Number of records: 1663 |
| | Record 1 - 100 | | |
| Title |
1. | Leading in an unequal world: is capability enough? Outline of keynote address to the 7th International Convention of Principals
2. | Response to the Second Steve Biko Colloquim (SBC)
3. | Accounting for autonomy
4. | Curriculum reform in South Africa: a critical analysis of outcomes-based education
5. | School curriculum since apartheid: intersections of politics and policy in the South African transition
6. | Political symbolism as policy craft: explaining non-reform in South African education after apartheid
7. | Mode 2 knowledge and institutional life: taking Gibbons on a walk through a South African university
8. | Mergers in South African higher education: theorising change in transitional contexts
9. | Intellectuals under fire
10. | Autonomy and accountability in the regulation of the teaching profession: a South African case study
11. | Pretoria Nuusbrief, Junie 2009
12. | Effectiveness of influenza vaccination in the elderly in South Africa
13. | South African Borders: how much control is left?
14. | Is the client king and if so, so what?
15. | South African army priorities and roles in the early 21st century
16. | Molecular characterization and epidemiology of the highly pathogenic avian influenza H5N1 in Nigeria
17. | The global arms trade and South Africa's involvement
18. | Pretoria Nuusbrief, Maart 2009
19. | Explaining long-term growth in Namibia
20. | Depletion of forest resources in Sudan: intervention options for optimal control
21. | Determinants of farmers' choice of adaptation methods to climate change in the Nile Basin of Ethiopia
22. | Prediking oor die koninkryk van God: 'n uitdaging in 'n nuwe konteks van armoede
23. | South African income tax implications of income earned in virtual worlds
24. | Systems analyses and the sustainable transfer of renewable energy technologies: a focus on remote areas of Africa
25. | Early hearing detection and intervention in South Africa
26. | Human polyomaviruses, WU and KI in HIV exposed children with acute lower respiratory tract infections in hospitals in South Africa
27. | Modelling monetary policy in South Africa: focus on inflation targeting era using a simple learning rule
28. | Comparing South African inflation volatility across monetary policy regimes: an application of saphe cracking
29. | The Effect of monetary policy on real house price growth in South Africa: a factor augmented vector autoregression (FAVAR) approach
30. | A demographic study of homicide-suicide in the Pretoria region over a 5 year period
31. | Self treatment of eye diseases in Malawi
32. | Pretoria Nuusbrief, Januarie 2009
33. | The researcher's liability for HIV-related clinical research without the participant's informed consent: South Africa's common law, case law and legislation
34. | Some thoughts on assessment methods used in clinical legal education programmes at the University of Pretoria Law Clinic and the University of the Witwatersrand Law Clinic
35. | The intricacy of intangible cultural heritage: some perspectives on Ndebele earthen architecture
36. | The pen and the couch: possibilities for creative writing and narrative therapy in South Africa
37. | Managing heritage in a contested space: the case of Le Morne Cultural Landscape in Mauritius
38. | Statement: common housing: gated communities
39. | Inter se nulli fines: representations of the presence of the Khoikhoi in early colonial maps of the Cape of Good Hope
40. | Defence diplomacy: conceptual and practical dimensions with specific reference to South Africa
41. | Can Draconian law enforcement solve the South African road safety crisis ?
42. | The role of R&D in transport infrastructure in South Africa
43. | Morning peak period travel characteristics of a residential suburb in Cape Town during a school and holiday period: what lessons can we learn ?
44. | Transport research: quo vadis ?
45. | Transport research: quo vadis ?
46. | "Alcohol and Art": Charles Davidson Bell and his cari-catured images of Colonial Khoikhoi in early nineteenth century Century South Africa
47. | A nutshell guide to safeguard action
48. | Herovering van het paradijs: het Zuid-Afrikaanse ecotoerisme in ethisch perspectief
49. | The role of humility, servanthood, spirituality and values amongst business and church leaders in a South African context
50. | Beëindig die hertroue van die onderhoudsgeregtigde, 'n onderhoudsbevel ingevolge 'n onderhoudsoreenkoms outomaties? Welgemoed v Mennell 2007 4 SA 446 (SOK)
51. | In search of sentencing guidelines for child rape: an analysis of case law and minimum sentence legislation
52. | In search of sentencing guidelines for child rape: an analysis of case law and minimum sentence legislation
53. | Aspects of student equity and higher education in South Africa
54. | Agricultural trade policy reform in South Africa
55. | The construct equivalence and item bias of the PIB/SpEEx conceptualisation-ability test for members of five language groups in South Africa
56. | The interdependence of public witness and institutional unity in the Dutch Reformed family of churches
57. | "The RDP of the Soul", geweld, vergelding, toleransie en Paulus se appel om moed te hou
58. | Faith to faith - missiology as encounterology
59. | Intersections of gender and race in the missionary correspondence of deaconess Anneliese Dörfer, East and South Africa, 1936-1967
60. | Liturgy on the edge of community
61. | Rise of intercultural Biblical exegesis in Africa
62. | Towards the development of a monitoring and evaluation policy: an experience from Limpopo Province
63. | Reconciliation as narrative: witnessing against a too easy and a too difficult reconciliation
64. | Households' prefereces and willingness to pay for multiple use water services in rural areas of South Africa: an analysis based on choice modeling
65. | Justice in post-apartheid South Africa: towards a theology of restitution
66. | Reconciliation: a gift from God
67. | Managing a South African organisation without a dual manufacturing and services economy
68. | The impact of the transition to outcomes-based teaching on university preparedness in mathematics in South Africa
69. | And Zaccheus remained in the tree: reconciliation and justice and the Truth and Reconciliation Commission
70. | Exploratory spatial data analysis (ESDA) of violent, economic and sexual offenders in the city of Tshwane, South Africa
71. | The influence of decentralization on effectiveness of extension organization in Oromia State, Ethiopia
72. | 'n Pastoraatsperspektief op dreigende werksverlies
73. | Combining multi-agent simulations and cost-benefit analysis to evaluate policy options for the management of livestock effluents in Réunion Island
74. | Testing the water while the house is on fire: a critical approach to the African Union conflict management system
75. | Policy for open access and institutional repositories
76. | What does the National Credit Regulator regulate?
77. | Some interfaces in conventional and distance education programmes in a postmodern context
78. | The impact of social transformation on the non-government welfare sector and the social work profession
79. | The post-1994 transformation of social work in South Africa
80. | Consent to jurisdiction - unlawful provision in a credit agreement in terms of the National Credit Act - is the juridiction of a court ousted thereby? Absa Bank Ltd v Myburgh unreported case no 31827/2007 (T); Nedbank Ltd v Mateman unreported case no 36472/2007 (T); Nedbank v Stringer unreported case no 37792/2007 (T)
81. | Rain rituals and hybridity in Southern Africa
82. | Harmonising the law in a multilingual environment with different legal systems: lessons to be drawn from the legal history of South Africa
83. | Key requirements in the development of a spatial-ecological theory of crime in South Africa
84. | Restorative justice: a contemporary South African review
85. | Religion, law and human rights in Zimbabwe
86. | Spatial is special: a socio-geographic profile of offenders in the City of Tswane, South Africa
87. | The implementation of the white paper for social welfare: a ten-year review
88. | Domestic and international innovation partnerships: do they matter for innovation outcomes of South African firms?
89. | Privatisation and ensuring accountability in the provision of essential services: the case of water in South Africa
90. | Conflicting human interests over the re-introduction of endangered wild dogs in South Africa
91. | Self-publishing of academic textbooks in South Africa: fact or fiction?
92. | Ander bestekopname van die Afrikaanse poësie, 2004âˆ'2007
93. | Factors influencing women's decisions to purchase specific children's multi-nutrient supplements in the Gauteng Province (South Africa)
94. | The practice of medicine at a district hospital emergency room: Middelburg Hospital, Mpumalanga Province
95. | Nelson Mandela Bay: are we ready for 2010?
96. | Mobility management: innovative management strategies to transport problems
97. | Strengthening informal healthcare delivery: gender perspectives
98. | Contracting arrangements in agribusiness procurement practices in South Africa
99. | Alternative marketing options for small-scale farmers in the wake of changing agri-food supply chains in South Africa
100. | Armed robbery, violent assault and perceptions of personal insecurity and society as a risk