinational De Beers
86. | Last Call for Africa? From Depleting Resources and Failing States to Diversification and Building Institutions - How to Engage China
87. | The Vatican of the Diaspora
88. | Body and Belief: Exploration in African Ritology. The Magic of Body Language.
89. | A spiritual contact zone. Re-inventing Ritual Space in The Netherlands' Afrika Museum
90. | The Use of Population-Based Surveys for Prosecutions at the International Criminal Court:A Case Study of Democratic Republic of Congo
91. | Outcomes and Impact of HIV Prevention, ART and TB Programs in Swaziland - Early Evidence from Public Health Triangulation
92. | Sentence production in Swahili-English bilingual agrammatic speakers
93. | Sentence comprehension in Swahili-English bilingual agrammatic speakers
94. | Priority interventions to reduce HIV transmission in sex work settings in sub-Saharan Africa and delivery of these services
95. | Production and comprehension of reference of time in SwahiliEnglish bilingual agrammatic speakers
96. | Non-formal vocational education in Uganda:Practical empowerment through a workable alternative
97. | Case-control of oral health knowledge and hygiene behavior due to oral health education programs for the community of township Khayelitsha, South-Africa.
98. | "Oh mijn God, een soa-test": de invloed van religiositeit en nationaliteit op soa-testintentie onder Zuid-Afrikaanse en Nederlandse studenten
99. | Towards new dynamics between education and the labour market in Uganda, the United States and the Netherlands
100. | Transitional Justice and the Politics of Lustration in Tunisia