Number of records: 1650 |
| | Record 1 - 100 | | |
| Title |
1. | Ethical procurement practices and supply chain performance of Kenyan energy sector
2. | Factors influencing academic performance in primary schools in urban slums in Kenya: the case of Kangemi Slum, Nairobi County
3. | Perception of brand equity of daily newspapers by media buying agencies in Nairobi, Kenya
4. | Economics of rural urban interaction: Case study of Kikuyu Division
5. | Effects of hidden costs on pupils' participation in public primary schools in Nyeri municipality, Kenya
6. | Factors influencing integration of urban refugee students into public secondary schools in Nairobi County, Kenya
7. | Effect Of Access To Micro Financing On The Growth Of Small And Medium Enterprises In Thika Sub County
8. | The role of religion in the Somali disputes
9. | Prospects and constraints in smallholder farmers' adoption of multiple soil carbon enhancing practices in Western Kenya
10. | Somali Pastoralism In Transition From Traditional To Modern Methods Of Livestock Keeping: A Case Study Of Somali Pastoralists In Wajir County
11. | Information and communication technology as a strategic approach in information dissemination at the Kenya forest research institute
12. | Relationship between strategic planning and organization's performance in Non Governmental Organizations (NGOs): a case of Actionaid, Kenya
13. | Sexual behavior amongst Youth in Colleges and Youth Centers in Mombasa
14. | Top management demographics, strategic decision making, macro-environment and performance of Kenyan state corporations
15. | Capital allocation and efficiency of banking institutions in Kenya.(the case of quoted banks at Nairobi Stock Exchange)
17. | Arbitrability of Intellectual Property Disputes in Kenya
18. | Cultural obstacles to basic formal education and training of women in Sokoto State, Northern Nigeria
19. | Export instability and economic development in Tanzania
20. | Achieving sustainable public sector reforms: a case study of tax administration reforms by Kenya revenue authority
21. | A description of the pastoral Camel production system in Moyale District, Kenya
22. | Governance Practices Influencing Teacher Retention In Public Secondary Schools In Kathonzweni Sub County, Makueni County, Kenya
23. | Impact of inflation on living standards among underclass single mothers: case study of soweto slum in githurai 44
24. | Traditional mechanisms of conflict resolution in Isiolo District, Eastern Kenya: Implications for rural poverty
25. | Micro finance institutions: an analysis of the socio-cultural factors in loan repayment in mathira division, nyeri district, kenya.
26. | Factors determining students' academic performance in public secondary schools in Karemo Division, Siaya District, Kenya
28. | Piracy Off the Coast of Somalia: an Analysis of the International Law Regime and Its Application in Kenya
29. | Abuse of Power and Corruption in Kenya: Will the New Constitution Enhance Government Accountability?
30. | Challenges of strategy implementation at the industrial and commercial development corporation, Kenya
31. | Factors influencing microcredit accessibility by small and medium enterprise operators in Kenya: the case of microfinance institutions in Kasarani district, Nairobi county
32. | Water Resource Conflict in Kenya
33. | Skills and Literacy Training for Better Livelihoods: A Review of Approaches and Experiences
34. | Participation in planning and implementation of slum redevelopment. A case study of Pumwani Highrise in Nairobi
35. | Social media as a communication tool for non governmental organizations in Nairobi
36. | Adjustment and Kenya's food security: the domestic maize market under liberalization
37. | Determinants of students' performance in Kenya certificate of Secondary education in non formal education centres in Kikuyu District, Kenya
38. | Land Use Planning Regulations And Its Implications On Urban Land Use:case Study: Umoja Phase One Estate
39. | Factors Influencing Management Of Private Secondary Schools In Machakos County, Kenya
40. | The Effects of Globalization on Health: A Case Study of Kenyatta National Hospital (KNH) Referral Healthcare Services
41. | Determinants of implementation of county health programme: a case of Turkana west sub county, Kenya
43. | Women's access to and use of the mobile telephone in Western Kenya
44. | Eritrea: malaria surveillance epidemic preparedness and control program strengthening
45. | The influence of learner support services on academic performance of distance learners: The case of University of Nairobi external degree programs in Kenya
46. | Factors influencing community participation in development projects funded by non governmental organizations in awendo consitituency Migori county; Kenya
47. | Political Activism And Democracy: The Use Of Online Spaces By The #thisflag Movement In Zimbabwe
48. | Determining The Impact Of Biotechnology On Smallholder Farm Incomes
49. | Purposes of youth enterprise development fund on performance of youth run small and micro enterprises in Ruiru District, Kiambu County, Kenya
50. | Challenges of implementing financial inclusion strategies among commercial banks in Kenya
51. | On the economics of tourism
52. | President Jomo Kenyatta pictured at Nairobi University, 3 October 1967
53. | Cours de diagnostique de la production des semences sur terrain tenu du 22 au 26 juin 2015 a'l'UoN,campus de Kabete.
54. | Factors Influencing Intensity Of Adoption Of Integrated Pest Management Package And Pesticide Misuse In The Control Of Mango Fruit Fly In Embu East Sub-County, Kenya
55. | Youth unemployment: effects on hosts in an urban setting, Nairobi
56. | Factors influencing effectiveness of Kenya's community health strategy in the fight against HIV/AIDS: a case of Transmara west sub
county, Narok county, Kenya
57. | A review of Kenya's cancer policies to improve access to cancer testing and treatment in the country
58. | Corporate social responsibility and competitive advantage of Commercial Banks in Kenya
59. | International Migration And Regional Security In Africa: A Case Study Of The Refugee Question In Kenya, 1990-2015
60. | Corporate identity management practices, organizational characteristics, corporate image and brand performance of Kenyan Universities
61. | Kikuyu Customary Marriage with particular reference to elopment
62. | A Comparative Analysis Of The European Union (Eu) And The East African Community (Eac) Economic Integration Models: Lessons For Africa
63. | Corporate governance and its influence on strategy among member associations of the international planned parenthood federation Africa
64. | The civil society and humanitarian assistance to internally displaced persons in Africa
65. | Environmental factors influencing girl-child access to quality primary education in Ijara District, North-Eastern Kenya
66. | Factors influencing the effectiveness of the Nairobi river basin project campaigns on environment degradation: a study of Kianda village, Kibera
67. | Subsidized financing and asset growth of women groups in Siaya county, Kenya
68. | Estimation of mortality levels and the impact of major causes of death: a case study for Nairobi, Nyeri and Bungoma Districts
69. | The Role Of Football In Conflict Resolution In Kenya, A Case Study Of Kibra Constituency.
70. | Rural landlessness in Kenya
71. | Testing The Pecking Order Theory Of Capital Structure Among Kenyan Firms
72. | Factors influencing effective supply chain management in delivery of public development projects in Nakuru town and Baringo Central Constituency, Kenya
73. | Local Governance and ICTs Research Network for Africa LOG-IN Africa State of ICTs and Local Governance in Kenya: Needs Analysis and Research Priorities
74. | Drug abuse in Kenya: Information, needs, resources and analysis (INRA) project for Kenya
75. | Evaluation of the impact of family planning programmes on fertility in Kenya: An application of prevalence model
76. | Social Factors Influencing Contraceptive Use T\n:ong The Youth In Thika Town
77. | Determinants of poverty in lesotho: a household level analysis
78. | The Impact of Technological Advancement on the international Relations of East African States
79. | Social Media: the New Interpersonal Battlefield? The Types and Levels of Online Interpersonal Conflicts
80. | Perspectives of future economic prospects and problems in Africa
81. | The International Criminal Court And Sovereignty: Case Study Of Kenya
82. | Factors influencing accessibility of micro-finance products by low income entrepreneurs in Rongo constituency Migori county
83. | The future of Lome cooperation: what are the concerns for Africa
84. | The effects of Kenyanization on personal saving: preliminary report on data collection and some tentative conclusions
85. | Diversity, nutrition and food security: the case of African leafy vegetables
86. | The impact of solid waste disposal on the livelihoods of the residents of Ongata rongai, Kajiado county, Kenya
87. | Urban housing affordability in Kenya: a case study of the mortgage housing sector in Nairobi
88. | The influence of home and school based factors on performance of girls in science subjects in Kenya certificate of secondary education (KCSE) in Kilungu District Makueni County
89. | Implementation of Article 43 of the Constitution of Kenya on Economic and Social Rights
90. | The Politics of Transition in Kenya: FROM KANU To NARC.
91. | The influence of culture in the operation of selected multinationals (MNCs) in Kenya
92. | Sense relations in Dholuo: a lexical pragmatic approach
93. | The right to education as a tool in the rehabilitation of prisoners: a study of Kamiti prison, Kenya
94. | Demographic factors influencing the uptake cf community based health financing schemes in Mathare valley, Nairobi county, Kenya
95. | Factors influencing dairy farming to National Hospital Insurance Fund in Kisumu Municipality, Kenya
96. | Assessing the role of political parties in democratization in Kenya: the case of 2013 general elections
97. | Karatina: economic changes and their impact on the economic activities of Mathira Division, Nyeri District, Kenya, 1902-1963
98. | Participation of rural communities in management and conservation of rangeland resources: the case of Elodaya project, Sudan
99. | Judicial Activism: Kenya's Post Independence Experience
100. | Influence of social assistance programmes practices on the livelihood of beneficiary families:a case of unbound programme in Nanyuki location, Laikipia county, Kenya