Number of records: 710 |
| | Record 1 - 100 | | |
| Title |
1. | Young men's experiences of residential childcare transition from mixed sex residential accommodation to single sex provision in Egypt
2. | Philosophical theology of personhood in the digital: the case of Ghana's Young Christians
3. | Role of education in promoting gender equality in post-genocide Rwanda
4. | Power of the informal: smallholder charcoal production in Mozambique
5. | Ideological transformation of Egypt's largest militant groups
6. | Al-Jazeera, intellectuals, and the deconstruction of social realities
7. | 'In Goma I'm a superstar!': Rwandan sex workers and the negotiation of social and spatial mobility
8. | Public procurement implementation and resource distribution in Ghana from 2003-2021: is the winner taking-all?
9. | Fragile bonds: an ethnographic investigation of marriage-making amongst Muslims in Cairo
10. | 'It is difficult to understand Rwandan history': contested history of ethnicity and dynamics of conflicts in Rwanda during Revolution and Independence
11. | Multimorbidity in Sub-Saharan Africa: focusing on the national prevalence and the response of primary care in Botswana
12. | This land: politics, authority and morality after land reform in Zimbabwe
13. | Limiting Catholicism: ambivalence, scepticism and productive uncertainty in Eastern Uganda
14. | Resilience to change: understanding social-ecological dynamics in reef-dependent fishing communities in Madagascar
15. | Inclusion de-moderation hypothesis: Egyptian secularists in democratization
16. | Notes from the Community of Practice meeting, Nairobi, 14-15 May 2024
17. | Postcolonial culture in Nairobi's margins 1963-c.1982
18. | Framing the sacred: an analysis of religious films in Zimbabwe
19. | Chosen and imposed teaching identities of the South Sudanese Nuer teachers who are refugees living and teaching within the Nguenyyiel Refugee Camp in Gambella, Ethiopia
20. | Sudan law of homicide with comparative references to Scots and English laws
21. | Alcohol, clan councils and colloquial understandings of the state in rural Uganda
22. | Water, Health, Food: Operationalizing One Health to understand Socio-Ecological System dynamics in pastoral communities in northern Kenya
23. | Assessing Locally-Led Anticipatory Action Options to Counter Climate-induced Humanitarian Crisis in East Africa
24. | Enhancing Access to and Use of Finance for Pastoralists Facing Drought Risks in Somalia
25. | Reshaping narratives: women Artists from West Asia and North Africa in Western museums
26. | Transforming rural livelihoods in Zimbabwe: experiences of Fast Track Land Reform, 2000-2012
27. | Social harms in borderised spaces: the case of Lampedusa
28. | The establishment of British rule in the Sierra Leone protectorate: 1896 - 1924
29. | Turbulence and stability: civilian cooperation in Boko Haram's insurgency
30. | Ordinary crisis? Kinship in Botswana's time of AIDS
31. | Morphosyntax of Luwo transitive verbs: tenses and aspects of the Luwo base and derived paradigms
32. | Livestock as pathways to food secure and resilient ecosystems in the Horn of Africa
33. | De-risking, financial security and safety nets for more resilient and food-secure communities in the Horn of Africa
34. | Hamas-Egypt relations: tactical cooperation in the margins of strategic differences due to regime survival concerns
35. | 'Working the system': affect, amnesia and the aesthetics of power in the 'New Angola'
36. | How do patients and providers navigate the 'corruption complex' in mixed health systems? The case of Abuja, Nigeria.
37. | Integrating community knowledge to advance early warning and anticipatory action in drylands of the Horn of Africa
38. | The definition and timing of anticipatory action to tackle food crises in East Africa: do they matter?
39. | Data-driven early warning, prediction and analysis for well-coordinated and directed food security action in East Africa's drylands
40. | Enablers and blockers for effective anticipatory action against food crises in East African drylands
41. | Detecting Livelihoods: The Use of Earth Observation for Livelihood Mapping in Kenya
42. | Politics and practices of invisibility: an ethnography of the constituting of Chinese medical assistance in Rwanda
43. | Exploration of the articulation of African traditional medicine and Western biomedicine in hospital spaces in the town of Barberton, South Africa
44. | Tracking haulage in East Africa to support COVID-19 surveillance: THEA-C19 Sociology Report
45. | Orania and the reinvention of Afrikanerdom
46. | Critics of colonial policy in Kenya with special reference to Norman Leys and W. Norman McGregor Ross
47. | Divided waters: a hydropolitical analysis of development, space, and labour in N'Djamena, Chad
48. | Genesis and anatomy of the industrial biofuels strategy of South Africa
49. | Internationalisation motives, enablers and paths of location-intensive service SMEs from emerging markets
50. | Farmer networks and the adoption of agricultural innovations in East Africa
51. | Resourcing the local church: attitudes among Mozambican evangelicals towards economic dependency and self-reliance
52. | Multiple method approach: case studies of multiple nongovernmental development organisations in Zambia
53. | Experiences of people with dementia and their care partners: voices from an ethnically diverse sample in the Eden District of South Africa
54. | Faith, Healing and Medicine in the time of COVID-19
55. | Irregular sub-Saharan migrants in Morocco: illegality, immobility, uncertainty and 'adventure' in Rabat
56. | Youth and the Camp: a time and place of waiting. Young people's perspectives of Dzaleka refugee camp, Malawi
57. | Anglo-Nigerian Pidgin: a sociopsychological survey of urban, Southern Nigeria
58. | Trees on farms: ecological and socioeconomic analyses of tropical agroforestry landscapes using remote sensing
59. | Quantifying the effects of development projects on biodiversity conservation
60. | Politics of budget decision-making in South Africa
61. | Kampala's shitscape: exploring urbanity and sanitation in Uganda
62. | Autochthons, strangers, modernising educationists, and progressive farmers: Basotho struggles for belonging in Zimbabwe 1930s-2008
63. | Portfolio entrepreneurs in Malawi: the role of risk and the environment in the process of portfolio creation and growth
64. | European Commission, migration and the external dimension: a study of organisation
65. | Rural development in practice? The experience of the ‡Khomani bushmen in the Northern Cape, South Africa
66. | Political economy of Sino-African infrastructural engagement: the internationalisation of Chinese state-owned companies in Kenya
67. | After Ebola in Sierra Leone: the politics of neglect and the social life of projectified post-epidemic recovery
68. | Possibility of local-expatriate equality in international development
69. | Politics of intervention: political parties' national roles conceptions in foreign policy narratives on military intervention in ongoing conflict - France, Germany and Libya 2011
70. | Strengthening health systems through eHealth: two mixed-methods case studies at 10 facilities in Malawi
71. | Woodland transitions and rural livelihoods: an interdisciplinary case study of Wedza Mountain, Zimbabwe
72. | Biodiversity of the African savanna woodlands: how does it change with land use?
73. | Exploring the cultural conceptualisations and understandings of child fostering and the concept of the child's best interests among the Dagomba of Northern Ghana
74. | Geometry of blessing: embodiment, relatedness, and exorcism amongst Ethiopian Orthodox Christians in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
75. | Politics and poetics in the drama of Salāḥ 'Abd al-Sabūr and Wole Soyinka
76. | Navigating seas, smoke, and social relations: making a living in a Sierra Leonean fishing town
77. | Law beyond the state: the makings of justice in urban Sierra Leone
78. | Cross-border transport corridors and developmental regionalism in Africa: experiences from West Africa and the Horn
79. | Tweeting 'truths': rumour and grammars of power in Kenya
80. | Imagining the Nation, crafting the State: the politics of nationalism and decolonisation in Somalia (1940-60)
81. | Influence of the Church of Scotland on the Dutch Reformed Church of South Africa
82. | Economic evaluation of the impact of the privatisation policy on animal health delivery services in Africa: a case study of Zimbabwe
83. | Leaves from the note book of a S. African general practitioner
84. | Regime stability, social insecurity and mining in Guinea: a case study of bauxite and diamond mining (1958-2008)
85. | Tolerance in the City of Peace: history and belonging in Harar (Gêy), Ethiopia
86. | Military technology of classical Islam
87. | Al-fara'id al-Wafiyya bi-Dhikr Maalam tahwihi al-Alfiyya of Al-Mansuri: a critical edition with a comparative study between it and the Alfiyya of Ibn Malik
88. | Symbolic struggle for the Arab Spring: political fields and foreign policy in the Middle East
89. | Beyond policy accountability: responses to police abuse by people at Kenya's urban margins
90. | Implementation of universal primary education in Kano State, Nigeria: some economic and social implications
91. | Khalwa as an Islamic educational institution in the Sudan
92. | Multimethod examination of the status of emergency care in Ugandan health facilities
93. | Nigeria's urban open spaces: an inquiry into their evolution, planning and landscape qualities
94. | Dwelling space in the Sudan: official policies and traditional norms
95. | Foreign policy process of Nigeria
96. | Arab socialism, human resources development policies and labour control in an Egyptian state enterprise
97. | Regional devolution in the southern Sudan, 1972-1981
98. | Housing finance in urban Nigeria: a case study of Enugu
99. | Influence of traditional Muslim beliefs on medieval religious architecture: a study of the Bahri Mamluk period
100. | First thirty years of Arabic printing in Egypt, 1238-1267 (1822-1851): a bibliographical study with a checklist by title of Arabic printed works