Number of records: 1208 |
| | Record 1 - 100 | | |
| Title |
1. | Knowledge and learning: views of a sample of South African higher education
2. | Early childhood education in South African townships: Academics accepting the challenge to empower early childhood development practitioners
3. | Debating some past and present research frameworks and methodologies in history on places and their peoples in South Africa
4. | Opvoedkundige implikasies van die segregasiebeleid in Suid-Afrika in die periode 1950-1984 vir die onderwys aan swartes / Susanna Abigael Coetzee
5. | Fergelijkende taalkunde fan Afrikaans en Engels = Comparative grammar of English and Cape Dutch / Stefanus Jacobus du Toit
6. | Differentiation in the school system for the Coloured in the Republic of South Africa / Simon Boiki Malope Ntsimane
7. | Geskiedenis van die Afrikaanse Taalbeweging ver vrind en vyand - uit publieke en private bronne bewerk deur 'n lid van die Genootskap van Regte Afrikaners / Stefanus Jacobus du Toit
8. | Phrases and dialogues with translations in Cape Dutch, preceded by short grammatical notes on the latter language / J.F. van Oordt
9. | The Englishman's guide to the speedy and easy acquirement of Cape Dutch: grammar, useful information, conversation: for the use of travellers, settlers and military men / Hubertus Elffers
10. | Het Afrikaansch: bijdrage tot de geschiedenis der Nederlandsche taal in Zuid-Afrika / Dirk Christiaan Hesseling
11. | Handleiding in het Afrikaans voor Nederlanders / Jacobus Johannes le Roux
12. | Beschrijvende klankleer van het Afrikaans / Thomas Hugo le Roux
13. | Aspekte van die onderwysontwikkeling in Suidwes-Afrika, 1915-1960 / Jacobus Theodorus Van Wyk
14. | Dagboek van Louis Trichardt, 1836-1838 / Louis Trichardt & Gustav Schoeman Preller
15. | Climate change and human rights in the African Union (AU) / Anoeschka du Plessis
16. | Geskiedenis van die ontwikkeling van die onderwys aan Blankes in die distrik Heidelberg, Transvaal van 1839-1950 / Petrus Wilhelm Lötz
17. | Sir John Ernest Adamson as Direkteur van onderwys, 1905-1924: 'n verhandeling oor sy bydraes tot die praktyk van die onderwys en die opvoeding gedurende sy ampstermyn as Direkteur van onderwys in Transvaal / Gert Petrus van Rooyen
18. | 'n Krities-historiese oorsig van die eksamen- en inspeksiestelsels in die Transvaal, 1900-1940 / Nicolaas van der Walt
19. | Die groei van onderwysaangeleenthede in Johannesburg, 1886-1920 / Peter Venter
20. | Onderwys in Transvaal, 1838-1858 / Salomon Ignatius Wilhelm Roos
21. | HIV/AIDS, to disclose or not to disclose: that is the question
22. | Afrikaanse grammatika en taalkunde vir Afrikaanssprekende leerlinge, standerds VI-X: voorsien van taallyste / Algernon Strange Valentine Barnes
23. | Taalgeografie: inleidende gedagtes oor dialekstudie / Stephanus Andreas Louw
24. | Praat u beskaaf / Pierre de Villiers Pienaar
25. | Eerste skrijwers: Laaste stem uit die Genootskap van Regte Afrikaners / Gideon Retief von Wielligh
26. | Onderwysersopleiding in Brittanje en in Transvaal met besondere verwysing na die Britse beïnvloeding hier te lande veral gedurende die eerste helfte van die 20ste eeu / Hendrik Petrus van Coller
27. | Die bestuur en verandering vanaf 'n mono- na 'n multikulturele skool / Andries Daniël de Beer
28. | A correlation study of self-compassion, self-forgiveness and eating disorder behaviour among university females / Cindy Rachel Swanepoel
29. | Perceived discrimination of women in the mining sector / Juliet Noxolo Mxhakaza
30. | The challenges of implementing isiXhosa as language of learning and teaching: case study / Hazel Buyiswa Petula Matiwane
31. | Glaser, C. 2012. uDume njengo phuthu. [Boek review]
32. | Blowing your own trumpet - giving your school's history department 121 a high profile.
33. | "Not just to know history but to do history".
34. | Ittmann, K., Cordell, D.D. & Maddox, G.H. 2010. The demographics of empire: The colonial order and the creation of knowledge. [Book review]
35. | The academic self-efficacy beliefs of disadvantaged gifted black middle school students in the North West province of South Africa / Shadrack Keitumetse Semakane
36. | Geskidenis fan di Afrikaanse taalbeweging - Uit publike en prifate bronne bewerk deur 'n lid fan di Genootskap fan Regte Afrikaners / Stefanus Jacobus du Toit
37. | Van der Ross, R.E. The rise and decline of apartheid. [Boek resensie]
38. | Wellman, D T. 1993. Portraits of white racism. [Boek review]
39. | Wamakersvallei: geskiedenisprojek.
40. | Die vraag-en-antwoordmetode in die onderrig van geskiedenis met behulp van prentmateriaal.
41. | Principles that should underlie the formation of a senior primary history syllabus.
42. | The secondary school and local history awareness: Krugersdorp High School and the Krugersdorp centenary.
43. | Die Simonstadse ooreenkoms.
44. | Some aspects of the teaching of history.
45. | An assessment of history textbooks for the secondary school.
46. | The political cartoon and the history student.
47. | Geskiedenisonderrig vir standerd tien: 'n nuwe didaktiese benadering.
48. | A physical reconstruction of Mgungundhlovu - Dingane's kraal - circa 1837 based on the eye witness accounts and supported by authorative studies.
49. | Die Groot Trek: hoe groot?
50. | Carr, E.H. 1987. What is history? A new approach to history for students, workers and communities. [Boek resensie]
51. | The use of rhymes in the teaching of history.
52. | Die slag van Congella - 'n praktiese voorbeeld van bronnestudie in die primêre skool.
53. | Die proklamering van dorpe in 'n gedeelte van die eertydse wyk Gatsrand (tans die munisipale gebied van Carletonville) - distrik Potchefstroom tot 1948.
54. | Vooroordeel, mites, meestersimbole en historiese indoktrinasie.
55. | Witz, L. 1988. Write your own history. [Book review]
56. | Edgar, R. 1988. Because they chose the plan of God. The story of the Bulhoek massacre. [Boek resensie]
57. | Waarom die Verenigde Party van generaal J.C. Smuts die algemene verkiesing van 1948 verloor het.
58. | Food for thought in the realm of conservation and heritage
59. | Factors influencing the future existence of trade unions in South Africa / M. Uys
60. | Stereotypes, prejudices, self and 'the other' in history textbooks.
61. | Die geskiedenislokaal as stolpunt van leerlingaktiwiteite.
62. | Why history teaching?
63. | History, political literacy and indoctrination.
64. | Manyane, R.M. & Madisa, A.J. 1991. Learning to write, the new history. [Boek resensie]
65. | Praktykgerigte opleiding van geskiedenisonderwysers.
66. | Krities lees in Geskiedenis.
67. | Die huidige stand van die vak Geskiedenis op skoolvlak in blanke hoërskole in die RSA.
68. | History teachers and their work.
69. | Teaching "apartheid" in the secondary school classroom.
70. | Geskiedenisolimpiade 1992.
71. | Teaching controversial issues in history.
72. | The riddle of the Mfecane; a re-examination of the notion and some ideas on how to teach it.
73. | Matthews, J. 1993. Discover history. A pupil centered approach to history method. [Boek resensie]
74. | Mbeki, G. 1992. The prison writings of Govan Mbeki. [Boek resensie]
75. | Skilful questioning as an effective tool of history teaching.
76. | Kritiese denke en geskiedenisonderrig.
77. | History and business.
78. | Plural societies: history teaching and the dilemma of a national curriculum.
79. | Crais, C.C. 1992. The making of the colonial order. [Boek resensie]
80. | History and preparation for life.
81. | Geskiedenisolimpiade 1993.
82. | The influence of indirect factors on black student teachers' historical understanding.
83. | Anon. 1992. The land the Basotho lost: the dispossession of the Basotho Kingdom in the nineteenth century. [Book review]
84. | Teaching apartheid: the development of a rational approach.
85. | Teaching apartheid: the development of a rational approach.
86. | A classroom approach to developing historical skills.
87. | "Historical skills: fact or fiction?"
88. | Repliek deur mnr. D. van Wyk, Hoërskool Stellenbosch.
89. | Die verwerwing van historiese vaardighede: 'n kurrikulumontwikkelingsperspektief.
90. | Pretorius, F. 1991. Kommandolewe tydens die Anglo-Boereoorlog 1899 - 1902. [Boek resensie]
91. | Youth in history, youth making history: challenging dominant historical narratives for alternative futures.
92. | Restoring history.
93. | Skoolgeskiedenis en rassisme.
94. | Cook, C. & Stevenson, J. 1991. The longman handbook of world history since 1914. [Book review]
95. | Thomas, N. 1944. Colonialism's culture. Anthropology, travel and government. [Book review]
96. | Using a language across the curriculum approach in first-year history students.
97. | Geskiedenis op skool in die branding: enkele historiese perspektiewe.
98. | Wenke vir die aanbieding van die geskiedenis van inheemse volke.
99. | Die beplanning en opstel van 'n module in geskiedenis.
100. | Evaluating history library books for highschool pupils as tools for resource-based learning.