Number of records: 210 |
| | Record 1 - 100 | | |
| Title |
1. | Local economic development and migrant remittances in rural Zimbabwe: building on sand or solid ground?
2. | Clothing Matters: Asian-African Businessmen in European Suits 1880-1980
3. | Multi-membership and the effectiveness of regional trade agreements in Western and Southern Africa. A comparative study of ECOWAS and SADC
4. | Bending the private-public gender norms: negotiating schooling for young mothers from low-income households in Kenya
5. | Deconstructing childhood vulnerability: an introduction
6. | A debate beyond sexuality: 'tradition', human rights and Uganda's gay death penalty
7. | Seeking Telos in the 'Transfrontier': Neoliberalism and the Transcending of Community Conservation in Southern Africa
8. | Performance Management of the Police in the Context of Public Sector Reform in Mozambique
9. | Endogenisation or enclave formation ? The development of the Ethiopian cut £ower industry
10. | Rethinking the Impact of Microfinance in Africa: 'Business Change' or Social Emancipation
11. | Perspectieven op Afrikastudies en op ontwikkeling in Sub-Sahara Afrika
12. | Disentangling Bargaining Power from Individual and Household Level to Institutions: Evidence on Women's Position in Ethiopia
13. | Mobilising social justice in South Africa: Perspectives from Researchers and practitioners
14. | Unlocking the Potential for Civic Action and Structural Change: reflections on mobilising social justice
15. | Civic-State Interactions and the Potential for Structural Change
16. | Mobilising social justice in South Africa: perspectives from researchers and practitioners
17. | Introduction to Mobilising Social Justice: critical discussions on the potential for civic action and structural change
18. | The new aid paradigm: A case of policy incoherence
19. | Citizenship in social movements: constructing alternatives in the Anti-Privatization Forum, South Africa
20. | Contesting the role of social movements in post-apartheid South Africa: the Treatment Action Campaign
21. | The New Presence of China in Africa
22. | Determinants of urban job attainment in Kenya across time: education and quality of jobs by gender
23. | TB treatment initiation and adherence in a South African community influenced more by perceptions than by knowledge of tuberculosis
24. | An assessment of the effects of the 2002 food crisis on children's health in Malawi
25. | To what extent can disparities in compositional and structural factors account for the gender gap in unemployment in the urban areas of Kenya?
26. | Greater Happiness for a Greater Number: Some Non-controversial Options for Governments
27. | Economic crisis and women's employment rate in a Sub-Saharan African country: explaining the rise in women's employment rate in the urban areas of Kenya
28. | De economische crisis en werkgelegenheid voor vrouwen in stedelijke gebieden in Kenia
29. | Seizing and Stretching Participatory Space: Civil Society Participation in Tanzania's Policy Processes
30. | Claims to success: advocacy for the protocol on the rights of women in Africa - solidarity for African women's rights and the use of information and communication technologies
31. | Child labor, agricultural shocks and labor sharing in rural Ethiopia
32. | Framing and Claiming Reproductive Rights: A Case Study of Civil Society Actors in Tanzania
33. | Seizing and Stretching Participatory Space: Civil Society Participation in Tanzania's Policy Processes
34. | De rol van mobiliteit in hiv transmissie en bestrijding
35. | Advocating for Accountability: Civic-State Interactions to Protect Refugees in South Africa
36. | Cross-Border Mergers & Acquisitions: A Piece of The Natural Resource Curse Puzzle
37. | Reflections: Michael Watts interviewed by Murat Arsel
38. | Evaluation report: UNIFEM'sd work on gender-responsive budgeting: Gender-responsive budgeting programme: Morocco
39. | Advocating for accountability: Civic-state interactions to protect refugees in South Africa
40. | Post-Construction Support and Sustainability in Community-Managed Rural Water Supply
41. | Réunion
42. | Survival of Private Sector Manufacturing Establishments in Africa: The Role of Productivity and Ownership
43. | Justiciability of the Right to Health: access to medicines - the South African and Indian experience
44. | Will China change international development as we know it?
45. | Review of: R. Sultana, The Girls' Education Initiative in Egypt
46. | Review of: Andrea Liverani, Civil Society in Algeria: The Political Functions of Associational Life
47. | Who Defends Vulnerable Workers in South Africa? Aren't Trade Unions Supposed to Do So?
48. | Disco funerals: a risk situation for HIV infection among youth in Kisumu, Kenya.
49. | Guidelines for negotiating social research in communities living adjacent to transboundary protected areas: Kruger National Park
50. | Gendered epidemiology: Sexual equality and the prevalence of HIV/AIDS in sub-Saharan Africa
51. | Spatial inequalities explained: evidence from Burkina Faso
52. | Food price inflation and children's schooling
53. | Review of: The New Presence of China in Africa
54. | The Dynamics of Job Creation and Job Destruction: Is Sub-Saharan Africa Different?
55. | The dynamics of entrepreneurship in ICT: case of mobile phones downstream services in Kenya
56. | Modelling cross-gender and sexual relations: exploring the Soul Buddyz Edutainment Initiative in South Africa
57. | Constraints to strengthening public sector accountability through civil society: the case of Morocco
58. | Commons governance in Southern Africa
59. | Disentangling Bargaining Power from Individual and Household Level to Institutions: Evidence on Women's Position in Ethiopia
60. | Traditional village councils, modern associations, and the emergence of hybrid political orders in rural Morocco
61. | Disco funerals: A risk situation for HIV infection among youth in Kisumu, Kenya
62. | Education and Empire: Democratic Reform in the Arab World?
63. | A Panel Threshold Model of Tourism Specialization and Economic Development
64. | Burundese asielzoekers in Nederland: een strategische casestudy naar transnationalisme
65. | Het Wereldbank Inspectie Panel en quasi-rechterlijk toezicht: Op zoek naar de 'rechterlijke invalshoek' in het internationaal publiekrecht
66. | Education: The Middle East, North Africa, and Central Asia
67. | New Developments in Educational Policy in the Arab World: Privatization, Rights and Educational Markets in Egypt
68. | Economic growth, employment and poverty in the Middle East and North Africa
69. | Balancing equity and efficiency in health priorities in Ghana: The use of multicriteria decision analysis
70. | Quest for economic development in agrarian localities: lessons from West Nile, Uganda.
71. | Educational travel. The Overseas Internship
72. | Structural Differences in Economic Growth
73. | Projected Destination Images on African Websites: Upgrading Branding Opportunities in the Global Tourism Value Chain
74. | Separation of spouses due to travel and living apart raises HIV risk in Tanzanian couples.
75. | Estimating the resources needed and savings anticipated from roll-out of adult male circumcision in sub-Saharan Africa
76. | Schizofrenie bij etnische minderheden: Sociale en culturele verklaringen voor de verhoogde incidentie van schizofrenie bij eerste- en tweede-generatie immigranten in Nederland
77. | The argumentative structure of spatial data infrastructure initiatives in America and Africa
78. | Governance of basic services provision in sub-Saharan Africa and the need to shift gear
79. | Linking Neoprotectionism and Environmental Governance: On the Rapidly Increasing Tensions between Actors in the Environment-Development Nexus
80. | Introduction: The Politics of Engagement between Biodiversity Conservation and the Social Sciences
81. | Whims of the Winds of Time? Emerging Trends in Biodiversity Conservation and Protected Area Management
82. | China's aanwezigheid in Afrika
83. | The Contribution of Cities to Economic Development: an explanation based on Chinese and Indian cities
84. | What explains the Rural-Urban Gap in Infant Mortality - Household or Community Characteristics?
85. | Decentralization and basic services provision: water and sanitation in Ghana
86. | Medisch Onderwijs in Zuid-Afrika: beoordelingspraktijken in een ontwikkelingsland
87. | Agentschappen vertaald: retoriek en cultuur in vergelijkend perspectief
88. | Global Aging and Economic Convergence: A Real Option or Still a Case of Science Fiction?
89. | Population-level effect of HSV-2 therapy on the incidence of HIV in sub-Saharan Africa
90. | ShiftingBoundaries: Social Security in the Urban Fringe of Lilongwe City, Malawi
91. | Physical public infrastructure and private sector output/productivity in Uganda: a firm level analysis
92. | AIDS, freedom and the moral community of citizens in Southern Africa
93. | Entry, survival, and growth of manufacturing firms in Ethiopia
94. | Capital adjustment patterns and uncertainty in African manufacturing
95. | Centrale-lokale overheidsrelaties en de verlening van diensten: de levering van drinkwater en riolering in Ghana
96. | No difference in HIV incidence and sexual behaviour between out-migrants and residents in rural Manicaland, Zimbabwe
97. | Mobility and HIV in Tanzanian couples: both mobile persons and their partners show increased risk
98. | Hiv in Kenia: seksueel gedrag en kwaliteit van zorg van seksueel overdraagbare aandoeningen
99. | Malaria Epidemics in Africa: Prediction, Detection and Response
100. | The Ethnicity of the Sea Peoples