Number of records: 423 |
| | Record 1 - 100 | | |
| Title |
1. | The ecology of mobile phone use in Wesbank, South Africa
2. | Connectedness and psychological well-being among adolescents of immigrant background in Kenya
3. | The 'Arab Spring' arrives in Eritrea
4. | The West African sports officials, a personal history: An insider's view of sports administration
5. | Dynamiques de l'ethnicité en Afrique: Éléments pour une théorie de l'État multinational
6. | Literacy acquisition, informal learning, and mobile phones in a South African township
7. | Connecting ourselves: A Dogon ethnic association and the impact of connectivity
8. | Intensive slave-raiding in the colonial interstice: Hamman Yaji and the Kaspsiki/Higi of North Cameroon and Northeastern Nigeria
9. | Reviewing reality: Dynamics of African divination
10. | African dynamics of divination
11. | Crab divination among the Kapsiki of North Cameroon
12. | Exploring infant engagement, language socialization and vocabulary development: A study of rural and urban communities in Mozambique
13. | Attachment and psychological wellbeing among adolescents with and without disabilities in Kenya: The mediating role of identity formation
14. | The genesis of constitutional courts: The Belgian and South African experiences compared
15. | South-south transnational spaces of conquest: Afro-Brazilian Pentecostalism, "Feitiçaria" and the reproductive domain in urban Mozambique
16. | Public counselling: Brazilian pentecostal intimate performances among urban women in Mozambique
17. | Converting the spirit spouse: Pioneering women and the embodiment of spiritual warfare in Maputo, Mozambique
18. | Language education and nationhood in Morocco: Tensions between unity and diversity, between local and global
19. | Evolution des pratiques et représentations langagières dans le Maroc du vingt-et-unième siècle, volume I
20. | Evolution des pratiques et représentations langagières dans le Maroc du vingt-et-unième siècle, volume II
21. | Panorama: Evolution des pratiques et représentations langagières dans le Maroc du vingt-et-unième siècle
22. | Similarities and differences in implicit personality concepts across ethno-cultural groups in South Africa
23. | Dialogues for knowledge and development: The case of international development cooperation in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA)
24. | Ervaringen van genocide-overlevenden met de gacacarechtbanken in Rwanda
25. | Access to finance in sub-Saharan Africa: Is there a gender gap?
26. | The best interests of the child in school discipline in South Africa
27. | The use of traits and contextual information in free personality descriptions of ethno-cultural groups in South Africa
28. | The challenge of diffusing military professionalism in Africa
29. | A dual process model of diversity outcomes: The case of the South African Police Service in the Pretoria area
30. | Dwelling in tourism: Power and myth amongst Bushmen in Southern Africa
31. | Rural and urban differences in language socialization and early vocabulary development in Mozambique
32. | "The Other": A look into concurrent relationships from women's perspectives in Luanda Angola
33. | Enhancing the wellbeing of older people in Mauritius
34. | The legacy of the Gacaca courts in Rwanda: Survivors' views
35. | The role of women in post-conflict transformation in the Horn of Africa: A case study of Eritrea
36. | Religious persecution in Eritrea and the role of the European Union in tackling the challenge
37. | The 'Arab Spring' arrives in Eritrea
38. | Attitudes toward uncertainty among the poor: An experiment in rural Ethiopia
39. | Determinants of rural income: The role of geography and institutions in Kenya
40. | Questions of mother tongue and identity belonging in Morocco
41. | Revisiting the Legal and Socio-Political Foundations and (Western) Criticisms of Gacaca Courts
42. | Historical development of indigenous identification and rights in Africa
43. | Big men playing football: Money, politics and foul play in the African game
44. | Civil and political rights in times of political oppression: Rights without remedies? The case of Zambia
45. | Gacaca courts in Rwanda: 18 years after the genocide, is there justice and reconciliation for survivors of sexual violence?
46. | African hosts and their guests: Dynamics of cultural tourism
47. | Ritueel, patient en therapie in Afrika: Holisme in genezing
48. | African dynamics of cultural tourism
49. | To dance or not to dance: Dogon masks as a tourist arena
50. | The dancing dead: Ritual and religion among the Kapsiki and Higi of North Cameroon and Northeastern Nigeria
51. | Reviewing reality: Dynamics of African divination
52. | Reality reviewed: Dynamics of African divination?
53. | Crab divination among the Kapsiki/Higi of North Cameroon and Northeastern Nigeria
54. | The iron bride: Blacksmith, iron and femininity among the Kapsiki/Higi
55. | From ritual to performance?: The dynamics of the Dogon baja ni
56. | Love therapy: A Brazilian Pentecostal (dis)connection in Maputo
57. | Verplaats duurzame recycling naar Afrika
58. | Violent conversion: Brazilian Pentecostalism and the urban pioneering of women in Mozambique
59. | Afro-Brazilian Pentecostal re-formations of relationships across two generations of Mozambican women
60. | Pentecostalismo brasileiro, "macumba" e mulheres urbanas em Moçambique
61. | The role of women in post-conflict transformation in the Horn of Africa: A case study of Eritrea
62. | The EU Lisbon treaty and EU development cooperation: Considerations for a revised EU strategy on development cooperation in Eritrea
63. | Human trafficking devastating the Sinai-analysis
64. | Revisiting the Legal, Socio-Political Foundations and (Western) Criticisms of Gacaca Courts
65. | Personality and culture in South Africa
66. | Social capital and agricultural innovation in sub Saharan Africa
67. | Does market participation promote generalized trust? Experimental evidence from Southern Africa
68. | Social norms, tenure security and soil conservation: Evidence from Burundi
69. | Identity in South Africa: Examining self-descriptions across ethnic groups
70. | Violent conflict and behavior: A field experiment in Burundi
71. | A relational view of knowledge transfer effectiveness in small new technology-based firms: An empirical analysis of a South African case
72. | Socioeconomic status, anthropometric status and developmental outcomes of East-African Children
73. | Relationship marketing for SMEs in Uganda
74. | Exploring whether behavior in context-free experiments is predictive of behavior in the field: Evidence from public good experiments in rural Sierra Leone
75. | Ethnic identity, acculturation orientations and psychological well-being among adolescents of immigrant background in Kenya
76. | The role of civil society in addressing problems faced by victims of the 1994 genocide
77. | De zoektocht naar vrede in Ivoorkust
78. | Bilingualism and language education in Morocco
79. | Review. (Review of the book iKasi: The moral ecology of South Africa's township youth, S. Swartz, 2010)
80. | Striking parallel: Cairo-Berlin
81. | Exploring new spaces for women in transitional justice in Eritrea and Zimbabwe
82. | Exploring new spaces for women in transitional justice in Eritrea and Zimbabwe
83. | Peasant grievance and insurgency in Sierra Leone: Judicial serfdom as a driver of conflict
84. | Financing Africa: Through the crisis and beyond
85. | Survivors of the Rwandan genocide under domestic and International legal procedures
86. | Improving Organisational Performance through knowledge management: The case of Financial Institutions in Uganda
87. | High Performance Organisations: the case of Financial Institutions in Uganda
88. | Multilingual education policy in practice: Classroom literacy instructions in different scripts in Eritrea
89. | Onderscheid en complementariteit: Gender en de visuele kunsten in Afrika
90. | Cultural encounters: Western scholarship and Fang statuary from Equatorial Africa
91. | Validation of the Infant-Toddler HOME Inventory among households in low income communities at the Kenyan Coast
92. | Onderscheid en complementariteit: Gender en de visuele kunsten in Afrika
93. | De strafbaarstelling van gedwongen huwelijken onder internationaal strafrecht: De rechtspraak van het Sierra Leone-tribunaal als bron van inspiratie voor rechtsvorming elders ter wereld
94. | South Africa in Dutch children's literature, 1899-1901: The U-Huhu stories of Nynke van Hichtum
95. | Eroding the myth of pure evil: When victims become perpetrators and perpetrators become victims
96. | Number of siblings in childhood explains cultural variance in autobiographical memory in Cameroon, PR China, and Germany
97. | Cultural encounters: Western scholarship and Fang Statuary from equatorial Africa
98. | A note on income shocks and governance
99. | Innovation outcomes of South African new technology-based firms: A contribution to the debate on the performance of science park firms
100. | The Dogon and civil society. (Review of the book The Dogon and civil society, E. Kühn, 2011)