Number of records: 885 |
| | Record 1 - 100 | | |
| Title |
1. | Communal reading as a way to foster a reading culture: the One-Book-One-Library project at the University of Johannesburg
2. | Aftercare of inward foreign direct investment: a case study of South Africa
3. | The impact of wage-setting institutions on the creation and long-term survival of small, medium and micro enterprises (SMMEs) in South Africa
4. | The taxi recapitalisation programme: some perceptions of the taxi associations in Temba
5. | Evaluating the impact of a leadership development programme for women at the industrial development corporation
6. | The effect of the financial development on economic growth: evidence from the SADC
7. | The role of small, medium and micro-medium enterprises (SMMEs) in achieving sustainable development in the Limpopo Province
8. | Economic implications of the emigration of health professionals from South Africa
9. | The plain language movement and legal reform in South African law of contract
10. | ?4U (Question for you): implementing a SMS reference service at the University of the Free State
11. | South Africa and the content revolution: from the cable connection to the mobile future
12. | Citizen participation in the Alexandra Urban Renewal Project
13. | Towards social justice: an elusive and a challenging endeavour
14. | An appraisal of the post 1994 ANC-in-government: an application of the political theory of Michael Oakeshott
15. | A troubled journey: the South African government and the taxi recapitalisation policy, 1998-2008
16. | The contribution of agriculture to the economic growth of South Africa
17. | The role of service delivery for local economic development: a case study of Mamelodi township, 1999-2008
18. | The impact of regulation on small businesses in the Republic of South Africa
19. | Negotiation of subjectivities in the curriculum and educational assessment policy in South Africa
20. | The management of the quality assurance of school based assessment at a national level in South Africa
21. | Insluitende onderwys in 'n plattelandse gemeenskap: 'n gevalstudie
22. | Language, gender and power relations in Swazi national courts: a discourse based analysis
23. | Community participation in the planning of water service delivery in a rural community in Limpopo Province
24. | The coping strategies of foster parents in Hillbrow, Johannesburg
25. | The lived experience of losing a sibling through murder in South Africa
26. | Attitudes of correctional officials towards the rehabilitation and humane treatment of offenders: Leeuwkop Correctional Institution
27. | Labour practices in South Africa and Korea: a comparative study against international labour organisation standards
28. | Long-run relationship between government expenditure and economic growth: evidence from SADC countries
29. | Attitudes towards bisexual men and women: the relationship between respondents' attitudes and their sexual orientation
30. | Developmental study towards effective practices in technology-assisted learning: third combined report from 15 participating South African universities
31. | Balancing dual roles in self-employed women: An exploratory study.
32. | English South African literature in the last ten years: a survey of research developments
33. | Toward an African moral theory
34. | Young Ngwane man, Hoffenthal
35. | The history and application of shadow pricing in South African water projects
36. | An investigation of the conceptualisation of romantic love across South Africa: a cross-cultural study
37. | A sociological study of public involvement in decision making, with special reference to the re-naming of the city of Pretoria
38. | Textural and geochemical evidence for a supergene origin of the Paleoproterozoic high-grade BIF-hosted iron ores of the Maremane Dome, Northern Cape Province, South Africa
39. | The lived experience of aggression and violence by nurses in a Gauteng psychiatric institution
40. | The academic challenges experienced by learners from a local informal settlement attending a public (former Model C) suburban secondary school
41. | "Two souls" leadership: dynamic interplay of Ubuntu, Western and New Testament leadership values
42. | The impact of psychological trauma on neuropsychological functioning in children aged 8-13
43. | A study of the teaching/learning of English as a first language in a predominantly non-native English classroom in South Africa
44. | Investigating the perceptions of homoeopathy of Presbyterian and Methodist trainee ministers, ministers and congregants in South Africa
45. | Strategies and plans for implementing e-learning at the University of Zululand
46. | Stad en mens
47. | Perspektiewe rondom vervoer en vervoerekonomie
48. | Die dwelmmiddel-subkultuur en die implikasie daarvan vir die behandeling van en terugval tot afhanklikheid
49. | Die verhouding tussen blankes en nie-blankes in die Suid-Afrikaanse geskiedskrywing
50. | Die betekenis van die internasionale lugvaartreg vir Suid-Afrika
51. | Curriculum reform in South Africa: assessment of English in the national qualification framework
52. | Die eise van ons tyd aan die geskiedskrywing
53. | A macroeconomic model for the implementation of monetary policy
54. | Voorligtingsielkundeoriëntasies: wanneer? wat? vir wie?
55. | Onderwystegnologie in universitêre verband
56. | Die ekonomiese orde in Suid-Afrika
57. | 'n Konseptuele evaluering van die aard en invloed van vervoerbeleid in die ontwikkeling van Suid-Afrika
58. | Enkele opmerkinge oor die begrip skade in die Suid-Afrikaanse privaatreg
59. | Beginsels van die wisselverbintenis
60. | Elemente van 'n energiebeleid vir Suid-Afrika
61. | 'n Struktuur vir doelstellings vir onderwysersopleiding
62. | Enkele vereistes vir 'n nasionale strategie
63. | Die prakties-beroepsgerigte opleiding van onderwysers
64. | Uitdagings vir die bedryfsielkundige as wetenskaplike en praktisyn in die tagtigerjare
65. | Arbeidsverhoudinge: 'n strategie vir arbeidsvrede
66. | Suid-Afrika: 'n visie van die toekoms van die land en die siviele ingenieurberoep
67. | Die mens in beweging
68. | Vrye mededinging in Suid-Afrika en akademiese verantwoordelikheid
69. | Die inheemse strafreg van die Noord-Sotho
70. | Produktiwiteit en geestesgesongheid
71. | Organisasie-doeltreffendheid en gehalte van werklewe
72. | Cooperation between the African Union (AU) and the European Union (EU) with regard to peacemaking and peacekeeping in Africa
73. | Optometriese insigte
74. | Persparadokse
75. | Enkele gedagtes oor navorsing en nagraadse opleiding in dierkunde aan die RAU
76. | Enkele gedagtes oor die onderrig van rekenaarwetenskap op sekondêre en tersiêre vlak
77. | Geskiedenisonderrig in Suid-Afrika vandag - enkele probleme en wenke
78. | Verryking of frustrasie? Gedagtes oor die studie van die algemene geskiedenis
79. | Internasionale isolasie: Suid-Afrika in vergelykende perspektief
80. | Nuwe rigtings in fisika
81. | Openbaring en werklikheid in die Islam
82. | Volkekunde, kultuur en spel
83. | Statutêre regulering van kredietooreenkomste: 'n kritiese evaluering
84. | Vervoer, verandering en verantwoordelikheid
85. | Beroeps- en akademiese motiewe in die bedryfsielkunde
86. | Die behoefte aan navorsing op die gebied van toegepaste taalwetenskap in Suid-Afrika
87. | Onderwysbestuur: 'n funksie van verwagtinge
88. | Opleiding in vervoer
89. | Die energiekrisis en Suid-Afrika
90. | Kinder- en volwasseneleiding vanuit universitêre konteks
91. | Bestuursopleiding in die huidige tydvak met besondere verwysing na die Johannesburgse Afrikaanse sakekamerleerstoel vir ondernemingbestuur
92. | Die ekonomie en die ontwikkelingsvraagstuk
93. | Lugbesoedeling as biologiese gevaar
94. | Hybrid identities in Johannesburg: grafting garment, city and self
95. | The empowerment of women through integrating HIV/AIDS issues and literacy at community level.
96. | A descriptive analysis of alcohol and drug use amongst adolescents in Soweto.
97. | Bouncing back and holding on: narratives of hidden resilience from young men in Zola, Soweto
98. | Perceptions of progress in implementing employment equity at the University of Johannesburg
99. | The impact of HIV/AIDS on the economic efficiency of the South African manufacturing industry
100. | Provision of public leisure services in the Soweto area, City of Johannesburg, 2002-2005